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JDon Corion Cierra Kirsten Mr. LYs desk Promethean Board Chanc James T. Caira Kareshon Darnell Donyae Keiana Carolann Dominique Aron Melvin Andrew BrandenJoekey-

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Presentation on theme: "JDon Corion Cierra Kirsten Mr. LYs desk Promethean Board Chanc James T. Caira Kareshon Darnell Donyae Keiana Carolann Dominique Aron Melvin Andrew BrandenJoekey-"— Presentation transcript:

1 JDon Corion Cierra Kirsten Mr. LYs desk Promethean Board Chanc James T. Caira Kareshon Darnell Donyae Keiana Carolann Dominique Aron Melvin Andrew BrandenJoekey- dia Maria Jonathan R. Thoma s Aaron Johnny S.Terrance Jenika Erica DanielleKrystal- yn Byron Kierra Taylor Briana Patrick Door into class LR

2 Welcome to Environmental Science!!! Today Syllabus Procedures Tomorrow Why should we care about biology? Wednesday Achievement Gap

3 Who Mr. LY is?

4 When You Enter the Classroom… Shake Mr. LYs hand Walk over to the side table, and… Pick up one copy of EACH document sitting inside of a BLUE RECTANGLE The first person from each group to enter the room should pick up their group folder. Take a seat, and begin work on the Catalyst Questions (they will be on the board) immediately and quietly

5 Catalyst What is the environment? Why do we need it? Write in complete sentences! Dont talk during the Catalyst!

6 Louisiana Is… in the nation for student achievement in math and science tests in the nation for student success (admission into college) 45 th 49 th

7 Big Goal Class average of 85% mastery for all Louisiana Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs)


9 Syllabus – Materials 1.5 binder, with six sections Syllabus and biology resumes Notes Weekly sheets Classwork and homework Tests, quizzes, and review packets Vocabulary

10 Syllabus – Consequences Warning Lunch detention After-school detention, phone call home Referral Consequences are cumulative and reset weekly

11 Syllabus Scavenger Hunt

12 Group Folders Left pocket – turn in Right pocket – get back Last person – return folder

13 Exit Question Procedure Notes away, rows, silent classroom Grading Graded for effort, not accuracy But if you copy or do not try you earn a 0

14 Homework Student surveys Parent surveys Bring binder with dividers! $10 lab fee

15 Exit Questions What is our class Big Goal? Who is our class enemy? DONT FORGET: Count your team points, and let Mr. LY know The last person in your group to leave the room turns in your group folder Write in complete sentences! Dont talk during the Exit Question!

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