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Conspectus method used for collections mapping and structuring of portals in Czech libraries Bohdana Stoklasová National Library of the Czech Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Conspectus method used for collections mapping and structuring of portals in Czech libraries Bohdana Stoklasová National Library of the Czech Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conspectus method used for collections mapping and structuring of portals in Czech libraries Bohdana Stoklasová National Library of the Czech Republic

2 Content Introduction: History before November 1989 and after November 1989 Step 0-1: November 1989-2000 Step 1: Conspectus for collections evaluation and development, 2000- Step 2: Conspectus for subject cataloging and access, 2001- Step 3: Conspectus for the Uniform Information Gateway, 2001- Step 4: External audit, 2003 Step 5: Conspectus for subject gateways, 2004- Step 6: Conspectus for the new building, 2005- Step 7: Conspectus for the Czech Digital Library, 2005- Step 8-??? New challenging projects, 2006- Conclusion ?Questions?

3 History before November 1989 National Library of the Czech Republic – strong limitations for collection development and description until the revolution in November 1989 (prohibited authors, areas and subjects) Not allowed to show clearly the strengths and weaknesses (especially not the gaps) of the collections General and vague collection description and collection development policy required and sufficient Limited international cooperation Comparison with libraries abroad not desirable

4 November 1989- All the limitations (except the financial one) over Time of principal changes in different areas Need for confirmation and/or modification of the mission of the National Library (NL): national, universal [university], special Need for new collection development strategy (clear and internationally understandable) Collection development policy – theoretically free, but strong financial limitations [too many new priorities for the state budget, competition, library collections not the priority no. 1] Need for the new collections description (clear and internationally understandable) Need for cooperation, comparison etc.

5 Step 0-1 November 1989-2000 Too many new challenges Priorities? Slow development Difficult decisions – which tool? Conspectus? Well developed in many areas, but problem of classification. No classification is an ideal one to be acceptable for everyone Can it be applied for the National Library? Long discussions, slow progress

6 Step 1: Conspectus for collections evaluation and development, 2000- Uniform Information Gateway – universal national portal, subject division necessary (concept in 2000, pilot project 2001) – decision inevitable Decision: Conspectus for the National Library in 2001, after testing – other Czech libraries (specific situation in university libraries)

7 Step 1: Conspectus for collections evaluation and development Translation and understanding – completely new concept, no experience Terminology, controlled vocabulary Collections evaluation – quantitative data not available, qualified estimation and evaluation Working group: chaired by deputy for library management, members: acquisiton, cataloging, library collections and library services heads Deep evaluation, long discussions, sometimes different views, need for compromise Universal Library Collection and Study Collection ok, problems with National Archival Collection

8 Step 1: Conspectus for collections evaluation and development Results:






14 Step 2: Conspectus for subject cataloging and access, 2001- Conspectus as a part of subject cataloging at the NL since 2001 Added value Quantitative data available Other libraries – downloading Conspectus data with BIB and AUT records – consistency, collections assessment and comparison easier Conspectus for special libraries (medicine, economomics, librarianship, music etc.) – changes inevitable, but only the necessary ones UDC-DDC concordance tables

15 Conspectus for subject cataloging and access Conspectus division Anthropology including UDC-DDC mapping (unmodified)


17 Conspectus for subject cataloging and access Conspecus division Medicine including UDC-DDC mapping (modified)


19 Conspectus for subject cataloging and access Conspectus subject category [general management] in BIB record


21 Conspectus for subject cataloging and access Navigation from the BIB record to records containing the same Conspectus subject category and/or link to Conspectus subject categories index


23 Conspectus for subject cataloging and access Other BIB records containing the same Conspectus subject category


25 Conspectus for subject cataloging and access Conspectus subject categories index – BIB database


27 Conspectus for subject cataloging and access Conspectus subject categories index – AUT database


29 Conspectus for subject cataloging and access Conspectus subject category AUT record (bilingual subject cataloging)


31 Step 3: Conspectus for the Uniform Information Gateway (UIG), 2001- Pilot project of the National Library and the Charles University in 2001 National project in 2002 Universal gateway covering all the subjects – need for the structure: top level (Conspectus divisions) In 2001: plan for subject gateways in the future – need for the top level (Conspectus divisions) + something more detailed (Conspectus categories)

32 Conspectus for the Uniform Information Gateway Conspectus divisions: top subject division (crossroads) in the UIG



35 Conspectus for the Uniform Information Gateway Conspectus divisions: top subject division (crossroads) in the UIG – combined with other criteria


37 Step 4: External audit 2003 External audit done by foreign expert (Mary Bushing) extremely helpful Did we understand the concept? What about our new approach based on qualified estimation? Can it work? What about collection level indicators? What do they exactly mean? Practical examples and explanations resulting in changes

38 Step 4: External audit Evaluation based on results available online: Initial evaluation report Visit – analysis and discussion: Final report Analysis of collections – interesting discoveries and recommendations Recommendations




42 Step 5: Conspectus for subject gateways, 2004- Several projects, need for the new concept UIG + subject gateways or Subject gateways + UIG? How to avoid double efforts in some subjects and blank spaces in other ones? Cooperation, coordination Pilot projects, good examples






48 Step 6: Conspectus for the new building, 2005- NL – out of space in 2010 Baroque Klementinum – beautiful, but strong limitations for modern library services New building needed New building (hopefully) in 2010 Open stacks with study areas, new organization of collections Conspectus subject areas (open shelves)


50 Step 7: Conspectus for the Czech Digital Library, 2005- Czech Digital Library: a new concept Conspectus as a part of subject description (metadata) accompanying digital objects – subject access and integration easier Subject oriented digital documents – Conspectus will help for their structuring


52 Steps 8-?: Future projects ??? Nice to be prepared Conspectus as an extremely helpful tool in many areas including those where one would not expect it

53 Conclusion Choice of one (whatever) tool for identifying collections at different levels is important for seamless integration of different subsystems Decision to be done in time Before the decision the same problems are solved at different places with different results that complicate the integration of collections and resources later An ideal tool acceptable for all different projects and people does not exist Czech experience: Conspectus is not an ideal tool, but it is a very powerful and flexible tool, useful even for areas you can not predict – once you decide for it (or any other tool), it is just here to make the integration of different projects possible and the life of librarians and mainly users much easier

54 ??? QUESTIONS ???

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