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Caring for our Future: The care and support White Paper and beyond

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1 Caring for our Future: The care and support White Paper and beyond
Ed Moses Deputy Director - Social Care Strategic Policy and Finance Caring for our Future: The care and support White Paper and beyond HIA and Handy Person’s Conference - 16 October 2012

2 Social Care reform – overview
Behind the White Paper text Current work with Foundations Future work

3 The reform timeframe Law Commission Report __________ May 2011
Legislation Engagement and pre-legislative scrutiny on draft Bill Care and Support White Paper Progress report on funding Draft Care and Support Bill __________ July 2012 Caring for our future - engagement _________ Sept - Dec 2011 Social Care Vision _______ Nov 2010 Spending Review Engagement on funding reform Dilnot Commission Report ___________ July 2011

4 Care and support affects everyone
Many people need some extra care and support during their adult years to lead an active and independent life. Three-quarters of people aged 65 will need care and support in their later years… And even if we don’t need care ourselves, we will all know someone – a family member or friend – who needs care and support. 5 million people in England currently care for a friend or relative. 48 per cent of men and 51 per cent of women will need domiciliary care only 33 per cent of men and 15 per cent of women will never need formal care 19 per cent of men and 34 per cent of women will need residential care Who needs care? At age 65, what are your chances of needing different types of care within your lifetime? Source: Personal Social Services Research Unit

5 The Care and Support White Paper – our vision
We will change care and support in two fundamental ways: 1. The focus of care and support will be to promote people’s independence, connections and wellbeing by enabling them to prevent and postpone the need for care and support. 2. We will transform people’s experience of care and support, putting them in control and ensuring that services respond to what they want.

6 Shifting the focus – from crisis to wellbeing
The current system does not offer enough support until people reach a crisis point The new system will promote wellbeing and independence at all stages to reduce risk of people reaching a crisis point, and so improve their lives People will be given better information and advice to plan ahead to prevent care needs, and will be better connected to those around them. Living well Living well More support within communities, better housing options and improved support for carers will help people maintain their independence and avoid a crisis. Low-level needs Low-level needs Re-ablement services and crisis response will help people regain their independence at home after a crisis. Crisis Crisis Need for intensive care and support Need for intensive care and support

7 1. “I am supported to maintain my independence for as long as possible”
To help people stay active, independent and connected in their communities we will: Stimulate the development of schemes that help people share their time, talents and skills with others in their community. Develop, in a number of trailblazer areas, new ways of investing in services that help people to stay independent for longer, such as Social Impact Bonds Establish a new care and support housing fund, worth £200 million over 5 years to support the development of specialised housing for older and disabled people Further work with Foundations to encourage more HIAs to work as social enterprises. Involve communities in decisions around health and care services, through local Healthwatch and health and wellbeing boards. Support national care provider organisations to develop ‘open care homes’ that build links with their local community

8 2. “I understand how care and support works, and what my entitlements and responsibilities are”
To help people understand and be confident about their options, we will : Establish a new national information website across health, care and support Support local authorities to develop better online information and advice services Introduce a national minimum eligibility threshold for care and support Make it easier for people to move across the country, by ensuring that no-one’s care and support is interrupted Extend the right to an assessment to all carers, and introduce a clear entitlement to support to meet their eligible needs.

9 3. “I am happy with the quality of my care and support”
To ensure that people are confident that their care and support will be of a high standard, we will : Give people access to clear and comparative information about the quality of care providers and the options they offer Legislate to ensure that local authorities, the NHS and the police work together at a local level to prevent abuse Rule out crude ‘contracting by the minute’ that can undermine dignity and choice for those who use care and support Consult on further steps to ensure service continuity for people using care and support should a provider goes out of business

10 4. “I know that the person giving me care and support will treat me with dignity and respect”
To ensure that people are confident that the care workforce will be sensitive and compassionate to their needs, we will : Place dignity and respect at the heart of new recommended minimum training standards and a code of conduct for those working in care. Offer personal assistants (PAs), and their employers, greater support and training to improve recruitment, retention and the quality of the care and support they deliver. Train more care workers to deliver high quality care, including an ambition to double the number of care apprenticeships to 100,000 by 2017. Appoint a Chief Social Worker by the end of 2012 to provide a leadership role for the social work profession.

11 5. “I am in control of my care and support”
To ensure that care and support focuses on meeting people’s individual needs and helping them to achieve their aspirations we will: Legislate to give people an entitlement to a personal budget as part of their care and support plan, and strengthen our ambitions on direct payments Increase the availability of independent advice and support to help people with eligible needs to plan and make choices about their care and support Develop, in a small number of areas, the introduction of direct payments for people who have chosen to live in residential care, in order to test the costs and benefits Invest a further £100 million in 2013/14 and £200 million in 2014/15 through joint funding between the NHS and social care to support better integrated health and care services

12 Housing Policy Implementation –
Establish a new care and support housing fund, worth £200 million over 5 years to support the development of specialised housing for older and disabled people WP announced £200m to support the development of specialised housing across the market. Owner occupiers Market as a whole The White Paper committed DH to publishing further detail on the care and support housing fund in October 2012. Lib Dem party conference announcement 23/09/12 : Additional funding up to £100m to be made available Work ongoing with the HCA and GLA to establish the means and the parameters of the fund. Likely to be a two phase process to target both affordable homes and the wider market. White Paper commitment Further developments and implementation

13 Why DH mentioned Foundations
Beyond the WP Text Why DH mentioned Foundations Acknowledgement of the role of home aids and adaptations in supporting social care system, and their future growing role in shifting the focus of the system from crisis management to wellbeing. Highlighting their potential for adaptations to support the wider health agenda Demonstration of a desire to build on current joint work across local and national Government to establish a wider base of support and awareness of the impact adaptations can have. DH sits on the Disabled Facilities Grant working group with DCLG, and we are considering aids and adaptations as part of work on Dilnot. Health and Wellbeing Boards launch April 2013 Highlighting DH’s interest in expanding the scope of HIAs/HandyPersons schemes, so that they are not just reliant on local authority referrals.

14 Current DH work with Foundations
DH contributed £20m to supplement Disabled Facilities Grant in 2011/12. NHS transfer: SR allocation of 0.6bn in 11/12 and 12/13. In 11/12, over 31m reported as spent by LAs on adaptations, and over 100m on re-ablement. Warm Homes Healthy People - £20m made available to local authorities to bid with partners to reduce the levels of death due to vulnerable people in cold housing

15 Future work with Foundations
Committed to open dialogue and ongoing work with Foundations DH social care strategic policy lead sitting on Foundations Advisory Board Ongoing discussions about ways to encourage Health colleagues (e.g. GPs) and HIAs to work together, mirroring good practice as a result of specific grants (e.g. WHHP) Exploring ways to encourage HIAs to act in more self-enterprising ways Strong consideration of role of adaptations in future DH work Set up of new health environment - NHS commissioning Board - Health and Wellbeing boards - Integration of health, social care and housing Dilnot considerations Spending review

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