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Adrianna Lebrón García Leila M. Alicea Nazario CCCE Pre-College Program Inter-American University-METRO.

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Presentation on theme: "Adrianna Lebrón García Leila M. Alicea Nazario CCCE Pre-College Program Inter-American University-METRO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adrianna Lebrón García Leila M. Alicea Nazario CCCE Pre-College Program Inter-American University-METRO

2 What is human-computer interaction? Human-computer interaction studies the interaction between persons, which will be called users in this research, and computers. HCI is often regarded as the intersection between computer science and behavioral science. HCI is also sometimes referred to as man–machine interaction (MMI) or computer–human interaction (CHI).

3 What is Human-computer interaction? (continue)

4 Problem Nowadays, children and computers interact daily. Schools promote and provide the usage of computers. Moreover, having so many social networking websites such as: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and more, children are overly exposed and tempted to use the computers for other than school. Due to this fact, children these days tend to use school work as an excuse to use different sites in the Internet for personal entertainment. For this being a normal interaction present day, we are intrigued by how many hours daily a child can interact with a computer, and how does it affects him or her in school work, with friends, family, etc.

5 Hypothesis Due to the high usage of computers, it is expected that students tend to lower their grades; be on a higher amount of pressure because of the delayed school work; become distant from their friends and family; students might even become addicted to using the computer due to the different overly exposed uses of computers.

6 How was the experiment achieved? This research has the objective of measuring statistically student-computer interaction. The investigation will have different factors such as: age, hours on a computer on a school day, hours on a computer on a non-school day, most common effects of the computer on his or her life, and most common activities done in the computer. This will lead to a high amount of new found information. You will see the example of the questionnaire we are using to do the experiment.

7 Questionnaire Human-Computer Interaction Age (circle one): (1-7) (8-11) (12-15) (16-21) School: Circle the one(s) that apply to you. [NOTE: You can mark more than one.] How many hours a day do you interact with a computer during school days? (1-2) (3-5)(6-9) (10-12) (12&UP) How many hours a day do you interact with a computer in a non-school days? (1-2) (3-5) (6-9) (10-12) (12&UP) For what do you use the computer during a school day? a. School Work b.Twitter c.Facebook d. MySpace e. f. E-mails g. browse through the web h. Messenger (chatting) i.other For what do you use a computer during a non-school day? a. School Work b.Twitter c.Facebook d. MySpace e. f. E-mails g. browse through the web h. Messenger (chatting) i.other The computer affects me in what ways? a. lowering school grades b. keeping my grades up c. makes me fall under high pressure as a result of delayed school work needed to be done d. helps me do school work in advance e. get distanced from my family and friends f. get close to my family and friends g. can't live without the computer/social network h. barely use the computer/social network i. other

8 What the questionnaire told us… We still don’t know the answers.

9 Charts and Graphs

10 Conclusion

11 Future Work It would be interesting to keep working in this topic. We would be able to do more research, and amplify our knowledge in the science area by continuing this kind or similar type of studies. Such as: computer hardware, web browsers, computer engineering, and others.-

12 Acknowledgements AGMUS, Student Research Development Center – SRDC Dr. Juan F. Arratia, Executive Director SRDC Prof. Evelyn Haddock, SRDC Co-IP, Inter American University Metro Area Research Mentors: Dr. Ángel Caraballo and Prof. Irma Álvarez Our group of the program at the Inter American University. St. Mary’s School faculty for supporting us throughout the research.

13 References Hewett, Baecker, Card, Carey, Gasen, Mantei, Perlman, Strong, and Verplank (1996). ACM SIGCHI Curricula for Human-Computer Interaction. Human-Computer Interaction. (2010). Retrieved September 25, 2010, from er_interaction er_interaction

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