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Laminitis Dr. Charlotte Kin

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1 Laminitis Dr. Charlotte Kin
Exclusively Equine Veterinary Services, PC. Dave & MaryAnn Crabtree Crabtree Farrier Services

2 Dr. Charlotte Kin: Credentials
USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist USDF “L” Judges Program Graduate USPC “HA” Graduate USPC National Visiting Instructor Former Member of NCAA National Champion OSU Equestrian Team

3 Dr. Charlotte Kin: Credentials
Graduated from OSU College of Vet Med Internship: Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital Lexington, KY Residency in Equine Practice: Oakridge Equine Hospital Edmond, OK Owner of Exclusively Equine Veterinary Services

4 Dr. Charlotte Kin: Spare Time

5 What is LAMINITIS? Also referred to as FOUNDER
Laminitis=acute inflammation Founder=chronic laminitis

6 What is LAMINITIS? Inflammation that leads to disruption of the blood-flow to the sensitive & insensitive lamina Disruption of the attachment mechanism between the sensitive & insensitive lamina Lamina attach the coffin bone to the hoof capsule.

7 Laminitis: Rotation In the normal position the coffin bone sits parallel to the hoof capsule Rotation occurs when the coffin bone (P3) rotates away from the hoof capsule

8 Laminitis: Rotation

9 Laminitis: Rotation In severe cases the bone and hoof wall separate and the coffin bone may be displaced downward.

10 Laminitis: Sinking In the most severe cases the coffin bone can sink and penetrate the bottom of the sole. This can lead to sloughing of the hoof capsule.

11 What are the signs of LAMINITIS?
Lameness especially when turning in circles Shifting weight back and forth. Pain in the toe region when hoof testers are applied.

12 What are the signs of LAMINITIS?
Saw-horse stance “walking on eggshells” Increased digital pulse Heat in the feet

13 What are the signs of LAMINITIS?
Reluctant or unable to rise Hemorrhage visible on sole Separation and abscess formation

14 What are the signs of LAMINITIS?
CHRONIC FOUNDER Chronic lameness Rings in hoof capsule Aladdin's shoe Chronic abscesses

15 What are the signs of LAMINITIS?
CHRONIC FOUNDER “seedy toe”-widened white line Dropped soles or flat feet Dished hooves

16 What are the causes of LAMINITIS?
“Grass Founder” “Grain Overload” Abrupt changes in diet

17 What are the causes of LAMINITIS?
Endotoxemia High fever or illness Severe colic or diarrhea (colitis)

18 What are the causes of LAMINITIS?
Retained placenta “Road founder” Injury to another limb causing excessive weight bearing

19 What are the causes of LAMINITIS?
Prolonged use of steroids (not that kind of steroids) Primary foot disease Black walnut shavings

20 What are the causes of LAMINITIS?
Previous laminitis Endocrine diseases-CUSHINGS DISEASE.

21 What is the treatment for LAMINITIS?
GRAIN OVERLOAD CALL VET IMMEDIATELY NG tube-pump stomach & administer charcoal or oil Anti-inflammatories Anti-endotoxic drugs Vasodilators

22 What is the treatment for LAMINITIS?
Identify & treat primary problem The sooner the better! Anti-inflammatories IV fluids +/- DMSO

23 What is the treatment for LAMINITIS?
Antibiotics Vasodilators-acepromazine, isoxiprine Sand or deep bedding Pull shoes Radiographs

24 What is the treatment for LAMINITIS?
Open and drain abscesses Frog support Coronary grooving Dietary restrictions

25 What is the treatment for LAMINITIS?

26 What is the long term prognosis & maintaince for LAMINITIS?
Some horses suffer an acute episode and go on to live normal lives. Most require maintaince treatments Some horses are so severe that they are euthanized for humane reasons

27 What is the long term prognosis & maintaince for LAMINITIS?
Radiographs before shoeing and resetting shoes. Important to have good working relationship with vet and farrier. Dietary restrictions: little or no grass, low carb high fat grain.

28 What is the long term prognosis & maintaince for LAMINITIS?
Good health maintaince program to prevent other diseases that may induce laminitis. Anti-inflammatory medications-BUTE Hoof growth supplement

29 How do I prevent LAMINITIS?
Keep grain locked up!! Gradually introduce horses to green pasture. Good hoof care Good preventative health care program If you suspect laminitis call you vet IMMEDIATELY!

30 Any Questions???

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