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1 Planning Team Planning on the Web Series.

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1 1 Planning Team Planning on the Web Series Planning Community of Practice: POW presentations nity=Planning&Group=Planning%20on%20the%20Web%20(POW) Todays Sponsor

2 2 Todays Facilitators Ed Christopher Resource Center Planning Team Federal Highway Administration 19900 Governors Drive Olympia Fields, IL 60461 708-283-3534 Elaine Murakami Office of Planning Planning Methods Team Federal Highway Administration c/o Federal Transit Administration 915 Second Avenue, Rm 3142 Seattle, Washington 98174 206-220-4460

3 3 Whats Covered Goal : Everything that you are interested in or have a question about relating to the Census or Census Bureau. Specific Items: 2010 Census, Geography programs including boundaries, 2000 CTPP data, ACS, Plans for future CTPPs, Relevant Research, Training Resources, and much, much more.

4 4 Todays Agenda -- 3 ACTs Act 3 Bringing it all together Resources What you need to know? Epilogue Qs and As Act 1 2010 Census Geography Issues CTPP History/Basics Act 2 American Community Survey

5 5 Its Only a Short Form Questionnaire 7 Questions Name Sex Age Relationship Hispanic Origin Race Owner/Renter ACT 1 Census 2010 April 1, 2010 - Hiring field workers

6 6

7 7

8 8 ACT 1 Geography Programs and Issues Geography Programs LUCA PSAP Tiger Files Key Geographic Issues That Will Affect Transportation Planning Boundaries Size of MPOs Others

9 9 Geographic Programs Context Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) School District Review Program (SDRP) Tribal Statistical Areas Program (TSAP) Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP) Urbanized Area UZA definitions

10 10 LUCA Local Update of Census Addresses Address Definition Program for Local Governments Updates Master Address File (MAF) and Tiger geographic data base Multi-year program-started in 2007 Winter 2009/2010 Appeals Office Open

11 11 PSAP Participant Statistical Areas Program Program to define Tracts and Block Groups Critical to MPOs and States Currently in the Field Are your MPO participating? What are they experiencing?

12 12 Draft Schedule as of February 2009 Contacts: Start with Ed Christopher or Elaine Murakami (FHWA) Census Bureau Geographic Standards and Criteria Branch at 301-763-3056,

13 13 TIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system Census Bureau digital mapping database For Census important, for Other not so Gone through major Update Tiger 2008 has issues

14 14 Geography Issues -- Closer to Home Boundaries Urbanized Boundary Definitions Whats a MPO? Others?

15 15 Boundaries Census Defined Urban Area (UA) Adjusted Urbanized Area (UZA) Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA)

16 16 Urbanized Area Definitions http:// 2000 density based, automated process, identified urban clusters (2,500 pop), ignored place boundaries and built from Census Blocks 2010 still in internal discussions Investigating use of place of work data via ACS, reviewing land use covers and digital elevation maps and satellite imagery, thinking about using household densities and building from Census Tracts. Look for criteria for defining urbanized areas and clusters in Fall 2009 in Federal Register New

17 17 Something to think about... Building from Blocks Building from Tracts Latest Info

18 18 100K - Threshold Grandfathering 200K - Project Selection Authority 1 Million+ Special Funding and Requirements NARC - Status Quo AASHTO - Somewhat Vague FHWA - Whats an MPO?

19 19 ACT 1 CTPP Basics and History You may have seen the next 5 or 6 slides but we need to cover some basics and history.

20 20 Special Tabulations 1960 OMB Journey-to-Work Tables 1970 and 1980 Urban Transportation Planning Package (UTPP) 1990 and 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) At ResidenceAt Workplace Flows between Home and Work

21 21 What is the CTPP 2000? The Census Transportation Planning Package is a set of special tabulations from the long form of the decennial census designed by transportation planners for transportation planners It summarizes the data At ResidenceAt Workplace Flows between Home and Work

22 22 Long Form Where does the data come from?

23 23 For the U.S. as a whole, about one (1) in six (6) households received the Long Form questionnaire Who got the Long Form? 17%

24 24 Key Long Form questions Place of Work Means of Transportation to Work Carpool Occupancy to Work Departure Time for Work Travel Time to Work Vehicles Available

25 25 Tabulations at Residence Tabulations at Workplace Flows between Home and Work Part 1Part 2 Part 3 What are the CTPP 2000 Products?

26 26 121 Tables of Residents Based Data 68 Tables of Work Place Data 14 Tables of Flow Data Types of CTPP Data Person/Workers Worker Status Age, Sex, Race, Hispanic Origin, Disability Household Income Nos. Vehicles Available Size Number Workers Journey-to-Work Work Location and Mode Departure and Travel Time Arrival Time

27 27 Types of Geography

28 28 The past Transportation data packages were unique because of the summary levels, geography, universes and data tables. The packages have always been designed by transportation planners for transportation planners Data Summary Levels Why earlier packages special

29 29 How has data been used Descriptive Analysis and Reporting Survey Support Model Development Model Calibration Special Studies

30 30 Where do you get CTPP 2000 Data? ASCII Files

31 31 w/Extraction Software Where do you get CTPP 2000 Data?

32 32 Self Instructional CD Provides all the basics to understand, use and work with the CTPP 2000 data for transportation planning Is there some training? Email for a FREE copy of the GUIDEBOOK

33 33 Past Journey to Work data Buyers/UsersDirect CostTables 1960OMB??? 1970112$0.6 M43 1980152$2.0 M82 1990$2.5 M120 2000$3.0 M203 2005 + AASHTO Consolidated Purchase $5.9 Million All States and MPOs

34 34 Replacement of the Long Form Continuous Survey Methodology Conducted Monthly Produces characteristics, not population counts ACT 2 American Community Survey

35 35 ACS Facts 250,000 Households sampled per month About 1 in 40 Households sampled per year Same transportation questions as 2000 Long Form Decennial Long Form is History Kaput, Nada, Defunct, Gone!

36 36 Decennial Sample 1:6 nationwide April 1, 2000

37 37 ACS continuous sample Yr 1

38 38 ACS continuous sample Yr 2

39 39 ACS continuous sample Yr 3

40 40 ACS continuous sample Yr 4

41 41 ACS continuous sample Yr 5

42 42 ACS continuous sample Yrs 1-5

43 43 ACS/Decennial Samples ACS after 5 years Old Long Form Smaller sample mean GREATER error

44 44 How does the ACS work? Three Methods of Data Collection 1. Mail Self-administered mail-out/mail-back 2. Telephone Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) 3. Personal Visits Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI ) 1:3

45 45 Tract and Block Group 5-year Period 20,000+ 3-year Period 65,000+Annual Data for the Previous Year Released in: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012+ Population Size of Area Data Type ACS Data Release Timeline

46 46 ACS Standard Tables Standard Tabs include some New tables previously only in CTPP, eg place of work - Mode to work by travel time - Mode to work by time leaving home - Household size by no of vehicles - Household size by no of workers Some of what the ACS provides

47 47 Is it 1 or 3 or 5? Population < 20,000 5-year estimates only Population >= 20,000 and < 65,000 3-year estimates 5-year estimates Population >= 65,000 1-year estimates 3-year estimates 5-year estimates Users will have to choose which data to use What does this mean?

48 48 Sample Error is larger because the number of census forms collected each year are smaller. Changes of plus or minus 2% may be due to Sample Error and do not reflect measurable change. Understanding Sample Error

49 49 Percent Poverty for Families – Sevier County, TN What does the ACS data look like?

50 50 Percent of Population 5 Years and Older who Speak Spanish at Home - Lake County, IL

51 51 Statistical Significance Tests Standard Error = Margin of Error / 1.65 But what about MOEs for 2000 data? 90% Confidence Comparing ACS to 2000 Data

52 52 A Compass for Understanding And Using ACS Data Set of user-specific handbooks Train-the trainer materials E-learning ACS Tutorial There are RESOURCES AVAILABLE

53 53 Report 588 A Guidebook for Using ACS Data for Transportation Planning 275 pages Trend Analysis How to recalculate Margins of Error Transportation Specific

54 54 ACS Data Profiles

55 55 Trend Data 2000 and 3-year ACS Includes MOEs and significance tests Keys on Transportation Variables New Profiles January 2009 March 2009 ----------------- Some might be done by end of February Under Development

56 56 Big Dates August Annual release of ACS data on income, earnings and poverty for areas over 65,000 pop September Annual release of ACS data on social, economic (transportation), demographic and housing; special population profiles; and Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data for areas over 65,000 pop December 9, 2008 First 3-year set of tables for 20,000+ pop areas. Period estimates for 2005-06-07 January 16, 2009 Annual release of 3-year PUMS

57 57 Date Summary Aug.2009 - 1-year ACS, Phase 1 (2008 data) Sept.2009 - 1-year ACS, Phase 2 (2008 data) Dec.2009 - 3-year ACS (06, 07,08 data) Jan.2010 - 3-year ACS PUMS (06, 07,08 data) April 1, 2010 Decennial Census Day Aug.2010 - 1-year ACS, Phase 1 (2009 data) Sept.2010 - 1-year ACS, Phase 2 (2009 data) Dec.2010 - 3-year ACS (07, 08,09 data) Dec. 31, 2010 POPULATUION Count, PL171 ???2010 - 5-year ACS (05, 06,07, 08, 09 data) ???2010 - 5-year ACS PUMS (05, 06,07, 08, 09 data) Jan.2011 - 3-year ACS PUMS (07, 08,09 data)

58 58 Where do you get ACS? FactFinder

59 59 Changes in CTPP Consolidated Purchase AASHTO Oversight Board Work Program - Data Products Resources General Training/Technical assistance Data What a Division Planner needs to know ACT 3 New Developments

60 60 C ensus T ransportation P lanning P roducts The CTPP embodies a collection of Census Data used for Transportation Planning. With changing data needs and the ACS, there will be a variety of different products useful for transportation planning emanating from Census Data. There will be Special Tabulations, Standard Tables and even Value Added-products. The CTPP captures all of these. Think of CTPP as a place to look for Census Data products to help with your Transportation needs Enter the ACS era…

61 61 All States + DC AASHTO Led Oversight Board Five Year period ~ 2011 Consolidated CTPP Purchase Federal Technical Advisory Group TRB Subcommittee -- List Serve (700 strong) Quarterly Newsletter -- Outreach Several Websites

62 62 AASHTO Oversight Board Approved Work Program Program Management--Hire Person Special Data Products 3- and 5-year data products TAZ creation Training and Technical Assistance Research Approved FHWA-CB IAA for $1.19 million

63 63 Census Data Products X 3- and 5-year Data products

64 64 3-year Data Product What we were planning a year ago Highlights Based on 2000 Tables More Age Tables Streamlined Race Tables Clarified Universes Revamped Organization Many NEW Univariate Tables

65 65 3-year Data Product Hits Snag Disclosure Review Board All Tables rounded like 2000 No thresholds on Univariate Mode tables Cell thresholds on all Mode by X tables Tables with failing cells suppressed Includes all Resident and Workplace tables Worker flows by Total Workers and Flows by Mode [7] no thresholds

66 66 3-year Data Product Update 1. Developing tables with 2006, 2007 and 2008 data, released in Summer 2010 (?) 2. Working to get table request to Census DRB for review by April 2009 3. Tables heavily collapsed 4. Going after FLOW tables regardless Current Status

67 67 5-year Data Product Likely to be all synthetic Hinges on some key research X NCHRP Proposed Problem Statement PROBLEM Number: 2010 B-23 ($500K) PROBLEM TITLE: Identifying Credible Alternatives for Producing 5-year CTPP Data Products from the ACS

68 68 TAZs (Traffic Analysis Zones) What we were planning a year ago Will there be Census TAZS?

69 69 Where we are at today? Developed in late 2008 and early 2009 Summer 2011 All zones would nest within each larger zones and Counties GIS approach similar to (PSAP) equivalency process Funded under Consolidated Purchase But why the Change?

70 70 General Geography Training/Technical Assistance Data Sources Research Efforts ACT 3 Resources to Consider

71 71 708-283-3534 Your Best Contacts 206-220-4460

72 72 CTPP List Serve

73 73 Status Report

74 74 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) School District Review Program (SDRP) Tribal Statistical Areas Program (TSAP) Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP) Urbanized Area UZA definitions Geography Programs

75 75 MAF/TIGER Partnership Software PSAP

76 76 Computer Based Training

77 77 Boundaries FHWA FAQs on Boundaries and Census Issues Census Bureau latest info on Urban Areas Post 2000 Boundary Articles and Information

78 78 Report 588 A Guidebook for Using ACS Data for Transportation Planning 275 pages Trend Analysis How to recalculate Margins of Error Training and Technical Assistance

79 79 A Compass for Understanding And Using ACS Data Set of user-specific handbooks Train-the trainer materials E-learning ACS Tutorial Working with ACS

80 80 Online Materials

81 81 Getting Data - Census Standard Products FactFinder

82 82 ACS Data Profiles

83 83 Data Changes The American Community Survey (ACS) replaced the Long Form. It is the ACS where we get all the data used for transportation planning CTPP Developments CTPP--Stands for Census Transportation Planning Products and there is a whole group of people looking out for the best interest of the transportation community Potential Changes Due to 2010 Census In April of 2010 there will be population count (Census). Results will be out at the end of the year and congressional seats will change ACT 3 Take Aways

84 84 Boundary Implications Remember: UZA Boundary setting criteria will be out in Fall 2009. FHWA plans are uncertain? Traffic Analysis Zones TAZs will not be developed until of summer of 2011 Other Data Products/New Specifics on ACS transportation data products are still unfolding ACT 3 Take Aways

85 85 Carl Mikyska (FL) Epilogue David Jolicoeur (WI) Division Perspective

86 86 Epilogue Are there any Census or other data issues or concerns that you are currently seeing with your partners? Have you discussed data issues with your MPOs? Have any data related issues come up in your certification reviews?

87 87 Tribal Planning Issues and New Developments: What a FHWA Planner Needs to Know April 21, 2009 1 – 3:00 p.m. EST Hosted by Fawn Thompson Next Planning on the Web Next Planning on the Web (POW) Session

88 88 Please complete the evaluation and thank you for joining us! and dont forget your downloads

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