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Signing LOI for ILD detector concept at ILC Deadline LOI submits march 31st 2009.

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1 Signing LOI for ILD detector concept at ILC Deadline LOI submits march 31st 2009

2 2007: Reference Design Report (4 volumes) Executive summary Physics Accelerator Detectors Goal is two detectors in so-called “push-pull” mode (only one interaction point) Oct. 2007: Call voor Letter(s) of Intent (gewijzigde) deadline: 31 maart 2009

3 Alle concepts: Vertex detector (5/6 lagen) + forward disks TPC main tracker (ILD), volledig Si tracking (SiD), upscaled KLOE (4th) 4th heeft andere (dual-readout) calorimetrie en TWEE solenoides ILD SiD 4th

4 * IDAG: International Detector Advisory Group ILCSC ICFA GDE (machine) *

5 Global Design Effort The Roadmap for Detectors The key elements of the roadmap proposal are: A call for LOIs by ILCSC due for summer 2008 31/3/2009 These LOIs can be based on an simple extension of the existing DODs They will be reviewed by IDAG, an International Detector Advisory Group of experts chosen by a Research Director RD (defined below) in agreement with ILCSC IDAG will make recommendations to the RD on the choice validation of detectors LOIs: fall 2009 The Research Director will present these recommendations to the ILCSC for approval Sakue Yamada (Univ. Tokyo)

6 ‘commitment’ aan LOI “ILD” Wij werken aan ‘revolutionaire’ gas vermenigvuldiging en ladings detectie (Timepix+integrated grid) = mogelijke optie TPC Maar er zijn duidelijk ook andere uitdagende opties -- vertex detector -- calorimetrie -- detector/physics performance studies

7 Signing up for the ILD LOI and follow the instructions for signing up. ILD maintains open policy for signing this document: - you are seriously interested - you support the proposal - you will try to contribute within possibilities of funding etc. Physicists, technical people, students can sign Instructions for accessing current version LOI on above webpage

8 After sign-up you will receive e-mail with: –link for validation of your sign-up –link to current version of LOI with user/passwd to access it. You can always have your name removed from the list, until formal submission of LOI You can also register as ILD “user” on the ILD homepage:

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