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EST3 Life Safety Platform

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1 EST3 Life Safety Platform
The EST Platform continues to evolve. We use the term ‘Synergy’ to describe new deeply embedded functional capability. This new functionality offers substantial cost savings to customers. We believe system integration is much more than simply adding a new section to the price. These system truly work together on a common platform.

2 What is EST3 Emergency Communication Network Platform for:
Advanced Life Safety System Emergency Evacuation Security Access Control CCTV Fireworks Graphical Interface EST3 is an emergency communication network platform for: the EST3 advanced life system supporting Signature and allowing the seamless integration of audio functionality. The Fireworks Graphical Interface which provides multiple windows to simultaneously display important information to our emergency users. EST 3 Security supports the simple addition of security devices to a Signature Data Circuit. We save our customer an entire conduit/wire system. The EST3 platform supports a uniquely powerful Card Access system base on the distributed architecture of the EST3/Signature system. The distributed architecture means many decisions are made locally at the card reader controller giving the system unique capability during power failure or when there are communication interruptions. And via FireWorks, we can integrate CCTV. In additional to graphical maps, line item event messages, and event response instructions, EST3 can easily display a picture of the event area if there is a camera available.

3 What is EST3 Life Safety Emergency Communication
Smoke and Fire Detection Sprinkler System Supervision Occupant Supervision, “Check-in” Emergency Communication System as a fundamental purpose of life safety to warn building occupants of hazards. Technical advances in EST3 enhance automatic and manual communication with building occupants. Smoke and Fire Detection using Signature Series multi-sensor technology. Sprinkler Supervision for the assurance of a properly functioning property fire protection system. Occupant Supervision with check-in and emergency call operation sequence... safeguard for the health and security of building occupants. Guard Tour for the protection of building security staff. Security operations for general security supervision.

4 EST3 - The Synergy Enabled Life Safety Platform
Event Printer Signature Devices EST3 FireWorks The SYNERGY Platform This slide shows the simplicity of the EST3 Synergy Platform. Lets first define a NODE. A node has a CPU. It is usually a panel or annunciator. On the right hand side of this slide there are three nodes. The two red cabinets are ‘blind’ nodes. They have no user display/control. They would have a power supply, CPU and network cards and perhaps loop controllers or amplifiers. They are usually installed out of general view, perhaps in an electrical closet. The gray colored node has a user interface. There is an LCD with common controls and annunciation as well as a microphone and handset. In this diagram two of our nodes have loop controllers connecting Signature devices to the system. FireWorks provides desktop annunciation and control. This is an industrial grade computer which connects to any EST3 panel via a RS232 interface. Connected to the FireWorks computer is an event printer. This printer can also connect to any panel node on the network.

5 Global Market Objectives
International Standards Multilingual Modular Construction Site Configurable Fundamental Software Control Global Market Objectives: Sales support via our Strategic Partners and Distributors has a global reach. International Standards: US Codes, European EN54, Cdn Codes & Standards Multilingual: LCD Display is Graphical to support graphical fonts for script languages. All language labeling on panel is on inserts. Create new labels in any language. You can also switch between two languages on a system. Modular Construction: Gives us flexibility to meet various global market needs. i.e. various loop controllers and 120 vs 230 Vac Power Supplies Site Configurable: Emphasis on easy site assembly. Modular snap fit construction, self-aware, program download... all of these features ideal for flexibility in global market place. Fundamental Software Control: Powerful Software capability in the hands of a System Designer. i.e. startup conditions, first alarm... various paging controls

6 EST3 General Features Retrofit and New Construction
Standalone or Network Conventional or Analog Bells, Horns, Speakers, Strobes Survivability Retrofit and New Construction: Good design balance between retrofit and new construction markets. You can replace existing zone panels or upgrade to new intelligent devices using existing wiring. When upgrading to Signature devices it is possible to use existing wire. System returns schematic of existing installation wiring which helps to sort out retrofit jobs. Inputs have programmable thresholds... easier compatibility listings. Standalone or Network: Standalone system with conventional modules allow ‘replacement’ panels and it is possible to operate into existing system wiring. Even ‘newer’ node-transponder systems could be replaced with EST3. Conventional or Analog: Can offer customer the choice of conventional or analog devices. Good in retrofit, change over jobs as budget allows. System supports migration to higher technology. Bells, Horns, Speakers, Strobes, Relays: EST3 operates all types of polarized signaling devices. Define outputs for audible, visual, and auxiliary operations. Zone amplifiers with built-in speaker circuit... also have built-in appliance circuit to support speaker strobes. Survivability: Attention paid to processing alarms with partial system failures. If CPU communication fails, all fail line signals all modules on a node... loop controllers go into standalone... if loop controller fails, loop cards continue communication and still pass alarm to ‘all fail’ line... signature device can make an alarm decision without loop controller support...

7 EST3 Technical Advances
Lower Installation Costs Lower Owner Operating Costs Multi-Function Platform Multi-Priority Token Network Improved Response Times Improved Emergency Communications Signature Series Devices Windows Based System Programming Lower Installation Costs: Easier installation with snap-fit construction, minimum specification for installation wiring (retro), long wire runs. Lower Owner Operating Costs: Signature maintenance software, dirty detector alert, sensor maintenance reports Multi-Funtion Platform: To a code required life safety system that you will install no matter what, you can economically add security and card access. Multi-Priority Token Network: The network can prioritize alarms. Improved Response Times: Network Alarm Priority means less than a 3 second response time over the network. Industry’s fastest? Emergency Communications: Digital multiple channel audio with simple to user controls. Signature Series Support: Additional support for Signature devices, with pre-alarm and alternate verification sensitivity settings. System Programming: Windows based System Definition Utility

8 Some New Terms Node… A panel or cabinet /w CPU
LRM... Local Rail Module CDM... Control Display Modules Central Processor Unit Module is the main CPU in a control panel a node is any system panel with a Central Processor Unit Module Local Rail Modules plug on to a system communication and power bus which is called a local rail Control Display Modules are user control interfaces which have zone LEDs and control switches

9 EST3 Applications In a word... flexible
Serve medium to large multiple building systems Small systems Standalone systems Single network systems Multi-function network Multiple network systems Serve medium to large multiple building systems: single loop controller can have up to 125 detectors and 125 modules... this is a medium size job. Large buildings can have several network nodes. Multiple buildings can have several independent or related control panels. Small Systems: Small control panel with space for only five module spaces. Reality is four modules since Central Processor Unit Module takes 2 spaces. Helpful on multiple building network where there are some small buildings. Could try small panel on a small project but EST2 is a better cost choice. Standalone Systems: Could replace a traditional system with about 120 zones. EST3 can have traditional annunciator display. Single Network System: Multiple node system, configure one node as a control panel by adding control display modules. Other nodes can remain ‘blind’ with just connection hardware for building circuits. Multiple Network Systems: Multiple networks can be joined through Fireworks.

10 EST3 Node Architecture CPU LCD LCD CPU
EST3 Architecture is simple... We start with a CPU. To the CPU we can add network, serial ports, and a user interface (or LCD). CPU

11 EST3 Node Architecture CPU LCD Local Rail Local Rail
Control and function module receive power and communicate on a rail... another name could be bus... but rail is better.

12 Control Display Module
EST3 Node Architecture LCD LRM CDM Local Rail Up to 19 LRMs CPU Control Display Module Local Rail Module Modules that connect to the rail are called local rail modules... each LRM supports control display modules.

13 EST3 Node Architecture LCD LRM CDM CPU Stand Alone System Capacities
Local Rail Up to 19 LRMs CPU Node 1 Stand Alone System Capacities 19 Local Rail Modules +CPU 5 SIGA Data Controllers 2 Loops per Controller 2 x 5 x 250 =2500 points 4 Power Supplies 4 x 7A = 28A 15 IDC8/4 Modules 15 x 8 =120 zones The capacity of a stand alone system depends on the functionality you provide. You could have up to 10 Signature Data Circuits. You can have 125 detectors and 125 modules on each circuit. The total is 2500 points... this is big job. You can have up to 4 power supplies in a node. This gives you 28 amperes of current. Each node can support a 65 AH battery. Later this year, you will be able to support 240 AH per node. If you had a full compliment of power supplies, there would be space for 15 modules. If these were all IDC modules, then you could support 120 circuits. This could be 60 input and 60 output circuits since 4 IDCs can convert to 4 NACs. Circuit functionality is software dependent... they could be alarm, supervisory, trouble... or audible, visual, or auxiliary. Software can support about 1000 alarm logical zone groups.

14 EST3 Network Architecture
64 x 2500 =160,000 points 64 x 28 = 1792 A 64 x 120 =7680 circuits Up to 64 Nodes A multiple node EST3 network can have up to 64 nodes. With 64 nodes on a network: 64 x 2500 = 160,000 points 64 x 28A = 1792 amperes 64 x 120 = 7680 circuits

15 Multiple Node Network 2 Fibers 2 Wires Nodes Class ‘B’
Peer to peer network using multi-priority token Alarm response independent of node count Alarm response less than 3 seconds The network is peer to peer meaning each node is a communication equal of all others. However, the EST3 differentiates in the market place by using a multi-priority token scheme which gives a node with a new alarm priority. The result of this network architecture is: you can add nodes with only a extremely small effect on response time... virtually zero the response time over the network is published at less than 3 seconds, which is among the fastest in our industry. This response time is from the farthest station to the farthest signal… meaning the event passes through all nodes on the network.

16 Multiple Node Network 5000’ between any two nodes 2 Fibers
RS485 Data Communications 38.4 Kbaud Class ‘B’ two wire, Class ‘A’ close ring Re-transmission and isolation between nodes NEW Short Haul Modem, 5 miles 2 Wires Class ‘A’ Nodes The network uses the RS485 data communication standard. You can set the baud rate.... highest is 38.4 kBaud Wire class ‘B’ with two wires, and close the ring for Class ‘A’. The Network Communication Card re-transmits the network messages. This maximizes the wire run between nodes which is up to 5000 feet between three nodes. If you string this out over 64 nodes it gives you just over 30 miles. The Network communication card also isolates between nodes. This means if you close the loop (Class ‘A’) you have a Style 7 installation. In the case of Class ‘B’ There are also other communication options we will discuss later. You can switch to fiber or to a new short haul modem which will give you up to five miles between nodes.

17 Single Building Audio High speed audio data is RS485 Class ‘B’ or ‘A’
Can use Fiber 2 wire pair carries 8 audio channels Analog phone riser to SIG modules, Class ‘B’ or ‘A’ Audio Data Network Data high speed audio data runs at 326 Kbaud the audio connection is between panel control modules is two wire in most cases you can reduce wire size from 12AWG to 18AWG the emergency phone riser is analog... this is a pair of wires running directly from the fire phone card to the input riser terminals of the SIGA-CC1 modules... the SIGA-CC1 module provide a Class ‘B’ phone circuit to connect remote fire phones or phone jacks Fire Phone Riser

18 Single Building Network
Network Data Twisted Pair 5000’ between 3 nodes Audio Data 8 Channel Audio Analog Fire Phone Twisted Shielded 4000’ Master Phone Line Riser to SIGA-CC1s Audio Data Network Data ‘Blind’ node Panels are made up of a CPU and local rail modules. Control Display Module are not necessary. Control Panel has a CPU and local rail module with optional control display module to interface with a user. through the SDU and system programming you can define how common controls on the control panel affect the remote nodes. Fire Phone Riser

19 Multiple Building Network
Multiple Control Panels Location Message Routing Overlapping Zone Controls the network architecture allow multiple control panels through the SDU you can route messages and have overlapping zone controls you can also list what nodes the common controls on a control panel will affect in this an alarm in one tower operates the signals for that tower plus all of the signals in the concourse a signal silence in the tower with the alarm will silence only the signals listed for that panel... the same is true for a reset operation

20 EST3 Fire Functionality
Via Signature Data Circuit Intelligent Smoke & Heat Detection Very Intelligent Manual Pull Stations, 1 & 2 Stage N.O. Alarm Latching, Class ‘B’ or ‘A’ For Alarm Contact Devices N.O. Delayed Latching, Class ‘B’ or ‘A’ For Waterflow /w electronic time delay N.O. Active Latching, Class ‘B’ or ‘A’ For Sprinkler Supervisory Contact Devices Signature provides much of the functionality of an EST3 system. Signature has ‘very intelligent’ devices. Operational specs download from the SDU and the Signature devices process most of there ‘data’ locally. This dramatically reduces the amount of data we transmit to a control panel. This means we can slow down our baud rate and consequently reduce our wire specification. A summary of the above paragraph… because the Signature devices are ‘very intelligent’ we can re-use sound existing wire as long as it meets today’s codes and standards. Pull stations can be one or two stage. You can interface normally open alarm or supervisory contact devices. If waterflow, you can have an electronic delay instead of a pneumatic switch to eliminate water hammers.

21 EST3 Fire Functionality
Via Signature Data Circuit N.O. Active Non-latching, Class ‘B’ or ‘A’ For Monitor Contacts such as air flow or damper position Two-Wire Smoke, Verified Y/N, ‘B’ or ‘A” For Conventional two-wire smoke detectors NAC, Audible, Visual or Auxillary, Class ‘B’ or ‘A’ For polarized notification devices Auxiliary Control Relays, Form ‘C’ For Fan, Damper, Elevator control Telephone Circuits /w Busy Signal We can also use N.O devices as monitor circuits. These are non-latching events that work much like a pilot light. You can support conventional smoke detectors, make them verified or non-verified and wire them Class ‘A’ or ‘B’. Signature device also control notification appliance circuits which can be defined for audible (will silence), visual (will not silence) or auxiliary (not affected by signal operation features). You can use Signature Control Relays for operation of fan, damper, and elevator interfaces. Signature modules even provide telephone circuits and generate a call-in signal until a call-in is answered. (competitive systems - dead air).

22 EST3 Fire Functionality
Conventional Hardwire Circuits Class ‘B’ Alarm, Supervisory, Monitor Inputs Latching or Non-latching by circuit Verified or Non-verified by circuit European Operation, short as trouble NAC, Audible, Visual, or Auxillary Class ‘B’ Zoned Audio Circuits Class ‘B’ or ‘A’ Allows delivery of multiple simultaneous messages EST3 also supports Conventional Hardwire Circuits. With hardwire circuits, an EST3 panel can simply replace existing conventional system. This can be the beginning of a migration path to replacing a total existing system. A few years ago we could claim exclusivity providing Zoned Paging Circuits. But our competitor are finally catching on, and most have various forms of multi-channel audio. We will discuss the benefits and compare costs of audio designs over the next day or two.

23 EST3 Fire Functionality
Control Panel 8 x 21 Backlit LCD w/ FA Common Controls optional conventional LED/switch control / display audio source unit & fire fighter’s telephone EST3 has an excellent emergency user interface. The LCD has an 8 x 21 character LCD display, a full 164 characters. Most of your competition provides 80 characters. The LCD also has simple LEDs and switches for Fire Alarm Common Controls. To a control node, you can add optional LED/switch control-display modules. These module can provide convention zone annunciator, page control, and even on-auto-off smoke control. The addition of audio is very simple. On this node we have added a microphone and a master handset.

24 Programs & Tools Programs System Definition Utility [SDU]
Each node contains firmware which is essentially an operating system Project specific (data files) upload from a PC to system nodes System Definition Utility [SDU] Creates project specific software Up to 80% time saving over IRC each EST3 node contains firmware which is essentially an operating system. Each node is ‘self-aware’ to the extent that it can initialize and internally identify and address all existing modules. This software is intimately tied to the hardware and handles all communication functions between the CPU and system modules. Project specific software (data files) uploads from a PC to system nodes. This software controls how the system will respond to initiating device activations and user initiated commands. The SDU allows a System Designer to quickly create project specific software.

25 System Definition Utility
Windows®-based Virtually any-point-to-any-point System management Market place Forms Common [alarm, supervisory, monitor] Zoning and multi-stage the windows based System Definition Utility [SDU] is capable of virtually any point-to-any-point programming, yet has powerful tools to simplify a custom program. System management screen keep tack of users, jobs, version, and time against projects. Market place definitions provide fundamental system definitions for various geographical areas. This tool constrains system operation to meet differing code requirements. The SDU uses forms to gather job specific information from the system designer. The network, panels, modules, and devices are described by making configuration choices on forms. Some forms allow the user to set default information for device types and this information is copied to all same types on the system. There a various ways to define relationships between input and output devices and circuits. Simple single stage, general evacuation systems have outputs with common operations. By defining outputs as common alarm, you make the devices activate on any alarm input and avoid point programming In many cases device in a zone all cause the same system response. Rather than program at the device level, the SDU allows logical zone groups and you can program at the zone level greatly reducing ‘programming’. At the same time you could still have correlations at the device level.

26 the example is the project definition screen
items defined on this screen are global to the system

27 Labels and Rules Label Rule Message “Floor 3” Label ‘4L_Alarm_Floor_3’
ALARM ‘4L_Alarm_Floor_3’ : ON ‘4L_NAC_Floor_3’ ; a label is usually related to a zone or device message. In the above example the label for floor uses a 4_level or 4L designation so that a pattern can be established for all level in a high rise we can now write a rule that for an alarm on the third floor or fourth level we will turn on the NAC for the same floor

28 Messages & Labels Input Zone Labels Location Messages
Output Zone Labels 7L_Alarm_Floor_6 Floor 6 7L_Nac_Floor_6 6L_Alarm_Floor_5 Floor 5 6L_Nac_Floor_5 5L_Alarm_Floor_4 Floor 4 5L_Nac_Floor_4 4L_Alarm_Floor_3 Floor 3 4L_Nac_Floor_3 3L_Alarm_Floor_2 If we apply the pattern establish on the previous slide to all labels in the above example, it is easy to pick up the pattern assigned to the labels and how they relate to the building. Floor 2 3L_Nac_Floor_2 2L_Alarm_Floor_Gnd Ground Floor 2L_Nac_Floor_Gnd 1L_Alarm_Floor_Base Basement 1L_Nac_Floor_Base

29 Evac Rule - fire, above, below for 3rd Floor
[ALARM3] ALARM ‘4L_Alarm_Floor_3’ : ON ‘5L_NAC_Floor_4’, ON ‘4L_NAC_Floor_3’, ON ‘3L_NAC_Floor_2’; if we were to program for sounding signals on the fire floor and the floor above and below it would look something like this slide if we took this approach then we would be writing separate rule for every floor or level in a building

30 Evac Rule - Above, Fire, Below for Entire Building
[TOWER_ALARM] ALARM ‘(n:1-7)L_Alarm_Floor_*’ : ON ‘(n+1)L_NAC_Floor_*’, ON ‘(n)L_NAC_Floor_*’, ON ‘(n-1)L_NAC_Floor_*’; using the same pattern we can use two variables (n) and (asterisks) to replace the numbers in the previous paradigm now this single rule programs all levels in the building for fire, above and below signaling... and it does not matter if it seven or fifty floors... the effort is the same and based on how well you craft your labels

31 Four Step Process Define project parameters
Configure cabinets, network routing, LRMs, devices & communication ports Define Objects such as Logical Zone, And, Matrix Groups, time controls Use Rules to establish relationships there are four steps to creating an EST3 program

32 EST3 Life Safety Platform

33 EST3 Off Premise Communications
3-MODCOM Modem Communicator To an EST3 Life Safety System we can now additional functionality: A 3-MODCOM provides the system with a dialer [DACT] and a modem. The modem allow information to be downloaded to the system from remote PCs. [not fire info]. EST3 SIGA-IPHS

34 SYNERGY enabled Adding Access Control
3-SAC Security Access Control Module 3-MODCOM Phone Lines CRC Card Reader Controller CRC Card Reader Controller Another module we can add is a Security Access Control Module. To this module you can connect a sub-network (RS-485) with Card Reader Controllers. The Access Control Database program can exist on multiple user PCs. For example, each building tenant could have an AC data base. Through the modem communicator (3-MODCOM) you can download information to the Card Reader Controllers over phone lines. What does this mean? This system allows you to add multiple card access systems in a building like a high rise to the EST3 network backbone. Each tenant in the building could have their own system, and each tenant through a PC can manage their own system by downloading through the MODCOM. If there are common card reader for the buildings parking or other points of entry, these can be common to all of the tenants… example; a new lawyer gets a new access card that allows him to park, enter the building, and enter his office, all completed by the law firms manager. EST3 SIGA-IPHS SIGA-IPHS ACDB PC

35 SYNERGY enabled Adding Security
EST3 Graphics Printer Event Printer FireWorks Phone Lines ACDB PC 3-MODCOM CRC Card Reader Controller KPDISP Keypad Display SIGA-IPHS SIGA-SEC2 SIGA-MD Now lets look at adding Security to the EST3 system. To the Signature circuit we have added contact interfaces and motion detectors. Both go on the two wire Signature circuit just like any other devices. The keypad display connects to the system on the sub-network used for the card reader controllers. These devices are connecting back to the 3-SAC or Security Access Controller. If you have Card Reader Controllers, then you will also have remote Access Control Data Bases. You can add FireWorks to the EST3 system, and this would give you a graphical fire alarm and security system interface. But the FireWorks system also allows you to add more functionality.

36 SYNERGY enabled Adding CCTV
Cameras Controller Joystick Monitors Graphics Printer Event Printer FireWorks 3-MODCOM CRC Card Reader Controller To FireWorks you can add a Closed Circuit TV [CCTV] system. What does the customer have now? First, he has the world’s most technically advance life safety system. It can be a fire alarm system with horns, or a system with audio communications that helps improve building evacuation times. Second, he could have a card access system that would restrict building access to authorized persons. All the building tenants could share this system. Third, he could have a security system that could be partitioned to serve either the building, or various tenants, or both. Simple soft interfaces to security would unlock doors for emergency evacuation. The MODCOM, in addition to allowing tenants to manage their access control data base also provides a dialer to central stations. And each tenant has an individual choice of their central station service provider. You can connect up to 80 different receivers and have up to 255 tenants [accounts]. Fourth, FireWorks gives the building manager a graphical user interface that shows the emergency user maps, event listing, instructions, and picture of an event. Fifth, the CCTV provides basic visual management of a site, and can route fire event pictures to the FireWorks console or monitor. SYNERGY Phone Lines KPDISP Keypad Display EST3 SIGA-SEC2 SIGA-IPHS SIGA-MD SIGA-IPHS ACDB PC

37 Thank You!

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