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ED 517 Collaboration. Organizational Structure Social System Interrelated Subsystems Interacting with the External Environment Support the collaborative.

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Presentation on theme: "ED 517 Collaboration. Organizational Structure Social System Interrelated Subsystems Interacting with the External Environment Support the collaborative."— Presentation transcript:

1 ED 517 Collaboration

2 Organizational Structure Social System Interrelated Subsystems Interacting with the External Environment Support the collaborative pursuit of specified goals

3 Theories Classical Theory Social Systems Theory Relationship Theory

4 Classical Theorists Efficient and Effective Task-oriented Perspectives – Scientific Management (Taylor) one best way – Administrative Management (five functions) Plan, organize, command, coordinate, control – Bureaucratic Structure (fixed division of labor) hierarchy

5 Social Systems Views the organization as a whole while taking into consideration: Interrelationship of the parts Interaction with the internal and external environments

6 Interrelated Parts Within the framework of the system, each individual and/or group has the capability of formulating a power base and using it to influence teaching and learning to a considerable degree, independent of the demands of the leader -Hanson, in Green (p. 69)

7 Internal Environments Internal – ideas, beliefs, and values of the individuals in the environment In essence, the compatibility between the values of the individual in the organization and the inherent values of the culture of the organization is the basis for an individual establishing a social or psychological contract with the organization - boyatzis & Skelly, in Green (p.72)

8 If this does not occur… It is ideal when the needs of the individual and the goals of the organization are compatible; however, this is not always the case, and when it is not, conflict between the individual and the organization is heightened - Getzels & Gube, in Green (p. 73)

9 External Environments PDE mandates Community Groups Activities that try to influence the behavior of the leader Societal Issues Drugs, Poverty, Gangs

10 Relationship Theories Leaders that build their theoretical foundation around relationship theory posses the skills and attributes needed to motivate and inspire followers. ParticipativeDistributiveFacilitative

11 Participative Supportive of followers Engages others in the decision making process Less competitive and more collaborative Negative: seek advice and then not use it

12 Distributive Leaders find ways of distributing some of their leadership functions to members of the faculty Teachers increase their participation in decision making In essence, teachers are asked to become – Teacher Leaders

13 Facilitative (1 of 3) Inspire followers to look beyond self-interest Focus on knowledge and learning Enhance the collective ability of the school to: – Adapt – Solve problems – Improve student performance School goals and objectives are achieved working with people, not through people – Green (p. 75)

14 Facilitative (2 of 3) The process of facilitative leadership: Thrives on informal negotiation and communication Encourages followers to conduct inquiry into challenges and offer competitive views

15 Facilitative (3 of 3) Any follower can initiate a task and recruit other individuals to participate in its accomplishment. Accordingly, leaders use their authority to support this type of professional behavior - Dunlap & Goldman, 1990

16 Continuum Classic TheorySocial TheoryRelationship Theory ScientificWhole & Interrelated Parts Participative ManagementInternal EnvironmentDistributive BureaucraticExternal EnvironmentFacilitative

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