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Cultural Identity and Biases

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1 Cultural Identity and Biases
Lustig & Koester Chapter 6

2 Cultural Identity Ingroups and outgroups Cultural identity
Natural to language How we learn language (Burke) Cultural identity Social identity Personal identity

3 Cultural Identity Exercise
Page 67 in packet…Instead, compare your circle to others in your group First, take 5 minutes to list all the cultures to which you belong Groups: Discuss how each of your cultures affects your communication (10 minutes) Similarities Differences

4 Cultural Identity Exercise
Group: Now look at the text definition of “cultural identity” (5 minutes) Generate a list of how your discussion of similarities and differences coincides with the text’s definition (how does it fit?) In what ways does your discussion not fit the definition? Report from each group

5 Exercise: Targets / I am

6 Interrelationships Cultural identity Social identity
Individual identity

7 Discussion Yield What we found What we’ve learned
Midwest Immigrant ancestors American Family identification Young adults (can divide) Small-town v. large v. rural v. suburbia (varies) Class-orientation may play a part Family-identification perhaps Common value of sports, team-bonding, teamwork Consistent with text: Accepting traditions Connection with heritage Connections with areas & experiences Clarifications Employee identity is social Group-oriented / organizational – social Gender may or may not be part of a cultural identity Different religions Experiences make a difference Different Greek, non-Greek groups Different majors, possibly

8 Cultural Identity Its nature
Results from membership in the particular culture Learning traditions, heritage, language, religions, ancestry, aesthetics, thinking patterns, social structures Internalized as beliefs, values, and norms Result of social practices Identification with culture => self-concept

9 Cultural Identity Stages of Identity Formation How it “works”
Unexamined cultural identity Whiteness exercise: McIntosh Cultural identity search Cultural identity achievement How it “works” Multiple overlapping (or contradictory) identities Central and peripheral; central and salient “Activation” (and negotiation) of identities (p. 145) Identities are fluid, dynamic (yet also stable) (p. 146)


11 http://virginialbyrne. wordpress

12 Group time?

13 Break time

14 p. 68 in the packet – prepare before class
Ethnocentrism scale

15 Social Categorizing A normal human activity The “spiral of silence”

16 Ethnocentrism Superiority (or Centrality)
All cultures (a cultural universal!) Communication competence Recognition Awareness Acknowledgement "What kind of bird are you, if you can't fly?" said he. To this the duck replied, "What kind of bird are you if you can't swim?" as it dove into the pond" ~Sergei Prokofiev, Peter and the Wolf ~

17 I Don’t Stereotype People: Exercise
Groups Page 69, packet Brainstorm Effect on communication? Consequences of stereotyping Class discussion Nature of stereotyping Its impact Solutions?

18 Problems Stereotyping Prejudice Discrimination Racism Definition
How it occurs Specific problems (3) pp Prejudice Universal 4 functions (not 5) Discrimination Racism

19 Racism (etc.) What is it? (see 2 defs, p. 159)
“racialization” versus “racism”? Who can be racist? What are 3 levels of racism? Is racism equal at all levels? What are 7 types of racism? [add “benevolent”] Which is more common today? Which are worse/more harmful? How might our discussion apply to Exercise: Media Analysis Discussion: Is it offensive?

20 Hate crimes: FBI database
What social, personal, and other factors might lead to increases in hate crimes?


22 Beyond racism How might our discussion apply to other “isms” (sexism, etc.) Do such intolerances impact only the “target” group? What are some positive functions that stereotypes and prejudice serve? Does this justify them? How might stereotypes, prejudice, etc. impact competence?

23 Solutions: Group Exercise
What are some concrete things that you, as an individual, can do to reduce the impact of prejudice, stereotypes, etc. on society? What are some higher-level (social, educational) things we could do?

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