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1 JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change and FWO March 8 th, 2012.

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1 1 JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change and FWO March 8 th, 2012

2 2 dr. Olivier Boehme Senior Science Administrator

3 Mission and key facts Mission of Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (Research Foundation – Flanders) Funds fundamental scientific research (“frontier research”) Bottom-up funding in all disciplines Strong selection based on scientific excellence and interuniversity competition (Flemisch universities and, to a lesser extent, research performing organisations) Transparent and equal opportunities

4 Mission and key facts Funding schemes of the FWO Funding for individual researchers o Pre- and postdoctoral fellowships: bench fees and grants Funding for research teams o Research projects, Big Science, Bilateral agreements, … Supporting mobility, international contacts and collaborations o Travel grants, Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowships, Sabbatical leaves, Scientific research communities, Organisation of conferences in Belgium, International coordination actions, collaboration agreements, … Attracting excellent researchers, active abroad, to Flanders o Odysseus, Pegasus Awarding scientific prizes

5 Mission and key facts Allocation 2010 Allocation over different research domains 2010 Biological Sciences Humanities Social Sciences Medical Sciences Exact and applied sciences Interdisciplinary

6 Mission and key facts Number of Project applicationsSuccess rate research projects

7 Mission and key facts Average budget per project per year 200679.384 euro 200779.214 euro 200879.169 euro 200968.612 euro 201070.764 euro 201171.867 euro 201281.775 euro

8 ERA-NET Participation by FWO  FWO participates in 13 networks (2004-2012)  General principles Main goal: joint call fundamental/translational research virtual common pot ca. 200.000 € per call, but this will increase Rules concerning Flemish participants: FWO Regulation on Research Projects

9 ERA-NET Advantage via virtual common pot international dimension with financial guarantee for Flanders Challenge Thematical approachbottom-up approach FWO

10 Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) What is Joint Programming?  EC 07/2008: “towards joint programming in research: working together to tackle common challenges more effectively”  General principle: coördination of national research programmes in order to tackle “grand challenges”  Proces steered by GPC (“Groupe de Programmation Conjointe”)  Implementation: “voluntary guidelines” (framework conditions)

11 JPI Specific characteristics  About ‘grand challenges”  Measure and ambition  A concept in stead of funding channel: coördination  More homogenity: ‘framework conditions’

12 JPI Overview ‘First wave’ Neurodegenerative diseases Agriculture, Food security & Climate Change Cultural Heritage, climate change and security A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life ‘Second Wave’ Antimicrobial resistance Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe More Years, Better Lives - The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change Urban Europe - Global Challenges, Local Solutions Water Challenges for a Changing World Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans + Strategic Energy and Technology (SET) Plan

13 JPI Flanders and Belgium  Consultation and information exchange: o Flanders - Work Group JPI in EU-platform o Belgian Federal level - CIS-GPC  Vlaamse nota (IWT-FWO-EWI) voorgelegd aan Kabinet in mei 2011

14 JPI Participation by FWO General principles fundamental/translational research virtual common pot At least ca. 200.000 € per call Rules concerning Flemish participants: FWO Regulation on Research Projects Alternative: Contribution in kind with existing projects, with option of top-up and Lead Agency procedure Synergy with ERA-NET

15 15 JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change and FWO March 8 th, 2012

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