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Accountability nei paesi beneficiari Il coinvolgimento delle popolazioni locali Silva Ferretti Independent consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Accountability nei paesi beneficiari Il coinvolgimento delle popolazioni locali Silva Ferretti Independent consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accountability nei paesi beneficiari Il coinvolgimento delle popolazioni locali Silva Ferretti Independent consultant

2 accountability

3 accountability

4 accountability

5 accountability Indicators... Standards... Reports... Frameworks... Compliance... Paperwork...

6 accountability Indicators... Standards... Reports... Frameworks... Compliance... Paperwork...

7 account a dynamic process of engagement of different actors against negotiated commitments


9 € $ €

10 Legitimacy Quality Effectiveness

11 The World Bank’s effectiveness depends on the degree of inclusiveness and responsiveness to those who are most affected by its work. […] The Bank has consistently found a high correlation between the extent and quality of public participation and overall project quality. Testimony of AlnoorEbrahim, Associate Professor Harvard University Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives September 10, 2009, Washington, D.C.

12 By realizing accountability with the affected people we also improve the quality of accountability to donors

13 € $ € Legitimacy Quality Effectiveness So, where is the tension?


15 account assumptions about what will work focus on outputs rather than outcomes lack of negotiation (SHALLOW) ACCOUNTABILITY TO DONORS IS EASIER IS “TESTED” AND EASIER TO “STANDARDIZE”

16 account Limited space for adaptation and innovation focus on outputs rather than outcomes lack of negotiation (SHALLOW) ACCOUNTABILITY TO DONORS IS EASIER IS “TESTED” AND EASIER TO “STANDARDIZE”

17 account Limited space for adaptation and innovation Relevance of aid not challenged (“so what?”) lack of negotiation (SHALLOW) ACCOUNTABILITY TO DONORS IS EASIER IS “TESTED” AND EASIER TO “STANDARDIZE”

18 account Limited space for adaptation and innovation Relevance of aid not challenged (“so what?”) local capacities untapped (SHALLOW) ACCOUNTABILITY TO DONORS IS EASIER IS “TESTED” AND EASIER TO “STANDARDIZE”

19 account Limited space for adaptation and innovation Relevance of aid not challenged (“so what?”) local capacities untapped Humanitarian response is not linear and standardized. It is complex, messy, challenging.

20 account a dynamic process of engagement of different actors against negotiated commitments WHO? WHEN? HOW?

21 Sri Lanka (post Tsunami) A transparency board, detailing a project budget in local language is on permanent display in front of the local temple.

22 Ethiopia (participatory vulnerability analysis) Community representatives negotiate and finalize a plan to reduce their vulnerability to food crisis with local government authorities.

23 Myanmar (Nargis recovery) In a “social audit” the inhabitants of one village presented outcomes and accounts of a project to representatives from a neighboring community.

24 account To create the needed space to accountability to the affected people… Contractual accountability need to move from accountability on the WHAT to accountability on the HOW and WHY

25 Thanks Silva Ferretti

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