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The Italian Roadmap of Research Infrastructures Prof. Caterina Petrillo Italian Delegate to FP7 Capacities - Infrastructures Director of the Physics Department.

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Presentation on theme: "The Italian Roadmap of Research Infrastructures Prof. Caterina Petrillo Italian Delegate to FP7 Capacities - Infrastructures Director of the Physics Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Italian Roadmap of Research Infrastructures Prof. Caterina Petrillo Italian Delegate to FP7 Capacities - Infrastructures Director of the Physics Department - University of Perugia Reasons for a National Plan: la “Roadmap Italiana delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca di livello Pan-Europeo” Steps towards the implementation Future perspectives and 2020 Vision Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

2 With the establishment of the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and with the publication of ESFRI’s roadmap for new and upgraded large-scale research infrastructures, Europe has taken a major step towards the development of a coherent policy for the implementation of Research Infrastructures. European Approach Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

3 Member States are primarily responsible for the development of infrastructures Construction, maintenance, and modernization of leading-edge facilities require substantial investments, often out of reach for individual Member States Implementation of the ESFRI projects is a major challenge which require cooperation National Level Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

4 Need for prioritization, development of joint cross border initiatives, synergy with national/regional plans, involvement of all potential stakeholders  Developing the Italian Roadmap of Infrastructures enables national/regional priorities to connect with the ESFRI roadmap and at the same time to place these actions in a wider European context.  Coordination between the ESFRI roadmap and the national plan would be an important component of a coherent RI policy. Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia


6 Italian Participation to International Research Organisations and Infrastructures Projects  Italy participates to the Inter-Governmental Research Organisations, some of which are part of the EIRO-Forum association (CERN, EFDA, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL).  Italy, through the major Research Institutions, participates to 30 Preparatory Phase Projects (Call 2007) and 8 Preparatory Phase Projects (Call 2009) acting as international Coordinator of 4 of them (ESFRI ROADMAP). Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

7 The Italian Roadmap of Research Infrastructures  The goal of the Roadmap is to provide an overview of the research facilities which are of strategic importance to Italy and which require a significant capital investment.  The Roadmap develops a vision and a strategy for the research infrastructures in key areas, coherently with the needs of the scientific communities, the research organisations and the national strategic plans (PNR and SIRit). Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

8 Setting up the Italian Roadmap of Research Infrastructures Wide consultation of the scientific communities through an open call for proposals opened in December 2007 and closed in February 2008. MIUR web-site created for on-line submission of proposals by Research Institutions, Universities, other bodies. Received 220 proposals Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

9 Selecting the facilities for inclusion in the Roadmap A Working Group, composed of experts at international level and the chairs of the major research institutions, was set up (Min. Decree, November 2009), with a 6 months mandate of analysing the proposals, providing a survey of the Italian needs and potential, selecting the projects that really respond to the European definition of Infrastructure either single site or distributed, proposing a priority map of the research infrastructures. Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

10 Steps towards the publication of the Roadmap June 2010 - The Minister delivered a formal communication to the ESFRI Chair acknowledging the completion of the evaluation process and announcing the publication of the Roadmap by the end of the year. October 2010 – The final draft of the Roadmap was submitted to the Minister for approval. May 2011 – The Minister formally approved the Roadmap. October 2011 – Re-opening of the web site for update and new submissions Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

11 Roadmap Italiana delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca

12 Ministero dell ’Istruzione, dell ’Università e della Ricerca _______ DIREZIONE GENERALE PER L’INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE DELLA RICERCA Indice 1. Sommario 2. Motivazioni e finalità per una Roadmap Italiana delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca 3. Contesto Europeo e Globale 4. Il contributo italiano alla costruzione dello Spazio Europeo della Ricerca 4.1 Partecipazione alle Infrastrutture EIRO-Forum 4.2 Infrastrutture presenti sul territorio nazionale 4.3Partecipazione ai bandi del Settimo Programma Quadro per infrastrutture esistenti: l’azione I3 - Integrated Infrastructure Initiative 4.4 Partecipazione ai bandi del Settimo Programma Quadro per Nuove infrastrutture di ricerca: le azioni Design Studies e Preparatory Phase 4.5 Partecipazione ai bandi del Settimo Programma Quadro per “e-infrastructures” - infrastrutture per la tecnologia dell’informazione e dei dati 5. Il processo di preparazione della Roadmap Italiana 5.1Infrastrutture di ricerca di interesse pan-europeo mature per la fase di preparazione e implementazione 5.2 Iniziative emergenti nel contesto Europeo (ESFRI 2008, ESFRI 2010, nuove Preparatory Phase) 6. Gli strumenti legali: lo European Research Infrastructure Consortium - ERIC 7. Gli strumenti finanziari: RSSF, BEI, Fondi Strutturali APPENDICE Schede Tecniche delle Infrastrutture di Ricerca della Roadmap Italiana

13 AreaRoadmap Italiana Roadmap ESFRI Implemented ESFRI 2010 Social Science and Humanities (SSH)2 (+ 1)63 Environmental Sciences (ENV)4 (+ 1)90 Biological and Medical Sciences (BMS) 5 (+ 11)130 Energy1 (+ 5)61 Engineering, Materials and Analytical Facilities (EPS) 4 (+ 6) 8 5 Physical Sciences, Astrophysics4 (+ 3) E-Infrastructures1 (+2)11 21 (+ 29) 53 in totale, 10 realizzate 43 in Roadmap, 2 decadute Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

14 ESFRI-Projects - ENV on the roadmap 2010 EMSO – European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory will be a Research Infrastructure for long-term permanent monitoring of the ocean margin environment around Europe. It is an essential tool for deep see research. Estimated Costs: Preparation: 80 M€ Construction: ca. 160 M€ Operations: 32 M€/year Decommissioning: to be estimated Coordination: ITALY Start of construction: 2013 Start of operation: 2014

15 ESFRI-Projects - ENV on the roadmap 2010 EPOS – European Plate Observing System will create a single sustainable, permanent observational infrastructure, integrating existing geophysical monitoring networks, local observatories and experimental laboratories in Europe and adjacent regions. Estimated Costs: Preparation: 12 M€ Construction: 500 M€ Operations: 80 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable Coordination: Italy Preparation phase: 2010-2014 Construction phase: 2015-2020 Operation phase: 2020-2040+

16 ESFRI-Projects - BMS on the roadmap 2010 EMBRC – European Marine Biological Resource Centre will comprise a consortium of key European marine biological and molecular biology laboratories. As distributed RI it will provide coordinated services concerning marine biology including biobanks, supply of marine organisms etc. Estimated Costs: Preparation: 7.5 M€ Construction: 100 M€ Operations: 60 M€/year Decommissioning: not applicable Coordination: Italy Preparation phase: 2010-2013 Construction phase: 2010-2017 Operation phase: 2014-2034

17 ESFRI-Projects - EPS on the roadmap 2010 KM3NET – Kilometre Cube Neutrino Telescope will be a deep-sea Research Infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea hosting a cubic-kilometre sized deep- sea neutrino telescope for astronomy based on the detection of high-energy cosmic neutrinos and giving access to long-term deep-sea measurements. Estimated Costs Preparation: 32 M€ Construction: 220 M€ Operations: 4-6 M€/year Decommissioning: 5 M€ Coordination: Italy 2008-2014

18 Steps towards the implementation of the Roadmap  The Roadmap is part of the National Research Plan delivered by the Ministry for the years 2011-2013  Exploiting synergies with other Ministeries & Funding Agencies to pool resources  Starting the procedural iter to request a special budget for the implementation of Research Infrastructures  Exploring access to Public-Private Funding  Evaluating potential of RSFF and BEI financial tools  Assessing the impact of the ERIC Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

19 Recommendations  Pursuing the use of Structural Funds to strengthen research and innovation-related infrastructures EU should consider increasing the proportion of Structural Funds dedicated to the construction of truly international research infrastructures under simplified common rules for their use Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

20 Recommendations Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia The next national call for Roadmap update and new projects will address more specifically than in the past the issues of  Innovation, both aiming at the suppliers as well as at the users of the RIs  Development of human capital  International and regional integration

21 Future Perspectives and 2020 Vision Emphasize the role of RI as an ideal environment  to set up the partnerships needed to address societal challenges, the interactions and the exchange of knowledge  to set up a new approach to Research and Innovation that crosses disciplinary boundaries  to orient the activities around the challenges  to implement national and regional investment efforts, in order to avoid expensive duplication, and to share costs and benefits Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia IT recommendations for RI to EU-CFS

22 Future Perspectives and 2020 Vision Emphasize and strengthen the link between Joint Programming and Research Infrastructures to increase the knowledge production  European RIs are the first effective and well established example of joint programming carried out at international and in several cases global level  RIs can play a role of scientific reference for whole fields of research, well beyond the facility service (CERN, ESRF) Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia IT recommendations for RI to EU-CFS

23 Future Perspectives and 2020 Vision Develop evaluation procedures at community level to assess the achieved performances against the expectations (ex-ante versus ex-post evaluation)  The road-mapping exercise of ESFRI and the Member States is an ex-ante evaluation action that addresses the issues of science and technology by pooling the efforts and increasing the impact of new knowledge on society and economy.  Performance evaluation has to be pursued to facilitate decisions. Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia IT recommendations for RI to EU-CFS

24 Future Perspectives and 2020 Vision Increase the level of coordination between research center, RIs and Universities  The 3% target in R&D intensity will act as a catalyser for changes. An increase in the number of new researchers to be trained in different scientific fields and employed in the private and public sectors is expected.  Need to strengthen the link between RIs and Univ. optimizing education programs, favoring the exchange of knowledge and supporting the mobility. Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia IT recommendations for RI to EU-CFS

25 Thank you for your attention Information Day on European Funding Opportunities for Research Infrastructures – Nicosia

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