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TRAIN SAVER By Millennium Innovate Co.. The Content Entrance The problem Some Egyptian facts Inventions statistics The simple solutions Safety obligations.

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Presentation on theme: "TRAIN SAVER By Millennium Innovate Co.. The Content Entrance The problem Some Egyptian facts Inventions statistics The simple solutions Safety obligations."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRAIN SAVER By Millennium Innovate Co.

2 The Content Entrance The problem Some Egyptian facts Inventions statistics The simple solutions Safety obligations The solution The system The deal

3 Entrance Fighter jets could fly more than 3 Mach and do high manoeuvre The problem is that the pilot body is not strong enough At the time he has to be in Because we can not depend on electronics only

4 The Problem Most of the train accidents are somehow a crashes The crash of the train is always high dangerous, several victims and woundeds caused from any train accident There is no safe system 100 % till now, accidents happened around the world in Europe, Asia, Africa …

5 The Reason They still using electronic sensors, which need to do many actions and calculations, one single mistake for any reason means a catastrophe Specially they are non secured

6 Some Egyptian facts Train Organization own about 1.000 trains Average 12 cars at every train Average accidents 30 per month Renewable expenses on last 5 years about 12 billion EGP Number of tickets sold around 100 million per year

7 Safety Obligations In all kind of products and everywhere there are many safety regulations Some examples: 1- The belt on the cars 2- Life vest on the airplanes and the fairies 3- Fire extinguisher in the cars, factories … 4- …Etc.

8 Inventions World Wide statistics As a facts: 1- The most simple inventions are the most successful, because whenever the invention is complicated is difficult to be applied 2- 70 % of the inventions are out of hobbies, research departments are producing only 30 % 3- New application of an old invention is considered as a new invention Examples: A- The hand dry in the toilets is the same idea of the hair dry, but the new application equal a new invention B- the Viagra was for chest chock, then for sexual remedy … 4- It is impossible to get 100 % positive results from any invention, but.. Measuring the balance by comparison the advantages and the disadvantages

9 We have to search always The Simplest Solutions Ink pen does not write in space, because of the non gravity Americans spent 1 million US$ to invent convenient pen Russians replaced it simply.. by just a pencil !!

10 The Solution of the train saver It is a new world wide patent invention No. PCT / 000019 / EG / WIPO The main mission is to give a real and immediate notification about future dangerous It will be a special car forwarded in advance before the train, as a sacrifice front guard ( because infra red or RF or satellites or sensors couldnt give 100 % positive results )

11 The System This special car will be driven from a special captain in the locomotive by a remote control including video camera The distance will be well calculated according to the time, heavyweight, speed of the train ( average 1.5 klm ) The main reason is once this special sacrifice front car will be damage by a crash or turn over or touching whatsoever the train will have enough time to stop The cost of this special sacrifice guard car will be about 5 % of the total cost of the train, which could be covered by the tickets and reducing the insurances

12 The Deal Financing 1.000 sacrifice cars

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