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What Exactly Is the Digital Library? January 24, 2014 Monica Trousdale, San Jacinto Unified.

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Presentation on theme: "What Exactly Is the Digital Library? January 24, 2014 Monica Trousdale, San Jacinto Unified."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Exactly Is the Digital Library? January 24, 2014 Monica Trousdale, San Jacinto Unified

2 What Exactly Is the Digital Library? The Digital Library will provide resources, tools, and professional learning opportunities for educators so they can tailor instruction to all students’ needs by utilizing the formative assessment process in the classroom. Page 2

3 Resource Types Professional Learning Resource Instructional Resource Combination of Instructional & Professional Learning Resource Page 3

4 Organizational Structure for the Digital Library Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Formative Assessment and Professional Learning Work Group –Developed Formative Assessment Master Plan Amplify Insight, part of Wireless Generation –Contracted to develop the Digital Library State Leadership Team –A support group for each state’s SNE State Network of Educators −Educators who will submit and vet resources for the Digital Library Monica, YOU ARE HERE Page 4

5 Vetting Process Resource Contributed Resource Contributed Prepare w/ Cover Profile Review Final Review (if needed) SNE Page 5 Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria Unanimously Recommended Recommend for Review

6 Vetting Tools Cover Profile Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria Training Page 6

7 Cover Profile Page 7

8 Cover Profile Page 8

9 Gate-Keeping Criteria Page 9

10 Quality Criteria Page 10

11 Quality Criteria Page 11

12 Vetting Process Resource Contributed Resource Contributed Prepare w/ Cover Profile Review Final Review (if needed) SNE Page 12 Gate-Keeping Criteria Quality Criteria Unanimously Recommended Recommend for Review

13 Preview of the Digital Library (Beta) Digital Library Test Site Page 13

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