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Published byMarquis Lambirth Modified over 10 years ago
Welcome as a CEC Fellow! CEC The Centre for Environmental and Climate Research welcomes junior and senior scientists who participate in the activities at the CEC to join the society of CEC Fellows (sv: CEC Kollegium). Today: CEC Fellows Meeting 29 May 2013 Start: 9.30 (Blå Hallen, Ecology Building, Sölvegatan 37, Lund)
What does it mean to be a CEC Fellow? There are no formal obligations for a CEC Fellow. You are strongly encouraged to take part in the activities organized by the society of CEC Fellows. These activities are ideally initiated by the CEC Fellows. There will be regular meetings addressing topics that the CEC Fellows feel are appropriate. Any other tasks or commitments will be on a voluntary basis.
What are the requirements for becoming a CEC Fellow? The formal requirements are that the candidate needs to hold a Doctoral degree; be currently employed at, on temporary leave from, or retired from Lund University; be involved in CEC activities or actively conduct research or other activities that are relevant to CEC. For example, a junior or senior scientist who is included on the list of personnel within either BECC or MERGE Strategic Research Areas will automatically qualify. Other relevant large research projects are: ICOS, SAPES, Multistressor and LUCCI. CEC Guest Researchers are also invited as CEC Fellows.
CEC includes several large research constellations
How do I become a CEC Fellow? If you feel that you would like to become a CEC Fellow, please contact the CEC Research Coordinator Carin Nilsson ( and Erik Swietlicki (
Program of the day Welcome (Erik Swietlicki, Henrik Smith) Omvärldsbevakning – What is happening around us? 1.Happening at LU, for instance: News from Forskningsservice (Research Service) at Lund University Lunds Klimatallians - What is that? Book release for the Climate Initiative – Get you copy! 2.Happening in Sweden: Several information and discussion items 3.Happening internationally: Several information and discussion items 4.Announcements from the CEC Fellows (What do you have to report?) Planning for the autumn 1.Meetings with CEC Fellows (possible topics and dates) 2.Information about the CEC Fellows webpage Webpage information, structure etc Presentation of you as a CEC Fellow (How? Why?) 3.CEC Kalendarium (What is happening at CEC? Your input needed!) 4.CEC Research Support (What can CEC do to support your research?) 10.30 – 10.45 FIKA (Coffee break) Agenda CEC Fellows 29 May 2013 Start: 9.30 (Blå Hallen, Ecology Building, Sölvegatan 37, Lund)
Program of the day (continued) Workshop: Future possibilities – research developments at CEC The CEC Board and Steering Group have identified four research areas where CEC researchers can make significant contributions. In the latest Swedish Proposition for Research and Innovation (Oct. 2012, Prop. 2012/13:30, Forskningspropositionen), several research areas of interest to CEC are highlighted. FORMAS has also been given the task, and funding, to facilitate this research. We expect specific calls in autumn or early 2014 and want all CEC Fellows to be prepared. CEC Fellows should also express their more general views on i)Where are we now?; ii) Where do we want to be 5-10 years from now? iii) How do we get there? Aim: A clearer view on what lines of research the CEC Fellows wish to pursue over the coming 5 years. Closing of the meeting 12.15 LUNCH Vegetarian lunch at Café Bryggan, IKDC, Sölvegatan 26. Agenda CEC Fellows 29 May 2013 Start: 9.30 (Blå Hallen, Ecology Building, Sölvegatan 37, Lund)
Equal opportunities initiative 2013 Invitation for applications for: Visiting chair in Hedda Andersson’s name (Co-financing for visiting chair ) As a step in the work to increase the proportion of women in higher positions and the importance they can have as role models, – SEK 1 million has been earmarked for a visiting chair in Hedda Andersson’s name. Funding is linked to the chair for activities and human resources. – SEK 1 million has been earmarked for the co-financing of visiting professors of the underrepresented gender. The co-financing will be up to a maximum of SEK 500 000 per candidate. Faculties propose candidates. Visiting chair in Hedda Andersson’s name Co-financing for visiting chair Deadline: 15 September 2013
Vetenskapsrådet utlyser nu en ny bidragsform vars syfte är att ge svenska lärosäten en långsiktig möjlighet att attrahera internationellt mycket framstående forskare till Sverige. Bidraget kan sökas av rektor vid ett statligt universitet eller högskola. Forskare som kan komma i fråga för rekrytering ska vara internationellt erkända och ledande inom sitt forskningsområde. Vid rekryteringstillfället ska denne vara etablerad utomlands sedan minst fem år. Bidraget söks av rektorer vid svenska universitet och högskolor som inkommer med nomineringar av kandidater till Vetenskapsrådet. Därefter står Vetenskapsrådet för bedömningen om huruvida de föreslagna forskarnas meriter är tillräckliga för att motivera stödet. Bidragsbeloppet är 5–15 miljoner kronor per år för en period på 7–10 år. Totalt utlyser Vetenskapsrådet i år 150 miljoner kronor för internationell rekrytering av framstående forskare. Bidraget kommer utlysas även nästa år. Satsningen på internationell rekrytering av framstående forskare är ett uppdrag från regeringen. Satsning på internationell rekrytering av framstående forskare UTLYSNING, 2013-05-21 (löpande)
Decision 28 May 2013 ICOS Carbon Portal will be hosted by Lund University The Carbon Portal shall provide a "one-stop shop" for ICOS data products. In-situ data delivered through the Carbon Portal includes measurements of greenhouse gas concentrations and fluxes along with ancillary data such as meteorology, soil conditions or biomass of vegetation.
The Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, NordForsk and the Swedish Research Council invite you to a conference on Nordic Cooperation on Research Infrastructures. The conference Joint Nordic Focus on Research Infrastructure - Looking to the Future will span a wide range of topics, all related to planned and existing large scale research facilities in the Nordic countries. It is aimed both at research leaders and policy makers. The focus will be on the joint efforts involved in these infrastructures, and on how to facilitate and improve the modes of collaboration for them. Date: 27-28 November 2013 Venue: Scandic Hotell Hasselbacken, Stockholm Registration (on the designated website: will open on 9 September and close when the conference is full, or at the latest on 23 October. Swedish Research Council. Joint Nordic Focus on Research Infrastructure - Looking to the Future Conference Stockholm 27-28 Nov 2013
Possible dates for CEC Fellows Meetings in autumn 2013. One date In September and one in November will be chosen September Meeting, options Thursday 26 Sept Friday 27 Sept November Meeting, options Monday 11 Nov Friday 15 Nov Wednesday 20 Nov Thursday 21 Nov Topics? FORMAS (together with FS at LU) Omvärldsbevakning, Information, Proposal support, …. Future of climate and environmental research at LU CEC Fellows – Autumn Meetings Dates and Topics CEC can help you organize any actvity that you feel is relevant for CEC Fellows. Your inititatives are important!
Stanford Fellows classification Agriculture (Aquaculture) Biodiversity Climate change Economics Energy Environmental education Forests Freshwater Land use Natural resource management Oceans and coasts Public health Sustainability Toxic chemicals and toxic waste Urban issues Additional classification Adaptation Acidification Aerosols Air quality Biogeochemical cycles Carbon cycling Chemical hazards Dissemination Ecology Ecosystems Ecosystem services Eutrophication Governance Integrated assessment Land use and land use change Mitigation Modelling Outreach Social science Socio-economic research Stakeholder communication Terrestrial ecosystems CEC Fellows Keywords Skills / Field of research
CEC Fellows are encouraged to express their views on i)Where are we now? ii)Where do we want to be 5-10 years from now? iii)How do we get there? Aim: A clearer view on what lines of research the CEC Fellows wish to pursue over the coming 5 years. Future possibilities – Research development at CEC
How to define common cross-disciplinary research initiatives at CEC and LU? Principles of selection: Grand Challenges (e.g. ”Climate change”) Societal needs (e.g. ”Green growth”) Funding possibilities (Wait for calls to come) Curiosity (Basic science) A combination of these would be desirable. As researchers, we would like to be part in defining the big research questions and societal problems that can be solved with the help of our research (third task).
Areas of interest discussed/suggested by the CEC Board: Biobased economy (e.g. biorefineries, biofuels) Ecosystem-based climate adaptation ( e.g. carbon storage ) Hazardous chemicals (Kemiska hälsorisker, e.g. endocrine disruptors) Urban environments (”Hållbart samhällsbyggande”) Others? Climate change, Short-lived climate pollutants, etc… What common cross-disciplinary research initiatives do we want to promote at CEC and LU?
FORMAS definition: A bio-based economy (bioeconomy) is an economy based on: A sustainable production of biomass to enable increased use within a number of different sectors of society. The objective is to reduce climate effects and the use of fossil-based raw materials. An increased added value for biomass materials, concomitant with a reduction in energy consumption and recovery of nutrients and energy as additional end products. The objective is to optimize the value and contribution of ecosystem services to the economy. Bio-based economy
Wikipedia definition: Biobased economy, bioeconomy or biotechonomy refers to all economic activity derived from scientific and research activity focused on biotechnology - in other words, on understanding mechanisms and processes at the genetic and molecular levels and its application to industrial process. Comparison of fossil fuel and biobased economy With a fossil fuel economy substances as gasoline, fuel oil, diesel, naphta, kerosine, LPG, and other are converted to: energy, chemical products, food, materials. With a biobased economy substances as (syn)gas, sugars, oil, fibres and other are converted to energy, chemical products, (animal) food, biomaterials. Bio-based economy
19 Bio-based Economy - Towards Industrial Sustainability The transformative ability of biotechnology applied to industrial process in delivering profitability and environmental gains hand-in-hand, and the influential report: “The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial Sustainability” (OECD, 2001): ), prepared by the OECD Task Force on Biotechnology for Sustainable Industrial Development, has prompted action in several countries towards delivering a more resilient, more sustainable and more biobased economy. The focus at the OECD on industrial biotechnology is to identify the potential contribution of biotechnology to sustainable growth and development, and identify and appraise policy options for supply and demand side interventions that can drive efficient transition towards bio-based economy. Recent report: Towards the Development of OECD Best Practicesfor Assessing the Sustainability of Bio-based Products OECD case study on “Metrics to Support Informed Decision-making for Consumers of Bio-based Products”Metrics to Support Informed Decision-making for Consumers of Bio-based Products” The Bioeconomy to 2030 The report on Bioeconomy 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda begins with an evidence-based technology approach, focusing on biotechnology applications in primary production, health, and industry. Bio-based economy - OECD
Convention on Biological Diversity definition: Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) is “the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change”. Ecosystem Based Climate Adaptation
Regeringens proposition, 2012/13:30 Forskning och innovation,11 oktober 2012
8.2.2 Forskning om skogsråvaror och biomassa – nya material och biobaserade produkter för en biobaserad samhällsekonomi Anslaget för forskning och samfinansierad forskning till FORMAS bör öka med totalt 100 miljoner kronor 2014–2016 för forskning om skogsråvaror och biomassa. Anslaget bör öka med 40 miljoner kronor 2014, med ytterligare 10 miljoner kronor 2015 och med ytterligare 50 miljoner kronor 2016. Därmed beräknas anslagsnivån bli 100 miljoner kronor 2016. Skälen för regeringens bedömning: Biobaserad samhällsekonomi. Klimatfrågan, minskad användning av fossila råvaror och brist på naturresurser är stora utmaningar. En central åtgärd för att komma till rätta med detta är att utveckla produktion, användning och förädling av förnybar biomassa. Sverige har jämfört med många andra länder goda förutsättningar för omställning till en biobaserad samhällsekonomi i synnerhet genom god tillgång på biomassa från skogen. Skogs- och jordbrukets kolsänka Regeringens proposition, 2012/13:30 Forskning och innovation,11 oktober 2012
(FORMAS, Report: R3:2012, March 2012)
Research and development initiatives – FORMAS Report 2012 – Biobased economy I. The replacement of fossil-based raw materials with bio-based raw materials Intensified production of bio-based raw materials Nutrient and fertilizer optimization systems Crop and animal breeding Multifunctional cultivation systems Adapting crops and production systems to climate change New and improved biomass properties Use of other ecosystems for biomass production (Marine and aquatic systems - Green areas in cities - Sustainable use of peat) II. Smarter products and smarter use of raw materials Further refining of the biomass into products Bi-products and waste products become raw materials New products Biorefineries III. Change in consumption habits and attitudes Shelf-life, reuse Transport Distribution and storage New services Consumer behaviour IV. Prioritisation and choice of measures Environmental consequences Socio-economic consequences Conflict of objectives Policy instruments
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