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Engaging Students in Classroom Discussion. Learning Targets O I can explain the difference between text-based discussion and other discussion formats.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Students in Classroom Discussion. Learning Targets O I can explain the difference between text-based discussion and other discussion formats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Students in Classroom Discussion

2 Learning Targets O I can explain the difference between text-based discussion and other discussion formats O I can prepare for and facilitate text-based and question based discussions O I can assess and monitor progress in discussion


4 Reading/Learning is about thinking.

5 “Discussion is an important tool of learning. It engages students, broadens their perspectives, and promotes meaning-making, decision-making, and higher-level thinking. Discussion is difficult, even for adults. We converse, we share, we argue, we report, and we think we have discussed. But true discussion is purposeful interchange of ideas through which meaning has the possibility of being revised and extended.” --from Classroom Discussion by Dixie Spiegel (2005)

6 Highly Effective Teaching and Learning O Teachers…… O Orchestrates effective discussion, questioning to promote higher order thinking O Think deeply about problems/variety of approaches O Lesson connections to community and current events O Link to student understandings

7 Highly Effective Teaching and Learning O Students…… O Authentic and active engagement O Collaborate with other students O Applies and refines inquiry skills O Develops explanations using evidence

8 Connecting to KCAS O SL.6-8.1 Engage effective in a range of collaborative discussions O A. Be prepared O B. Follow rules O C. Pose and answer questions O Demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives

9 Connecting to KCAS SL.1--Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners. a. Come to discussions prepared b. Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives

10 Connections to TPEGS

11 Pearson, Cervetti and Tilson (2008) O Discussions with peers about text can sharpen cognitive skills and expand student motivation for reading. O Comprehension is improved when students talk about text.

12 Richard Allington, (2003) O Three Principles that lead to reading achievement O Reading Principle O Response Principle O Explicit Instruction Principle

13 What can wreck a discussion?

14 Bringing Collaboration Skills into the Classroom O Expectations O Norms O Friendship O Leadership O Communication O Conflict O Schmuck (2005)

15 Successful Discussion

16 Creating Group Ground Rules and Consequences

17 Discussion promotes higher level thinking O Turner and Paris, 1995 O Many and Wisemena 1992 O Anzul 1993 O Gilles 1993

18 Characteristics of Good Discussion O Open Ended not IRE O Collaborative and Constructive

19 Types of discussion

20 Simple Strategies To Facilitate Classroom Conversation O Say Something O Think Pair Share O Buzz Groups O Flying Ball O ABC

21 Prepare Students for Question Based Discussion


23 Semantic Web Is the use of standardized testing improving student learning?

24 How is a question based discussion different from question/answer?

25 Prepare Students for Text Based Discussion

26 Discussion Video

27 Frayer Model Definition How I would use it What it isWhat it is not Text-Based Discussion

28 Reading and Annotating Text

29 Double Entry Journal TextMy Connections

30 During Discussion Teacher RoleStudent Role Collect data on targeted skills Make notes on re-teaching needs Make notes on behavioral issues Participate by Listening Questioning Clarifying Summarizing Referring to the text


32 Let’s Talk About It!

33 After Discussion Teacher RoleStudent Role Provide individual feedback to students individually Ask students to reflect using short prompts and post-its Prepare mini-lessons to address skills Provide feedback on the discussion as a whole (not on individual students) Reflect on discussions to revise thinking

34 Resources

35 Exit Slip

36 Questions and Concerns

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