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Brandon Patoc Ronel Salileng Pd.6

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1 Brandon Patoc Ronel Salileng Pd.6
Bab el Mandeb Brandon Patoc Ronel Salileng Pd.6

2 The Bab el Mandeb connects the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, which is part of the Indian ocean. The Red Sea connects to the Mediterranean sea through the Suez canal.

3 Bab el Mandeb The Bab el Mandeb is a strait located between the countries Yemen and Djibouti. Bab el Mandeb means Gate of Tears in Arabic it is called this because of its rough waters and because of an Arabic legend about a huge earthquake that split Asia and Africa and a lot of people drowned.

4 Control of the Bab el Mandeb
In the past France and great Britain fought over the control of the Bab el Mandeb because of its strategic location. Now it is used by everyone to deliver goods faster.

5 Dimensions The approximate Width is 13 miles from the edge of Djibouti and small island Mayyun that’s part of the country, Yemen. The length is 33 miles long from the end of the Red Sea and the end of the Sawabii Islands


7 ` The Bab el Mandeb is very important to the united states and Europe because they receive their goods everyday. This is one of the worlds major oil transit checkpoints.

8 If the Bab el Mandeb were to close that would hurt most countries because a lot of goods passes through there, if it closed then the ships will need to go all the way around Africa to deliver the goods. That way takes longer and costs more money.

9 The Bab el Mandeb is a very strategic strait because it is one of the worlds largest oil transit checkpoints. Millions of gallons of oil goes through everyday to the united states and Europe. There is military presence on the Bab el Mandeb the base is called Camp Lemmonier. The camp was established to prevent terrorist from the Bab el Mandeb.

10 Advantage Mostly all countries can use this strait because it’s a shortcut from Western Europe to the Indian Ocean. It’s faster then going around Africa. Disadvantages The only disadvantages is rough water and navigation and there is pirates roaming the area.

11 Today a lot of oil tankers pass through the Bab el Mandeb because it gets the oil to europe and the united states quickly 3.3 million barrels go through per day that’s why the Bab el Mandeb is one of the worlds major oil transit checkpoints. A lot of cargo ships go through to delivering a lot of goods. Like cars, food, clothes, act.

12 The Bab el Mandeb is also called the Gate of Tears because its waters is dangerous. The strong winds agitate the water which makes it a rough ride. The current flows south-east from May-October and north-west from November-April

13 Somali Pirates roam the waters off the bab el mandeb and they attack the cargo ships because they want the cargo. Recently the moved more in to the bab el mandeb causing all sorts of trouble. They even held a captian of the Maersk Alabama ship hostage then the navy seals came and saved him .

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