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CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute EDU Windows EDU Proof of Concept (POC) Program Program Overview for Schools Partner Name Partner.

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Presentation on theme: "CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute EDU Windows EDU Proof of Concept (POC) Program Program Overview for Schools Partner Name Partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute EDU Windows EDU Proof of Concept (POC) Program Program Overview for Schools Partner Name Partner Title Partner Organization

2 CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute EDU Windows: Empowering Education Devices and experiences that students and teachers love. Management solutions and services administrators need. Supporting 21 st century skill development with modern User Interface & best-in-class apps; Enable anytime, anywhere learning with combined power of a PC and flexibility of a tablet; Wide range of devices, apps and services provide choices to meet your needs; Integrated platform for manageability, support, safety, and low cost of ownership.


4 CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute Showcase how Windows 8 on touchscreen devices can dramatically enhance teaching and learning in your classrooms. You choose the perfect device, apps, and curriculum. EDU Introducing the Windows EDU Proof of Concept (POC)

5 CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute Explore Windows 8 devices in variety of form factors from multiple Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) Get hands-on training for educators and IT staff using Windows 8 devices in a real world setting Simplify large scale device deployment Facilitate adoption of new approaches in teaching with technology Receive feedback from Teachers, Students & Staff Evaluate hardware, software and services against Common Core and local assessment standards Key Benefits of POC EDU POC Benefits

6 CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute Commitments From School EDU Your role in the project Assign a classroom for the project; Enroll teachers, students and school technical leads; Provide a robust Wi-Fi network for the test devices; Agree to an Acceptable Use Policy, and sign a Public Relations release form; Provide feedback on topics such as ease of use, impact on productivity, and changes during and after POC through anecdotal reporting and a wrap-up survey; Help guide the devices specifications list for students and staff.

7 CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute EDU All Roles and Responsibilities Microsoft System Integrator School Out of Scope Deployment of devices and apps in customer’s production environment (POC vs Pilot) Production Infrastructure updates Custom App development or migration

8 EDU Typical PoC Timeline SET-UP (2 weeks) TRAINING (2 weeks) CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE AND EVALUATION (4 weeks) WRAP-UP (2 weeks) Microsoft Certified Partner provides… Set up & test devices Prepare support resources Develop & deliver training (scenario-based device usage) Consult as needed Program Wrap-up School provides… IT engagement and access for set-up Teachers & students take training Teachers and Students use devices in the classroom in different learning and teaching scenarios Evaluation & Survey School POC Sponsor School Technical Lead Curriculum Developer Up to 50 students At least 2 teachers > EDU PoC: Typical Timeline Microsoft Confidential - Presented under NDA, do not redistribute

9 CONFIDENTIAL: Presented under NDA, do not redistribute EDU Next steps… Execute Letter of Intent (LOI) Standard agreement between education institution and QQ Microsoft: Mutual commitments Roles, responsibilities Additional partners or technologies Schedules


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