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Ends Assessment and Reporting
Calgary Board of Education Ends Assessment and Reporting
The Ends Academic Success Citizenship Personal Development Character
Mega-End 5 Board of Trustees Ends Statements synergy and interconnectedness between them one reinforces, supports, extends and enriches another Board of Trustees have established these Ends on behalf of the community of Calgary – speak to the value brought to students to the community as a whole by the work of the Calgary Board of Education
Ends 4: Personal Development
Ends 3, 4 and 5 Ends 3: Citizenship Each student will be a responsible citizen by being an informed and involved member in his or her local, national and global communities. Ends 4: Personal Development Each student will acquire the skills, attitudes and knowledge to achieve personal highest potential. Ends 5: Character Each student will possess the character to do what is right, act morally with wisdom, and balance individual concerns with the rights and needs of others. The assessment and reporting initiative we are talking about speaks specifically to Ends 3, 4, 5:Citizenship, Personal Development and Character As seen in the previous slide they themselves are interconnected and also connect with the Academic focus of schools Ends 3, 4, 5 reporting on student report cards has been in place in a pilot form for the last two years in Elementary/Middle/Junior High Schools – many schools have begun the work of intentionally considering what student performance in these areas looks like Outside of the pilot, these types of factors have also been part of student reporting in less explicit ways – Elementary Personal Growth and Work Habits, and in secondary schools have sometimes been entwined with Academic reporting This year Ends 3, 4, 5 Assessment and Reporting has been expanded to include students K-12, and has been modified even for schools previously participating in the pilot Ends 3, 4, 5 Assessment and Reporting is an opportunity to have the discussions that bring to the question of how we actually support students as they move towards these ends to the surface – to acknowledge the value and importance of that work, to be intentional about the work, to develop some common understandings of what it is and what it isn’t, and to communicate our intentions to students and to parents
What are Ends 3, 4 and 5 about? Integrity Concern for dignity
Responsibility Confidence Curiosity Critical thinking Perseverance Compassion Goal-setting Optimism Flexibility Respect Empathy Courage Many of these words and characteristics would be familiar to you as the language of the Ends Statements.
Reasonable Interpretations
For the good of our children, we need to start with the student, not the subject. Citizenship is about who we are, how we live together, and what kind of people our children are to become. Reasonable Interpretations We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle Additional clarity around the Ends Statements and how they are taken up in schools has been provided through the Chief Superintendent’s Reasonable Interpretations, and is part of the change that would be evident between the pilot version of Ends 3, 4, 5 Reporting and the new Ends 3, 4, 5 Assessment and Reporting. One key point of clarity is that as a school board, our realm of influence and responsibility is in and through the learning programs and activities that students engage in. Our assessment and reporting focus in relation to the Citizenship, Personal Development and Character Ends are on the citizenship, personal development and character that students demonstrate in and through learning.
In and Through Learning
Families have the primary responsibility for the development of a child’s citizenship, personal potential and character. Schools share in these responsibilities. The context for our assessment and reporting is on the citizenship, personal development, and character students exhibit in and through learning. Being able to personalize learning, to understand a great many things about the individual learner and to teach accordingly, requires understanding and developing the processes of a student’s interactions within the learning environment as well as the student’s understandings of content. Families first and primarily – before, during and after students’ schooling years. Developing students’ sense of citizenship, personal development and character in and through learning is part of our responsibilities as a public institution. Regular communication with parents and guardians about students’ demonstrations of citizenship, personal development, and character in and through learning is then also part of our responsibilities. That communication will focus on what a child does, what actions they have taken, not on who a child is.
In the CBE, the Personalization of Learning
begins with engagement is active and effortful is assessment-rich is metacognitive and transformative The work of Ends assessment and reporting draws particular attention to the assessment-rich nature of personalized learning, to practices of assessment that inform instructional decisions, inform student learning tactics, and articulate multiple avenues for the representation of learning. This work is work for students It is foundational to the personalization of learning – it speaks to students’ self awareness, to their agency and engagement, but also to the teacher’s ability to respond – to consider the whole child as they undertake their work of instructional design There is an important emphasis on formative assessment – we are all engaged in the work of moving students forward in their learning; as such, the primary purpose for gathering information has to be to inform our instructional decisions and to support students in developing self-awareness Another purpose is to inform the monitoring that the Board of Trustees undertakes to assess the progress and effectiveness of the organization.
Alberta Education Program of Studies Chemistry 20-30
Programs of Study Ends 3, 4, 5 are not new curriculums. They are elements of all programs of study and are integrated into everything that schools do to advance student learning. Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively in planning and carrying out investigations and in generating and evaluating ideas; e.g., • assume a variety of roles within a group, as required • accept responsibility for any task that helps the group complete an activity • evaluate the ideas of others objectively • seek the points of view of others and consider a multitude of perspectives. to be embedded, integrated - not to be taught in isolation – not ‘today we are learning about citizenship’ we know and we need to support students in their understanding of how the way they demonstrate characteristics of Ends 3, 4, and 5 affects their academic achievement for the most part, these Ends and the outcomes of a program of study are distinct but complementary – each is its own entity, but one cannot necessarily exist without the other another good starting point for conversations with staff – what does their program of study say about these ends? Where are the connections? areas of overlap – ie. the elementary science program of studies talks about persistence, the social studies program of studies relates to citizenship, all programs require ongoing personal development – there are places where the Program of Study speaks directly to these ends, but all ends are essential to all programs of study care must be taken in determining what will be assessed and how it will be reported – there are times when it is appropriate to include citizenship in a course grade and there are times when it is not Alberta Education Program of Studies Chemistry 20-30 (revised 2009) p. 16
Gathering Evidence Gathering evidence related to Ends 3, 4, 5 includes seeking to understand: What decisions did the student make about how to approach a task, an interaction, an issue, etc.? What did they initiate, and what does that tell us about their priorities? How did they respond to events, ideas, issues and obstacles in their learning environment? What did they say about their thoughts, feelings, intentions, etc.? How did their decisions, responses and actions contribute to their success in learning? this is not only about making the observations and having the conversations – it is about creating the space where such observations and conversations are possible
Strength-Based Reporting
An assumption of strength within each student will serve as foundational to Ends 3, 4, 5 assessment and reporting. There are multiple versions of successful demonstrations of citizenship, personal development and character within any given situation. These multiple versions of success do not lend themselves to rubric or checklist assessments. Ends 3, 4, 5 will primarily be reported as descriptions of student performance interpreted in relation to the general indicators of success for each Ends. Assessments of student performance are made through a triangulation of data sources: student work, teacher observation, and student reflection. this is not a checklist, a rubric, a percentage grade – this is about the teacher as a professional – as an instructional designer, a builder of relationships, a facilitator of self-understanding, and a person capable of intelligent judgment based on a deep understanding of the complexities of both the student and the nature of the ends Strength-based reporting focuses both on what a child is doing and on where the next growth or development can be encouraged and supported.
Reporting The same report card stems will be added to all Grade student report cards. Distinctions between the divisions will be evident in the context in which students are asked to work and learn and the level of sophistication evident in the descriptions of student assessment information. continuity makes targets clear for students and parents – growth is seen as ongoing and ultimately lifelong – not a destination to be arrived at each year revisiting our central purpose
Citizenship in Learning
Ends Report Card Stems Reasonable Interpretations General Indicators Citizenship in learning Exercises democratic rights and responsibilities within the learning community Demonstrates respect and appreciation for diversity Works and communicates effectively with others Contributes to events of common concern Takes responsibility and action to help the group work smoothly Advocates for self, others, and the common good Makes responsible use of individual and shared resources Shows concern for the dignity and equality of all Demonstrates appreciation for individual and cultural differences Seeks to learn about and from unfamiliar ways of thinking and living Collaborates to advance learning and community goals Communicates with others to build understanding Uses diverse viewpoints in a learning context stems are related to the wording from the trustees and to the RI
Personal Development through Learning
Ends Report Card Stems Reasonable Interpretations General Indicators Personal Development through learning Sets and works towards learning goals Demonstrates confidence and autonomy in learning Generates goals based on self-assessment, learning criteria, and personal interests Plans a strategic approach to meeting goals, solving problems, and performing tasks Modifies and improves learning strategies based on experience and feedback Approaches new learning situations with positive expectations Demonstrates interest in and curiosity about ideas, objects, events, and resources Demonstrates a range of approaches for developing and representing understanding Develops and uses meta-cognitive strategies Organizes self, materials, and time
Reasonable Interpretations
Character in Learning Ends Report Card Stems Reasonable Interpretations General Indicators Character in learning Engages in learning with initiative, persistence and integrity Treats others with respect and compassion Makes responsible decisions Explores ideas and initiates processes for learning Seeks, accepts, and persists with learning challenges Adheres to community expectations and personal convictions in conducting and representing learning Shows respect for the contributions and achievements of others Responds and is sensitive to the needs and welfare of others Applies peaceful methods for conflict resolution Takes responsibility and action to find solutions to everyday problems Identifies possible choices in decision making processes and evaluates them in light of the needs of self and others Makes decisions that reflect high regard for self and others Reflects on and takes responsibility for the impact of actions and decisions Shows courage and conviction in raising issues and making difficult decisions not about compliance – lining up, staying silent – about the whole child – the whole person
Effort The reporting of Ends 3, 4, 5 provide the opportunity to describe to parents the effort students bring to their various learning experiences. Information about the initiative, persistence, responsible decision making, group contributions, pursuit of learning goals and the independence with which students engage in learning tasks creates a very comprehensive portrait of students’ effort in learning. As such, effort will no longer be reported as a separate category. for elementary and middle/jr high schools, effort will be reinterpreted – although removed as a separate reporting section it is reported even more clearly through the Ends
Reporting Reporting Period 1 Reporting Period 2 Reporting Period 3
At least one descriptive comment about each End: Citizenship, Personal Development and Character Reporting Period 2 Reporting Period 3 Descriptive comments and summative scale. Reporting Period 1 At least one descriptive comment about each End: Citizenship, Personal Development and Character Reporting Period 2 Reporting Period 3 Reporting Period 4 Descriptive comments and summative scale. summative scale is dependent on having evidence of a student’s performance across time, in a number of situations, and with opportunities to grow and improve after receiving feedback Ends 3, 4, 5 assessment and reporting in high schools will follow the same format as in other schools across the system. Descriptive comments for each of Ends 3, 4, 5 will be provided on each issued report card, including one interim report card per semester and the final report cards issued at the end of each semester. In addition, the summative assessment scale will be used on the final report card issued to students in June. make this reflective of high schools terms etc.
The Report Card EX – Exemplary Strengths EV – Evident Strengths EM – Emerging Strengths SR – Network of Support Required IPP – Individual Program Plan Summative evaluations will be based on teachers’ judgments of the consistency with which students demonstrate those strengths and the degree of support required to incorporate them within the learning environment. comments for the first reporting periods, summative scale at the end ongoing communication necessary to be ready for this scale in June (minimum three months) draw attention to distinction between IPP and SR and to the circumstances when one or the other is applicable unfortunately, Rpt 1 etc. cannot be greyed out – will appear and will be blank
Some Practicalities Elementary and middle report cards are changing this year – where they have previously existed, effort marks and sections for personal growth and work habits will be removed, and all eight report card stems will be added. For the Ends where reporting will not be undertaken this school year, schools will use NA. As high school report cards do not currently allow for outcome based reporting, a separate Ends 3, 4, 5 reporting form is being created for high schools. This reporting form will be accessible within the SIRS environment and will be used in all high schools across the system. Very few changes have been made to the Kindergarten report card as the Ends 3, 4, 5 reporting indicators have a great deal of overlap with specific learning expectations from the Alberta Kindergarten Program Statement and are already represented on the current CBE Kindergarten report card. Report Cards for Special Education and other unique programs will be reviewed during the school year. Where possible, the Ends 3, 4, 5 report card stems will be added to existing report cards. Conflicts, overlaps and other unique circumstances will be addressed to support a system wide perspective on Ends 3, 4, 5 assessment and reporting.
Timeline Elementary and Middle/Junior High Schools Senior High Schools
2010/2011 Partial implementation: full assessment and reporting of at least one End descriptive feedback prior to summative scale optional full implementation 2011/2012 Full implementation Senior High Schools A staged-in implementation plan offers schools the opportunity to think deeply about this work and to have the conversations that will make it live in a way that makes sense in their space where is this going to promote growth? Assessment practices? program of studies? schools will have site-specific plans for implementation and will communicate their plan to parents Each teacher will be involved in Ends assessment and reporting, with responsibility coordinated across a team of teachers as necessary to ensure that a student receives at least one comment in each of the Ends areas on each report card. The team of teachers working with a student will need to coordinate their assessments to provide the summative evaluation at the end of the year. reporting on at least one end this year 2010/2011 Partial implementation: full assessment and reporting of at least one End 2011/2012 Partial implementation: continuation of 2010/2011 Ends reporting assessment and reporting of at least one additional End 2012/ Full implementation
Collaborative Effort The advancement of citizenship, personal development and character in our students must be a whole-school effort. All members of the school community share the responsibility to model, teach and expect demonstrations of the characteristics of these Ends in all school, classroom and extracurricular activities. everyone – teaching staff, support staff, custodial staff, volunteers – we all model, teach and assess – it is part of our collective conscious way of being with kids not ‘my students’, ‘our students’
A Parent’s Wish “To my son … when I think of education in 20 years I hope that your teachers have loved you and nurtured you and helped you to become a “ready citizen” for your adult journey of life. I hope your teachers have instilled the power of lifelong learning and teamwork.” Parent, Fort McMurray Inspiring Education, Community Conversation
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