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El Paso Corporation Flow Day Diversion (FDD) Net Working Group August 4, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "El Paso Corporation Flow Day Diversion (FDD) Net Working Group August 4, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 El Paso Corporation Flow Day Diversion (FDD) Net Working Group August 4, 2008

2 2 Request / Explanation Please change the Passport screens to include a Net FDD value. Before the Flow Day Diversions (FDD) in the Passport system were streamlined, the scheduled quantities throughout El Pasos system netted out the FDD transactions because the flow from transaction had a negative quantity, and the flow to transaction had a positive quantity. Now, there is only one positive FDD transaction that is added into the total scheduled quantity being displayed on screens, reports, and other Passport functions.

3 3 We Value Your Input The El Paso Corporation will be implementing a change in the Flow Day Diversion (FDD) Net reporting in Passport 2005 and we would like your input on the implementation that will best meet your needs. We have come up with 3 options for review, but we also want to consider other options you may suggest.

4 4 Change to Screens to Net FDD Quantities Proposed Options New Screen New Totals Tab New Report

5 5 Option 1: New Screen

6 6 Option 1: New Buttons / New Screens

7 7 Noms and Confirmations in Example QtyRecDelPkg Nom 116,769Receipt 1Loc 1 Nom 219,177Receipt 2Loc 2 Nom 344,627Receipt 3Loc 1 Nom 410,000Loc 1Loc 2FDD Nom 53,000Loc 1Delivery 1FDD Nom 625,373HEEN 1Loc 1HEEN Nom 710,149HEEN 2Loc 2HEEN Down 186,769 Loc 1 Down 239,268 Loc 2 Down 310,000 Loc 2FDD Up 113,000Loc 1 FDD

8 8 Option 1: New Buttons / New Screens (Delivery Locations / Receipt Locations) 6/4/2008XXXX12345Loc 161,39625,37386,76913,00073,769 6/4/2008XXXX54321Loc 229,17710,14939,3260 90,57335,522126,09513,000113,095 6/4/2008XXXX12345Loc 113,000013.00086,769-73,769 6/4/2008XXXX54321Loc 200039,326-39,326 13,0000 126,095-113,095

9 9 Option 1: New Buttons / New Screens Pros Delivery and net totals easily viewed for all locations at one touch of a button Can include separate HEEN and Flowing Gas delivery location totals for quick reference Can be easily adapted to show net totals at any bidirectional location (even if Flow Day Diversions are not involved) Ability to filter and query independently of the main Nomination or Confirmation screens Easily exported in a variety of formats

10 10 Option 1: New Buttons / New Screens Cons Net totals are not displayed directly on the main Nominations or Confirmations screens (one button click required to view the totals) Separate filter and query functions could cause confusion for those who jump back and forth between the screens

11 11 Option 2: Totals Tab

12 12 Option 2: Net Total on Totals Tab Current Nominations and Confirmation Totals Tabs Proposed Nominations and Confirmation Totals Tabs with FDD Net

13 13 Option 2: Net Total on Totals Tab New Totals Tab Filters will determine if something is displayed in Totals area: If there is no filter FDD net will be blank If anything but delivery or receipt location is selected FDD net will be blank If Delivery or receipt locations are selected, then the FDD net will be the Scheduled quantity according to the pair of locations selected minus any FDDs flowing out of the Delivery location, plus any FDDs flowing into the Delivery location. Example: Del Filter on Loc 1 (Sched = 86769, FDD Net = 73769) Del Filter on Loc 2 (Sched = 29177, FDD Net = 29177) Rec Filter on Loc 1 (Sched = 13000, FDD Net = 0)

14 14 Option 2: Net Total on Totals Tab Pros Net totals displayed on the main Nominations or Confirmations screens Responds to the query and filters of the main screen

15 15 Option 2: Net Total on Totals Tab Cons Net totals are only meaningful at a location level and viewing such totals at a broader or narrower level may cause confusion May cause system performance issues with Passport which could delay implementation to deal with those issues Limited export options for the net totals data

16 16 Option 3: New Report

17 17 Option 3: New Report -306,218-126,871 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXX 123456 06/20/08-126,871 -306,218-126,871 Svc Req KUp KDn K Net Conf Dth Net Schd DthCycle Company Name Svc Req K IDDel DateFDD Net XXXXX86,769 3XXXXXXX1234506/04/0873,769 YYYYY39,326 3XXXXXXX1232406/04/0839,326 Total2 Row(s)

18 18 Option 3: New Report Pros Delivery and net totals easily viewed for all locations at once from a selection in the reports menu May be easily adapted to show net totals at any bidirectional location (even if Flow Day Diversions are not involved ) Easily exported in a variety of formats Ability to send electronically like other reports

19 19 Option 3: New Report Cons Net totals are not displayed directly on the main Nominations or Confirmations screens (several clicks required to view the totals)

20 20 Option Comparative Summary

21 21 Any Other Ideas?

22 22 Thank you! Thank you for your time and input! For additional Net FDD Working Group input contact EPNG NAS Solutions Team members: Rod Wait (719) 520-3758, Curtis Claar (719) 667-7516,

23 23 Thank You! Have a Great Day! El Paso Pipeline Group El Paso E&P Company

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