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© SIPE GA308372 Plyson Jurgen, 2Mpact Boden Katrin, Hydroscan Workshop SIPE-RTD Web Portal

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Presentation on theme: "© SIPE GA308372 Plyson Jurgen, 2Mpact Boden Katrin, Hydroscan Workshop SIPE-RTD Web Portal"— Presentation transcript:

1 © SIPE GA308372 Plyson Jurgen, 2Mpact Boden Katrin, Hydroscan Workshop SIPE-RTD Web Portal

2 © SIPE GA308372 Knowledge brokerage tool: European Standards  ECPolicies  EC funded RTD results – –Water & Marine – –Air – –Waste & Sludge – –Soil & Sediment Stakeholders from Research, European Standardisation bodies, Policy and enterprises/SMEs Analyse current barriers, identify standardisation needs and standards for more efficient use of resources SIPE-RTD Web Portal

3 © SIPE GA308372 190 EC Policies (split up in 3700 policy articles) 900 EU Standards 1450 EC funded research Projects and Results Interlinked by keyword fingerprints for each item Content Environmental compartment PolicyResearch Standards Documents Articles/ annexes ProjectsResults Water & Marine791834335226552 Air5912591558779 Soil & Sediment15495200204177 Waste & Sludge821396218349104

4 © SIPE GA308372 Homepage General info Search – –Compartments – –Substance list – –Keyword cloud – –Free search Combination Our Selection Feedback & Contribution

5 © SIPE GA308372 Environmental compartments Guided search Select Water & Marine

6 © SIPE GA308372 Specify your interest field – –Most relevant subdomains, compartment specific – –(number of items) Or use the cloud Guided search – Environmental compartment

7 © SIPE GA308372 Fuzzy search (1) Cloud with highest ranked keywords – –Homepage: all information within SIPE-RTD Web Portal – –After compartment/keyword selection: subsetoflinkedinformation – –Keyword font  Linked information Refine by clicking on keyword

8 © SIPE GA308372 Selected compartment/keywords: at top of cloud – –Deselect to widen your search Fuzzy search (2) Deselect Water & Marine

9 © SIPE GA308372 – –Search in all compartments – –Or add other environmental compartment (+) Fuzzy search (3)

10 © SIPE GA308372 Explore your Search Results = information linked to selected compartment/keywords Search Results (1)

11 © SIPE GA308372 Standards, Research and Policies (Number of items) Ranking based on how well keyword fingerprints of the items match with the selected keywords Scroll bar Narrow down by selecting extra keywords For explanation Search Results (2)

12 © SIPE GA308372 Standard: EN, FprEN, prEN, TS, EN ISO Research [P] Projects [R] Research results [G] Guidance document Policies [DIR]: EC Directive [REG]: EC Regulation [COM]: EC Communication [DEC]: EC Decision Specific codes: [WFD] [GWD] [UWWD] [MSFD] [BWD] [DWD] [FWD] [SWD] [FD] [ND] [IPPC] [LCP] [WSFD] [WSR] [WStatR] [LoW] [WEEED] [WID] [RoHS] [ELV] Search Results (3)

13 © SIPE GA308372 Use mouseover to view full title Click on an item to explore its content Search Results (4)

14 © SIPE GA308372 Type of information Standards’ code Title Abstract: as defined by CEN External links: – –Website of CEN Result page – Standards (1)

15 © SIPE GA308372 CEN: search for specific standard on CEN website Result page – Standards (2)

16 © SIPE GA308372 Type of information Standards’ code Title Abstract: as defined by CEN External links: – –Website of CEN – –National Standardisation Bodies for Standard information in your language and for purchase  indicated by the flags of the CEN member countries Result page – Standards (3)

17 © SIPE GA308372 E.g. National Standardisation body of the Netherlands – –Website accessible for search functions – –Direct link to specific standard Result page – Standards (4)

18 © SIPE GA308372 Result page – Standards (5) E.g. National Standardisation body of France –No direct link to the specific Standard possible –Link made to homepage where user needs to do the search again

19 © SIPE GA308372 Type of information Standards’ code Title Abstract: as defined by CEN External links Cloud with ‘keyword fingerprint’ – –Keywords defined by the SIPE-RTD keyword algorithm – –Only highest ranked keywords – –Keyword font  Linked information Result page – Standards (3)

20 © SIPE GA308372 Related results: > 3 keywords of keyword fingerprint keywords match  ranking Related results (2) Full screen

21 © SIPE GA308372 Full screen Related results (3) Return

22 © SIPE GA308372 Specify your search by selecting keywords from cloud with keyword fingerprint of item Related results (4)

23 © SIPE GA308372 Selected keywords on top at Related Results Related results (5) Explore Research result

24 © SIPE GA308372 Subdivided into: – –Projects – –Research results – –Guidance document Project acronym + title Project information Abstract (logo) External links: – –CORDIS – –Project Website Result page – Research (1)

25 © SIPE GA308372 CORDIS: Direct link to specific project Result page – Research (2)

26 © SIPE GA308372 Subdivided into: – –Projects – –Research results – –Guidance document Project acronym + title Project information Abstract (logo) External links Internal links to linked Research results Result page – Research (3)

27 © SIPE GA308372 Research Result Project Acronym + Title Research information Abstract External link: – –Result documents Internal link – –According project Cloud with keyword fingerprint Result page – Research (4)

28 © SIPE GA308372 Return: 1 step back Return to last selected keywords Result page – Return buttons (1)

29 © SIPE GA308372 = back to Search Results Result page – Return buttons (2) Explore Policy

30 © SIPE GA308372 Split-up into – –Main Policy – –Articles and Annexes Code + Title Official Preface External links – –Eurolex website Result page – Policies (1)

31 © SIPE GA308372 Eurolex: Direct link to specific policy Result page – Policies (2)

32 © SIPE GA308372 Split-up into – –Main Policy – –Articles and Annexes Code + Title Official Preface External links – –Eurolex website – –direct links to the consolidated EC policy  using language codes in text balloons Result page – Policies (3)

33 © SIPE GA308372 Direct link to pdf in chosen language Result page – Policies (4)

34 © SIPE GA308372 Split-up into – –Main Policy – –Articles and Annexes Code + Title Official Preface External links Internal links – –Its articles and annexes Result page – Policies (5)

35 © SIPE GA308372 Article Code of main policy + Title Official content External link: – –Eurolex website Internal link: – –Main policy Cloud with keyword fingerprint Result page – Policies (6)

36 © SIPE GA308372 Free search on words – –Homepage: all information within SIPE- RTD Web Portal – –Standard AND operator – –You can use OR – –Use “word group” for exact combination Free search (1)

37 © SIPE GA308372 Free search results Free search (2)

38 © SIPE GA308372 After compartment/keywords selection: free search on subset of linked information (Search Results) Free search (3)

39 © SIPE GA308372 Substances Guided search – Substances (1)

40 © SIPE GA308372 Filter the list by typing a (part of a) substance and click on ‘filter’ Click on a substance Guided search – Substances (2)

41 © SIPE GA308372 Guided search – Substances (3) Free search on substance name, synonym, CAS, EINEC

42 © SIPE GA308372 ‘Mail a friend’ ‒ ‒ Email with title of your search result and a direct link ‒ ‒ To send a remark about a page to Dissemination of search results (1)

43 © SIPE GA308372 Print Dissemination of search results (2)

44 © SIPE GA308372 At the right of each page Feedback  very welcome! – –Comments or suggestions for improvement – –Encountered problems – –Questions Feedback on a specific page: pleasementionthelink of the page Your contribution - Feedback

45 © SIPE GA308372 Your input to SIPE-RTD Web Portal – –Register first: Username and e-mail address Your contribution – Input system (1)

46 © SIPE GA308372 Receive an e-mail with your registration password Your contribution – Input system (2)

47 © SIPE GA308372 Log in with username and password from e-mail Your contribution – Input system (3)

48 © SIPE GA308372 Your functions – –Add new information (only visible after approval of e-mail address) – –Logout – –Update my profile Your contribution – Input system (4)

49 © SIPE GA308372 Choose Type of information – –Project (first upload this) – –Research result  Enter according project title Mandatory fields (*) title, abstract and additional keywords: – –Abstract of sufficient length, containing most important words (about 15 lines) – –correct English  Generation of keyword fingerprint for the project/research result Your contribution – Input system (2)

50 © SIPE GA308372 Upload logo’s, images, small documents (flyer, …) External links  SIPE-RTD Web Portal as switchboard – –Project web page – –Cordis – –Link to Research results (pdf) Your contribution – Input system (3)

51 © SIPE GA308372 General documents, like flyers, policy briefs and brochures  upload as document under the Research project More specific documents, like project results  uploadas ‘Research result’ with a specific abstract – –First upload corresponding Project and then link Research result to it Your contribution – Input system (4)

52 © SIPE GA308372 Vocabularies: keywords defined by the SIPE-RTD keyword algorithm (‘keyword fingerprint’) Tick one or more environmental compartments Add specific keywords under ‘Your keywords’ Do not forget to SAVE Your contribution – Input system (5)

53 © SIPE GA308372 After saving, keywords defined by SIPE-RTD keyword algorithm (‘keyword fingerprint’) will be defined Most occurring keywords will be displayed in cloud on result page Your contribution – Input system (6)

54 © SIPE GA308372 After saving, item immediately uploaded – –Check content right away – –Immediately see related information in the Web Portal New information will be checked in the back office Log in later again to update your input or add (extra) results to your project Your contribution – Input system (7)

55 © SIPE GA308372 General info Homepage

56 © SIPE GA308372 How it works: Explanation of the Web Portal General info (1)

57 © SIPE GA308372 My SIPE-RTD = Contribute button – –register and log in  upload your items General info (2)

58 © SIPE GA308372 About SIPE: – –project information + link to SIPE project website General info (3)

59 © SIPE GA308372 Project documents for dissemination Project Website

60 © SIPE GA308372 Thank you for your attention!

61 © SIPE GA308372 Questions or remarks?

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