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Painless Transitions from Microsoft Exchange 2003 to Microsoft Exchange 2007 J. Peter Bruzzese Co-Founder of ClipTraining MCSE/MCT/ MCITP: Messaging for.

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Presentation on theme: "Painless Transitions from Microsoft Exchange 2003 to Microsoft Exchange 2007 J. Peter Bruzzese Co-Founder of ClipTraining MCSE/MCT/ MCITP: Messaging for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Painless Transitions from Microsoft Exchange 2003 to Microsoft Exchange 2007 J. Peter Bruzzese Co-Founder of ClipTraining MCSE/MCT/ MCITP: Messaging for Exchange 2007

2 Who is J. Peter Bruzzese? MCSE, MCT, MCITP: Messaging 2K7

3 Agenda Understanding Upgrade Terminology Prepare Your Exchange 2000/2003 Environment for the Transition Preparing Active Directory Installing Your First Exchange 2K7 Server Moving Over Mailboxes Transition Public Folders Schedule+/Free Busy and Offline Address Books Final Worries and Decommissioning

4 Upgrade Terminology Upgrade –No In-Place Upgrades –Cannot go from 5.5/2000/2003 to 2007 In- Place Migration –5.5 to Exchange 2007 –Domino Server to Exchange 2007 Transition –Co-existence

5 Migration Review Lotus Domino –Microsoft Transporter Suite Exchange 5.5 –Better off moving first to Exchange 2000/2003 and then transitioning to E2K7 –Cannot have any 5.5 systems in play if you wish to install 2K7 within your environment.

6 Preparing for Transition Ensure any 5.5 Servers are gone Install all your SPs –2000 should have SP3 –2003 should have SP2 Domain Controllers –Schema Master should have Server 2003 with SP1 or later applied –Global Catalog servers should also have Windows 2003 with SP1 or later applied –Note: E2K Environment requires 2K3 Servers

7 Exchange Functional Level Raise it to Native Mode –How? Change the organization mode simply by opening the exchange system manager, right click exchange organization, choose properties then choose the change mode button you will get a warning message, click Yes

8 Exchange to Native Mode

9 Exchange Best Practices Analyzer (ExBPA) ExBPA will scan your environment and report a green light or issue warnings Make sure you use the latest version of the tool ( –Note: You may see a warning that Link suppression is not enabled. What is this?

10 Using the ExBPA

11 Preparing Active Directory Setup command switches (Optional) –/PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions –/PrepareSchema –/PrepareAD –/PrepareDomain or /PrepareAllDomains You can prepare your environment using the 32-bit trail version of Exchange 2007

12 Prepare AD

13 Installing Your First E2K7 Server You need a system that is both hardware and software ready to handle Exchange 2007 You can install CAS/HT/Mailbox in one shot… however…. –If you have to install one group of servers first… which should they be… and then what?…. Then what?

14 Transition of Roles Exchange 2000/2003 Exchange Server 2007 Comments Mailbox serversMailbox Server role-Hosts mailboxes and public folders - Can co-exist with other server roles - Only role supported on 2007 clusters Front-End serversClient Access Server (CAS) role - HTTP/S (OWA, ActiveSync, Outlook Anywhere*) IMAP4, POP3 Bridgehead servers Hub Transport Server role - Route mail, apply policies & transport rules --Edge Transport Server role -Routes mail to/from Exchange Organization - Typically resides in perimeter networks --Unified Message Server role - Provides voicemail, AutoAttendant,

15 Installing Exchange

16 Creating New Mailboxes

17 Moving Over Mailboxes Use the Move-Mailbox wizard from the Exchange Management Console on the Exchange 2007 machine Use the Move-Mailbox cmdlet from the Exchange Management Shell on the Exchange 2007 machine Note: You can try it from Exchange 2000/2003, but it wont work.

18 Moving Mailboxes

19 Recipient Policies If you have any Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 recipient policies that have not been applied, moving the mailboxes to an Exchange 2007 server will force the recipient policies to be re-evaluated and applied. Before you move mailboxes, make sure that you want to apply all of the existing recipient policies. If you have an existing recipient policy that you do not want to apply, clear the Automatically update e-mail address based on e-mail address policy check box in Active Directory Users and Computers. For more information, see the Exchange Server Team Blog article Yes, Exchange 2007 really enforces Email Address Policies.Yes, Exchange 2007 really enforces Email Address Policies

20 Transition Public Folders Public Folders are being decommissioned in future Exchange versions First Question: Do you need to continue to use the Public Folder structure…? –If so, begin with a Public Folder database on your Exchange 2007 server (which may or may not be installed automatically, depending on if you said you had pre-Outlook 2007 clients.

21 Transition Public Folders (cont.) Set up a replica of all Public Folders over to the Exchange 2007 server –Note: you would do this through the Exchange System Manager –Note: Pre-SP1 E2K7 Public Folder Management is a bit awkward (no EMC support) You might want to use a replica script if you have a lot of Public Folders –MoveAllReplicas.ps1

22 Complete Public Folder Transition Once Public Folders are moved, you can remove legacy servers from the replica lists. Ensure all data is removed and remove the databases. –Databases cannot be removed unless the folders are empty (for Exchange 2003) –For Exchange 2000, its not as intuitive and so you should be extra cautious.

23 Public Folder Transitioning

24 Add a Replica

25 Schedule+ and Free Busy One of the Public Folder hierarchy folders is the SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY folder which stores your availability information. –In Exchange 2007 with Outlook 2007 clients, this is no longer necessary in favor of a new Availability service that is more efficient. However, if you plan on keeping legacy Outlook clients in your environment you will need to keep the Public Folder information for this purpose too. The SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY folders we discussed earlier will automatically be replicated along with the OFFLINE ADDRESS BOOK folder when you deploy your Exchange 2007 server into the organization.

26 Minor Last Minute Concerns DNS Configuration issues Ensure Outlook Web Access (OWA) clients and Outlook Anywhere clients can connect Delete routing group connectors Move the offline address book (OAB) generation server Firewall worries? Ensure SMTP mail can travel through to the Exchange 2007 server

27 Decommissioning Before you can uninstall Exchange you must assign the Recipient Update Services (RUS) over to Exchange 2007 –Can do this through the System Manager –OR… you have to use ADSI Edit Eventually you will reach the day where you can delete the routing group connector and use the Add/Remove Programs tool to remove Exchange officially

28 RUS and Decommissioning

29 Planning for 2003 Support If you will continue to use any features from Exchange 2003 that are not supported in Exchange 2007, you have planned to keep at least one Exchange 2003 server in your organization. The following Exchange 2003 features are not supported in Exchange 2007: –Novell GroupWise connector Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

30 Planning for 2000 Support If you will continue to use any features from Exchange 2000 that are not supported in Exchange 2007, you have planned to keep at least one Exchange 2000 server in your organization. The following Exchange 2000 features are not supported in Exchange 2007: –Microsoft Mobile Information Server Instant Messaging service Exchange Chat Service Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server Key Management Service cc:Mail connector MS Mail connector

31 Upgrade to Exchange 2K7 SP1 You cannot upgrade your OS from Windows 2K3 to 2K8 and then upgrade to SP1. It is also not supported to upgrade to Exchange 2007 SP1, and then upgrade your operating system to Windows Server 2008. To deploy Exchange 2007 SP1 on Windows Server 2008, you must install Windows Server 2008 on a computer that does not have Exchange installed, and then install Exchange 2007 SP1.

32 Third Party Solutions Quest Migration Manager (QMM-EX) –Why needed? For 2000/2003 cross forest migrations and do-over domains Exchange Migration Wizard (EMW) –Allows co-existence and a direct migration from Exchange 5.5 to 2K7 Priasoft Migration Suite –Only supports a one-step process, no coexistence

33 Q & A Email me @ – Watch my training clips @ – – – Read my blogs @ –

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