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Janice Barnes. Content Area : Social Studies / History Grade Level : 4 th Summary : The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is for the student to.

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Presentation on theme: "Janice Barnes. Content Area : Social Studies / History Grade Level : 4 th Summary : The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is for the student to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Janice Barnes

2 Content Area : Social Studies / History Grade Level : 4 th Summary : The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is for the student to make connections between events of the past and how they have effected the world today, in particular, the Columbian Exchange. Learning Objective : Through discussion and media presentations, students will explore the cause and effect of the Columbian Exchange, and write a one page essay on how it changed the world, with 100% accuracy. Content Standard : 5.0 History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based. Accomplishment : Era 1 – Three Worlds Meet ( Beginnings to 1620) 4.5.02 Understand the place of historical events in the context of past, present and future. a ) Demonstrate an ability to use correct vocabulary associated with time such as past, present, future, and long ago ; read and construct simple timelines ; identify examples of change ; and recognize examples of cause and effect relationships. b.) Describe the immediate and long - term impact of Columbus ’ voyages on Native populations and on colonization in the Americas.

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4 Old World: Europe, Africa, and Asia New World: North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean's In 1942, Columbus crossed the Atlantic and connected these two worlds.

5 The exchange, or trade, of new plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas and the Old World. Called Columbian after the man who started it - Christopher Columbus



8 Your Lunch – Then & Now Your Lunch – Then & Now


10 Infectious diseases brought from Europe killed many people. Up to 80% of the Native Americans died because they had no immunity built up to fight the various diseases. Smallpox Influenza Typhoid Measles Cholera Bubonic Plague African people began to be forced into slavery. A potato fungus in Ireland caused the great potato famine killing close to a million Irish people.

11 Pick a partner Watch the video: / / Read the document: lit11_doc_splcolreading/midlit11_doc_splcolreading.pdf lit11_doc_splcolreading/midlit11_doc_splcolreading.pdf Brainstorm with your partner and come up with at least 2 ways to share with class on how the world has changed, either in a positive or a negative way, due to the Columbian Exchange.

12 What type of effect did the exchange of animals have on the New World? Follow the paths of four foods that were exchanged, from their origins to places and ways they are used today. What were some of the negative and positive effects of the Columbian Exchange on the Americas’? Extra resources available:

13 In this lesson, the students learned about the Columbian Exchange and the lasting effects it had on both the Americas and the Old World. The students learned that when cultures blend, it can bring both positive and negative changes. They also learned that an effective leader has the ability to make a difference in the world we live in.

14 Captiva Marketing. (n.d.). Tomato History. Retrieved October 16, 2012, from Veggie Cage: Food History Index. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2012, from The Food Timeline A-Z: King, S. R. (1996). Foods That Changed the World. Retrieved October 16, 2012, from Access Excellence: Pictures retrieved from 2007 PowerPoint clip art The Columbian Exchange. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2012, from Teacher's Domain: The Great Exchange: Animals. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2012, from The Mariner's Museum: When World's Collide. (2010). Retrieved October 14, 2012, from Public Broadcasting System. collide/essays/the-journey-of-new-world-foods.html collide/essays/the-journey-of-new-world-foods.html

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