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Coevolution of Human-Competitive Robocode Tanks Using Genetic Programming with Exogenous Fitness Jason Owens & Ron Bowers.

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Presentation on theme: "Coevolution of Human-Competitive Robocode Tanks Using Genetic Programming with Exogenous Fitness Jason Owens & Ron Bowers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coevolution of Human-Competitive Robocode Tanks Using Genetic Programming with Exogenous Fitness Jason Owens & Ron Bowers

2 Why? Possible relevance to our day jobs.

3 Coevolution

4 Difficulties with Coevolution

5 Previous Work with Robocode Eisenstein [2003] Used a GA to evolve a subsumption architecture. Was successful in developing bots that could fight a specific adversary given a specific starting condition Attempted to use coevolution but after several generations I found the populations rife with catatonics Hong and Cho [2004] Used a GA that consisted of 6 chromosomes, representing the behavior in the main loop and in 5 of the event handlers. Each chromosome consisted of six genes, corresponding to actions such as move or shoot. Each action could be one of 2 or more hand-coded implementations. Were successful in consistently defeating 3 of the standard bots.

6 Previous Work With Robocode Shichel, Ziserman, and Sipper [2005] Used Koza-style GP Limited investigation to Haiku Bot (4 lines of code) Evolved bots were entered into a Haiku Bot tournament where they placed third out of 27.

7 Hypothesis We hypothesize that by using genetic programming and coevolution with an exogenous fitness function we can evolve Robocode agents that can compete successfully against human-coded bots. But...

8 Initial Results We did not entirely succeed. We did not produce any competitive agents in time to report in the paper. We have continued our efforts!

9 Algorithm Configuration Strongly-typed tree-based GP Linear-rank selection using stochastic universal sampling 80% crossover, 20% mutation (whoa!) Elitism (one individual) Initial tree depth of 5

10 Fitness Functions simple (shoot and dodge) movement, enemy sensing, wall avoidance re-proportioned movement value final, emphasis on damage with firing/scanning efficiencies

11 Analysis of Initial Results

12 Updated Results

13 Future Work

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