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Emerald Coast USBC Association TEAM EVENTS Eglin Lanes, Eglin AFB, FL SINGLES/DOUBLES EVENT Shoal River Bowling Center, Crestview, FL ** ENTRIES CLOSE:

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Presentation on theme: "Emerald Coast USBC Association TEAM EVENTS Eglin Lanes, Eglin AFB, FL SINGLES/DOUBLES EVENT Shoal River Bowling Center, Crestview, FL ** ENTRIES CLOSE:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emerald Coast USBC Association TEAM EVENTS Eglin Lanes, Eglin AFB, FL SINGLES/DOUBLES EVENT Shoal River Bowling Center, Crestview, FL ** ENTRIES CLOSE: 23 October 2009 ** 4 Th Annual Open Division Bowling Tournament 7-8 and 14-15 November 2009 TeamSinglesDoublesAll Events Bowling Lineage$9.00 Optional Expenses$1.00 TeamSinglesDoublesAll Events Scratch Prize Entry Fee$10.00 $5.00 Bowlers may enter either handicap, scratch or both. Basic Entry Fees Scratch Prize Entries - 100% of entry goes to scratch prize fund TeamSinglesDoublesAll Events Handicap Prize Entry Fee$10.00 $5.00 Handicap Prize Entries - 100% of entry goes to handicap prize fund *PER PERSON PER EVENT* BOWLERS MUST PAY BASIC ENTRY FEE OF $10.00 PLUS PRIZE ENTRY FOR EACH EVENT ENTERED (LESS ALL EVENTS)

2 ECUSBCA OPEN DIVISION TOURNAMENT RULES THE FOLLOWING RULES PLUS USBC PLAYING RULES WILL GOVERN THIS TOURNAMENT: 1.This tournament is for EMERALD COAST USBC ASSOCIATION (ECUSBCA) members only. All bowlers must have a 2009- 10 USBC membership card. Anyone not having a current card must reside in the jurisdiction of the association and is required to purchase an affiliate card for $21.00. 2.Handicap will be 90% of the difference between a bowlers average and 230. 3.Entrants will use their highest 2008-09 sanctioned league (yearbook) average based on 21 or more games. Bowlers with no 2008-09 average will use their highest 2009-10 Winter League average based on 21 games or more as of 6 Nov 2009. A 2008-09 Youth average will be used if a bowler moved up and does not have a USBC average based on 21 games. NO SUMMER AVERAGES WILL BE CONSIDERED. All other bowlers will bowl scratch. 4.USBC rule 205a. Average Adjustment-Sport to Standard Tournament is in effect. Bowlers with a higher sport book average than their highest regular non-sport book average will use their sport average unadjusted as their entering average. If a bowler has only a sport average, it will be adjusted according to USBC playing rules. 5.USBC rule 319a2 (the Ten Pin Rule) has been waived for this tournament. USBC rule 319a3 will apply. Bowlers are responsible for verifying their own average, whether submitted by the bowler team captain or others. Average corrections can be made up to the end of the first game bowled in this tournament. 6.USBC rule 319e average adjustments WILL NOT BE WAIVED. 7.Teams and singles/doubles bowlers must check in 30 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled squad. Teams and singles/doubles with known substitutes must check in 45 minutes prior to start of their squad. 8.Multiple-participation is allowed in the team event only. No more than three (3) bowlers on the same team can place more than once in the prize list for position standing. A bowlers first team event will count towards their all events. 9.Bowlers must enter both doubles and singles (cannot bowl just singles or just doubles). 10.Prize money will be returned 100%. Prize Ratios for both HANDICAP and SCRATCH: All events - 1 in 12; Team, Singles and Doubles – 1 in 8 11.Signed score sheets will be official. Tournament officials may use information from automatic scorers to validate or note discrepancies that warrant disqualification. Bowlers should verify their scores as the games progress. All scoring corrections to the automated scorer must be made by tournament officials. Any games or frames lost in the scoring process will be re-bowled. 12.No entry will be accepted without proper entry fee. 13.Tournament entry preferences/priorities. Time preferences are given as entries are received. 14.The Tournament Manager reserves the right to add additional squads, based on entries received by the entry deadline of 23 Oct 2009. 15.The Tournament Manager reserves the right to accept or reject any or all entries, and will settle all questions or disputes arising during the tournament. The Tournament Managers decisions will be final, subject to appeal to the United States Bowling Congress. 16.DRESS CODE: PROPER ATTIRE IS REQUIRED TO BOWL IN THIS TOURNAMENT. Shorts and skirts must come to the knees. No caps or headgear (Medical card must be carried for exception to headgear rule). Shirts with a butterfly type collar and sleeves are preferred. Polo/T shirts are acceptable as long as they are neat with no profane pictures or words, or pictures/words that could be considered controversial to other bowlers based on race, religion or sex. 17.Cell phones and other portable media devices must be turned off. No flash cameras permitted once bowling has started. 18.A right-handed bowler with an established right-hand average must bowl right handed. Similarly, a left-handed bowler with and established left-handed average must bowl left handed. A bowler who has established both a right and left handed averages must use the highest average established. If a bowler wants to use the opposite hand than that used to establish entering average, he/she must notify the tournament manager for a possible re-rate. 19.No more than two (2) current members of the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) or Professional Womens Bowlers Association (PWBA) are allowed per team: No more than one (1) current PBA or PWBA member is allowed on a doubles team. 20.Substitutions are permitted upon notification. An all-event entry can be transferred if the transfer is made before either of the bowlers involved have participated in any event of the tournament. 21.The Entrants whose name appears hereon or their authorized replacements hereby agree that the ECUSBCA Open Division Tournament, its Officers and Agents shall be liable only to the extent of returning entry fees if and when these entrants shall be prevented from bowling any event in the Tournament due to premature termination of the Tournament, brought about by war, national emergency, or causes relating to or resulting from fires, strikes, lockouts, labor difficulties or other cause beyond the control of the ECUSBCA Open Div Tournament. Prize fund would be paid on a prorated basis of the entrants already bowled at the time of the interruption, and there shall be no further liability of the ECUSBCA Open Div Tournament.

3 EMERALD COAST USBC ASSOCIATION 4 TH ANNUAL OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP CLARIFICATION POINTS FOR ENTRY INTO OPTIONAL HANDICAP OR SCRATCH EVENTS. First we want to recognize the primary focus on our tournament is still for the handicap bowler, but over the past several years we have noticed a decrease in participation from a lot of high average bowlers. Discussion has indicated the largest concern is that the scratch bowler is forced to pay into a prize fund for the handicap bowlers that the scratch bowler has no chance to win, just for the opportunity to enter into an additional scratch event. Bottom line, bowlers were forced to pay money into an event in which they felt they were not competitive to be allowed to compete in a separate event with reduced prize money (limited number of entries in scratch events). This tournament is designed to allow bowlers to enter into the tournament and opt for scratch categories only, if they desire. Bowlers can enter in both handicap and scratch events. Examples: A. Bowler and team mates enter both handicap and scratch team event. Team members entering singles and doubles have option of handicap or scratch events or both. Similar options apply to all events. B. Bowler and team mates enter only handicap team events. Team members may enter singles and doubles handicap events, singles and doubles scratch events, or both. Similar options apply to all events. Specific example – Two (2) members of a handicap team carry high averages. They may enter either handicap singles and doubles, scratch singles and doubles, or both. C. Bowler and team mates enter only scratch team events. Team members may enter singles and doubles scratch events, singles and doubles handicap events or both. Similar options apply to all events. Specific example – Two (2) members of a scratch team have low averages. They may Enter either handicap singles and doubles, scratch singles and doubles, or both. !! REMINDER. THE BASIC ENTRY FEE OF $10 PER BOWLER PER EVENT MUST BE PAID. BOWLERS THEN DETERMINE WHETHER THEY ARE BOWLING HANDICAP OR SCRATCH EVENTS AT A COST OF $10 PER BOWLER PER EVENT THAT GOES INTO THE PRIZE FUND FOR THAT EVENT. EXAMPLES OF OVERALL COSTS PER INDIVIDUAL ARE: 1. Bowler enters team, doubles, and singles handicap. No All Events. Cost is $60.00. ($10 Basic entry per event = $30. Plus $10 Prize Fund for each event for another $30 - a total of $60). 2. Bowler enters both handicap and scratch team, doubles and singles, and all events. Cost is $100.00. ($10 Basic entry per event = $30. Plus $10 Prize Fund for each event for $60. Plus $5 for each All Event division (total of $10) for a grand total of $100.

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