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Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never

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Presentation on theme: "Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never"— Presentation transcript:

1 Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
ADVERBS of FREQUENCY Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never

2 Adverbs of Frequency “Sıklık zarfları” Always Usually Often Sometimes Ralely never Daima, her zaman Genellikle Sık sık Ara sıra, bazen Nadiren Hiçbir zaman, asla

3 Always: Seven times a week (7/7)
Usually: five or six times a week (5 or 6/7) Often: four times a week (4/7) Sometimes: twice or three times a week (2 or 3/7) Rarely: once a week (1/7) Never: zero (0) (0/7)

4 Always: % Usually: 80 % Often: 60 % Sometimes: 40 % Rarely: 20 % Never: 0 %

5 100% Usually often sometimes rarely 0 % Always 80 or 90 % 60 % 40 % 10 % never

6 always always usually often sometimes rarely never

7 always always usually usually always sometimes sometimes

8 I always get up at 6 o’clock. We watch tv in the evening.
I get up at 6 o’clock. I always get up at 6 o’clock. We watch tv in the evening. We usually watch tv in the evening. They play tennis on Sundays. They often play tennis on Sundays. We eat out. We sometimes eat out. We drink Le Cola We rarely drink Coke. I go to school by car. I never go to school by car. 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % 0 %

at 6 always o’clock I get up. I always get up at 6 o’clock. watch the usually in we tv evening. We usually watch tv in the evening.

10 often they play Sundays tennis on.
on Sundays. out we eat sometimes. We sometimes eat out.

11 go by never to I school car.
drink we coke rarely. We rarely drink Coke. go by never to I school car. I never go to school by car.

12 my never sister room tidies her. My sister never tidies her room.
the before children always their wash hands meals. The children always wash their hands before meals.

13 often they school practise basketball after.
after school. They often practise basketball after school.

14 They are at home in the evening.
I am ill. I am never ill. They are at home in the evening. They are usually at home in the evening. It is very cold in Kastamonu in winter. It is often very cold in kastamonu in winter. Those students are late for school. Those students are always late for school. (never) (usually) (often) (always)

15 Are you EVER late for work? No, I am NEVER late for work.
Do you EVER play tennis? Yes, I often play tennis. Are you EVER late for work? No, I am NEVER late for work. Do you EVER get angry? Yes, I sometimes get angry. Do you EVER go swimming? Yes, I always go swimming.

I sometimes tidy my room. Do you sometimes tidy your room? How often do you tidy your room? The children always wash their hands before meals. Do the children always wash their hands before meals? How often do the children wash their hands?

17 Zeynep always does her homework. DOES Zeynep always DO her homework?
How often DOES Zeynep DO her homework? Lazy students never study their lessons. Do lazy students never study their lessons? How often do lazy students study their lessons?

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