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Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies
Section 1 Believing in God Model Answers
Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies: May 2010
(a) What is free will? (2) (b) Do you think the universe is designed? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) *(c) Explain why unanswered prayers may lead some people not to believe in God. (8) (d) “All religious parents should make sure their children believe in God.” In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)
4) (a) What is free will? (2)
The idea that human beings are free to make their own choices. 3
(b) Do you think the universe is designed?
Give two reasons for your point of view (4) Agreeing with the statement. DNA Paley’s watch Life has a purpose 4
(b) Do you think the universe is designed?
REASON EXPLAIN (b) Do you think the universe is designed? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) Agreeing with the statement. I agree with this statement because the world appears to have patterns or rules that are so complex like the Carbon Cycle or Human DNA that they could not have happened by chance. Also like Paley’s watch, the universe has a purpose and was designed to a blue print. Life has been created for a purpose - it did not happen by coincidence. 5
Murder = wrong (10 commandments). The sanctity of life
*(c) Explain why unanswered prayers may lead some people not to believe in God. (8) Murder = wrong (10 commandments). The sanctity of life Discrimination against the weak. Against the law 6
REASON EXPLAIN *(c) Explain why unanswered prayers may lead some people not to believe in God. (8) One reason could be that if prayers are not answered a person might think there is no one listening to them therefore God does not exist. Another reason could be that surely a loving God would answer their prayers. It would be difficult to believe in an unloving God. Also lots of people pray for suffering to end both in the world and in their own lives and it does not and so they lose faith in God. Unanswered prayers mean that the person cannot feel the presence of God in their lives. 7
human life begins at conception Church teaches sanctity of life
(d) “All religious parents should make sure their children believe in God.” (6) human life begins at conception Church teaches sanctity of life against the Ten Commandments. lesser of two evils eg. Rape trauma = worse than having an abortion abortion could be most loving thing to do 8
REASON EXPLAIN (d) “All religious parents should make sure their children believe in God.” (i) I agree because Catholics are expected by the Church to teach their children their faith including belief in God. Also Catholics promise during their wedding ceremony to raise children in their religion, and so have to carry out this promise. Finally, parents want to raise their children as well as they can and this includes teaching them everything that is important to them, including belief in God. (ii) Other Religious people may think that they should let their children decide for themselves when they are older. Also if a parent raises their child to believe in God it is brainwashing which is unfair. Finally, raising a child to believe in God is not fair to the child as it may cause conflict not only within the family but also later in life. 9
Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies
Section 2 Matters of Life & Death Model Answers
Section Two: Matters of Life and Death
(a) What is assisted suicide? (2) (b) Do you think that there is life after death? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) *(c) Explain why most Christians are against euthanasia. (8) (d) “No Christian should have an abortion.” In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3) 11
4) (a) What is assisted suicide? (2)
Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide. 12
(b) Do you think that there is life after death?
Give two reasons for your point of view (4) Agreeing with the statement. Bible says Jesus rose from the dead Near death experiences Belief in the paranormal 13
(b) Do you think that there is life after death?
REASON EXPLAIN (b) Do you think that there is life after death? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) Agreeing with the statement. I agree with this statement because it is written in the Bible that there is the promise of life after death in heaven or hell. Jesus rose from the dead and this makes it possible for believers to live after death with him in heaven. Also, some people have experienced near death experiences when they have seen white light at the end of a tunnel and people coming towards them. Finally many people believe in life after death because of their belief in paranormal events eg. the existence of ghosts and mediums. 14
*(c) Explain why most Christians are against euthanasia. (8)
Murder = wrong (10 commandments). The sanctity of life Discrimination against the weak. Against the law 15
*(c) Explain why most Christians are against euthanasia. (8)
REASON EXPLAIN *(c) Explain why most Christians are against euthanasia. (8) Many Christians regard euthanasia as murder and the Bible says that murder is wrong (10 commandments). Also Christians believe in the sanctity of life, and euthanasia goes against the sanctity of life because life is sacred or holy because God gave us life so only He can take it. In addition, Christian Church teachings are against euthanasia as it is seen as discrimination against the weak. Finally, euthanasia is against the law and Christians must not break the law. 16
(d) “No Christian should have an abortion.” (6)
human life begins at conception Church teaches sanctity of life against the Ten Commandments. lesser of two evils eg. Rape trauma = worse than having an abortion abortion could be most loving thing to do 17
(d) “No Christian should have an abortion.” (6)
REASON EXPLAIN (d) “No Christian should have an abortion.” (6) I agree because the Catholic Church teaches that abortion is wrong because human life begins at conception and the first right of a child is the right to life. Also Catholics believe in the sanctity of life so a life made holy by being created by God can only be taken by Him. Finally, abortion is taking a life, which is against the Ten Commandments. (ii) Some may disagree because not all Christians are against abortion. Some Christians would say that it is the lesser of two evils because for example in the case of rape, the trauma of living with a child conceived in such a way could be worse than if an abortion was carried out. Finally abortion could be seen as the most loving thing to do in the circumstances. 18
Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies
Section 3 Marriage and The Family Model Answers
Section Three: Marriage and the Family
(a) What is meant by procreation? (2) (b) Do you think attitudes in the UK towards homosexuality have changed? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4) *(c) Explain why most Christians are against sex outside marriage (8) (d) “All Christians should allow divorce.” In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3) 20
4) (a) What is meant by procreation? (2)
Procreation is the making a new life. 21
Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
(b) Do you think attitudes in the UK towards homosexuality have changed? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4) Agreeing with the statement. Civil partnerships Homophobia against the law 22
REASON EXPLAIN (b) Do you think attitudes in the UK towards homosexuality have changed? (4) I agree because homosexuals are now able to have a civil partnership which suggests that homosexuality is now more socially acceptable. Also homophobia is an offence in the eyes of the law and this shows how much attitudes have changed in the UK as homophobia is a breach of the Human Rights Act. 23
*(c) Explain why most Christians are against sex outside marriage. (8)
Fornication Unwanted pregnancies/STI’s St Paul - temples of Holy Spirit Adultery breaks marriage vows 24
*(c) Explain why most Christians are against sex outside marriage. (8)
REASON EXPLAIN *(c) Explain why most Christians are against sex outside marriage. (8) Some Christians regard sex before marriage as fornication which is forbidden in the Bible as the purpose of sex is to reproduce new life in a stable married life. Also Sex outside marriage could lead to unwanted pregnancies/STI s/ HIV or AIDS. St Paul taught that sexual immorality is unacceptable as our bodies are “temples of the Holy Spirit” and must be respected and not abused. Regarding adultery, it is forbidden in the Bible as it breaks the vows made in marriage and can damage families 25
(d) “All Christians should allow divorce.” (6) “Till death us do part”
Breaks what God has joined together Effect on children Second chance corrects mistake Leave abusive relationship Not against the law 26
REASON EXPLAIN (d) “All Christians should allow divorce.” (6)
I disagree with the statement because the Catholic Church teaches that marriage should be life-long as promised in the vows “’till death us do part”. Also Jesus taught that divorce is wrong and that it is breaking what ‘God has joined together’ Finally divorce devalues marriage and can cause families to break up and children can get hurt in the process. Others may disagree because allowing divorce shows forgiveness and allows for mistakes to be corrected and a second chance to be given. Also divorce allows a person to escape an abusive or loveless relationship and so may well be the lesser of two evils. Finally, divorce is not against the law of the land only religious laws. So if you are not religious, divorce is not a problem for you. 27
Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies
Section 4 Community Cohesion Model Answers
Section Four: Community Cohesion
(a) What is meant by ethnic minority? (2) (b) Do you think there are benefits to living in a multi-faith Society? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) *(c) Explain why some Christians support equal rights for women in religion and some do not (8) (d) “If everyone was a Christian, racism would not exist.” In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity. (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3) (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3) 29
(a) What is meant by ethnic minority? (2)
A member of an ethnic group (race) which is much smaller than the majority group 30
Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
(b) Do you think there are benefits to living in a multi-faith Society? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) Agreeing with the statement. Learn about other faiths – less tension Less prejudice Easier to convert 31
Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
EXPLAIN (b) Do you think there are benefits to living in a multi-faith Society? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) Agreeing with the statement. I agree with the statement because people can learn about other faiths and begin to get used to different beliefs. This may lead to less tension or conflict. Also people are less likely to be prejudiced as they will have more knowledge of other faiths. This may make inter-faith relations easier. Finally, people will be able to convert more easily from one religion to another. 32
Genesis – men and women in God’s image Jesus had women followers
*(c) Explain why some Christians support equal rights for women in religion and some do not (8) Genesis – men and women in God’s image Jesus had women followers Evangelicals quote St Paul, “Women silent in Church”. Catholic – Jesus chose men to be Apostles 33
REASON EXPLAIN *(c) Explain why some Christians support equal rights for women in religion and some do not (8) Most Protestant Christians support equal rights because in Genesis both men and women are created in God’s image. Also, Jesus had many women followers and he treated them equally. St Paul said there should be no differences between males and females (all one in Christ). Some traditional (Evangelical) Christians do not support equal rights for women because in Genesis men were created first and so are more important. Also, St Paul said women should be silent in church. Also, Jesus only chose male apostles. So women cannot be ministers or priests. Catholic Christians support equal rights but state only men can be priests because the Catechism says men and women are equal and in Genesis men and women are created in God’s image BUT Jesus chose men to be his apostles and so it is the tradition of the Church to have only male priests. 34
(d) “If everyone was a Christian, racism would not exist.” (6)
Catholic Catechism teaches racism is wrong God created everyone equal Jesus treated everyone equally Some Christians are racist eg. KKK Some Christians don’t follow their religion well Some people not religious 35
(d) “If everyone was a Christian, racism would not exist.” (6)
REASON EXPLAIN (d) “If everyone was a Christian, racism would not exist.” (6) I agree because the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that racism is wrong and Catholics should follow the teachings of their religion e.g. the belief that God made everyone equal and in His image. Finally, Jesus treated people of different races equally and Christians follow his teachings and so racism would not exist. (ii) Some Christians would disagree because they have views that are considered racist and the Christian Church has a history of racist behaviour. Some racist regimes have been supported by Christians eg Nazism and the Ku Klux Klan. Finally, Christians could ignore the teachings of their religion or they may not be particularly religious. 36
Determination Respect Equality Inspiration Excellence Jesus the
Healing lepers and other outcasts of society Let the little children come to me Carries his and our cross Inspiration Excellence Jesus the Olympian The Beatitudes Resurrection to eternal life Friendship Courage “I no longer call you disciples; but friends” Christ crucified
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