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EPDP 2.0.

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1 ePDP 2.0



4 ePDP 2.0 Agenda Annual Plan Job responsibilities Goals Competencies
Professional Development Plan Lets see it!

5 ePDP 2.0 Job Responsibilities Goals University Competencies
Professional Development


7 What are they ? The state, quality, or fact of being responsible.
Something for which one is responsible; a duty, an obligation, or a burden. Responsibilities are not unique to a given year, they are ongoing. A responsibility may previously have been a goal.


9 Executive Administrative Professional Staff
Typically listed in job descriptions or position descriptions. Currently there are no job descriptions for EAP Staff. EAP Staff should have clear idea and understanding with Supervisor of responsibilities. Previous year’s Annual Plan.

10 Clerical Office & Technical Staff
Identified in job descriptions. No need to include each job duty. With Supervisor input, Staff should have clear idea and understanding of responsibilities. Previous year’s Annual Plan.


12 Examples Assemble, mail or deliver supplier/brochures/publications in response to campus departmental requests. Manage processing, placement and tracking of temporary staff. Advise students at front counter during assigned drop-in hours and in individual and group appointments.

13 Examples Receive and process web based telecommunications work orders.
Operate and support the Management Information System to report and analyze detailed client data and program accomplishments. Develop ideas, implement features and assist in the maintenance of print and electronic publications.



16 What is it? The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective. Goals are unique objectives that you strive to accomplish in a given year. Sports: The finish line of a race. A specified structure or zone into or over which players endeavor to advance a ball or puck. Personal: New Year’s Resolution.


18 SMART: Performance Goals
Specific and satisfy a need. Measurable – How will you know the goal is attained? Results oriented. Achievable - Likely future orientated. Stretch but reasonable Relevant – May include risk and flexibility; Resources needed? Are their obstacles? Time-oriented - Include a timeline.

19 Some ideas New event. Building construction. Department moves.
University initiative. Department, unit and college goals. Software implementation or updates.

20 Other factors to consider
All flow to GVSU Strategic Plan Support Departmental goals vision and mission Discuss and create with Supervisor. Annual Planning Stage On going discussion after goal is set: How will it be measured? How will it be achieved / what will it look like? Who will be involved?

21 Examples Complete the amortization schedule for all major equipment by (date) . Prior to (date) gather and codify the GVSU policies and practices that apply to the purchase and maintenance of equipment and contracts. Prepare an online Syllabus of Records repository by (date). Collaborate with Institutional Marketing and Records.

22 Examples Become more proficient in ITunes in order to be more helpful with podcasts, voice memos, etc. Assist in managing and facilitating communication of the Alumni Champions volunteers. Evaluate new opportunities for the Office Macintosh environment. Areas to investigate are: inventory, app delivery and remote control.


24 What is it? Identified behaviors, knowledge, skills, and abilities
Directly and positively impact the success of employees and organizations Critical to success of organization Can be improved through attention and coaching

University Values Quality of Work Customer Service Initiative Communication Interpersonal Effectiveness Leadership Intercultural Understanding and Awareness

26 CUSTOMER SERVICE Think of students, parents, visitors, faculty and staff as customers Demonstrate commitment to all customers through, respect, knowledge, responsiveness and courtesy Build long-term customer relationships by anticipating, listening to, understanding, effectively communicate with and meeting or exceeding our customers' needs NEW

Give timely responses to customer questions and follows-up on inquires or problems Take personal responsibility for providing service that is convenient, prompt, and efficient Meet individual needs, paying particular attention to people from diverse cultures and those with special needs NEW



30 What is it? Skills and knowledge to attain for both career development. Includes all types of facilitated learning opportunities, ranging from college degrees to formal coursework, conferences and informal learning opportunities. Could include consultation, coaching, communities of practice, lesson study, mentoring, reflective supervision and technical assistance

31 Who is it ? Staff: responsible for career advancement
Supervisors: development needs in current position Development is joint responsibility of staff and supervisors

32 What to consider Improve existing skills
Develop new skills for continued effectiveness Broaden knowledge Improve a deficient area

33 Examples Complete a college level course on (topic)by (date).
This semester attend a program on Social Media and present to department on how to enhance recruitment. Connect with other leaders, on and off campus, who work in my field and get best practice ideas for GVSU.

34 Examples Attend (conference title)or seminars relating to interpersonal skills. Attend classes on Banner to increase my efficiency. Improve my ability to lead work groups or teams. Continue to build new professional contacts both inside and outside of GVSU.

35 ePDP 2.0- Lets look !!

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