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NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program You Could be Our Next Teacher at Sea!

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1 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program You Could be Our Next Teacher at Sea!

2 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Preview Teacher at Sea Background & Statistics Teacher at Sea Activities Teacher at Sea Duties Teacher at Sea Application Process Teacher at Sea Alumni Association

3 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program Teacher at Sea Background & Statistics

4 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Background Statistics Established in 1990 Nearly 500 teachers have participated as of 2007 Approximately 250 applicants per year with 20-30 accepted Most participants go to sea during the summer Fall and spring opportunities available

5 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Alumni Statistics Alumni from every state except two (Vermont and North Dakota) as well as alumni from American Samoa, Argentina, Chile, and Puerto Rico Nearly 350 females and nearly 150 males Over 100 elementary and 150 middle school teachers Nearly 250 high school teachers

6 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Alumni Statistics (cont’d) Over 25 university faculty members One principal Over half are science teachers (includes mathematics) Other subject areas include English, art, history, social studies, foreign languages, library science, technology, and outdoor education

7 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: All Alumni 1990 - 2007

8 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: What might you do as a NOAA Teacher at Sea? Teacher at Sea Activities

9 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program As a NOAA Teacher at Sea, you might get to…set a tidal benchmark.

10 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …examine a shark.

11 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …deploy water sample equipment.

12 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …record data about various species.

13 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …help deploy a drifter or tsunami buoy.

14 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …assist in launching an ROV.

15 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …listen for and record whales.

16 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …map the ocean floor.

17 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …help sort a bottom sample.

18 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …examine a ship wreck.

19 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …assist NOAA divers (no diving yourself, even if you’re certified).

20 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program …or help navigate the ship!

21 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program Teacher at Sea Duties

22 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Duties Before Going to Sea Before the cruise, you will be expected to: Thoroughly review your training packet: “NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: A Guide to Your Research Cruise” Review information and logs on the NOAA Teacher at Sea Web site paying special attention to those logs written by teachers with missions similar to your own Be present at site of departure to participate in media briefings (if applicable).

23 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Duties While at Sea During the cruise, you will be expected to: Submit 2 to 3 logs per week Take and submit digital photos Interview scientists, officers, and crew for logs Participate in research activities as assigned by the chief scientist

24 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Duties After Cruise After the cruise, you will be expected to: Be present at site of arrival to participate in media briefings (if applicable). Submit receipts and travel voucher for reimbursement (within 30 days of mission completion). Submit a post-cruise survey (within 30 days of mission completion).

25 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Duties After Cruise (cont’d) Submit one lesson plan in the prescribed format that addresses the science and research that was being conducted on the mission (within 90 days of mission completion). Optional: Submit video footage explaining both the research being conducted on the mission and the crewmembers’ roles in support of the research (within 90 days of mission completion).

26 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Duties After Cruise (cont’d) Create and administer a test before and after teaching your lesson plan(s) that measures students’ knowledge of the lesson’s subject matter as appropriate to grade level (within 6 months of mission completion). Submit an article for publication OR conduct a presentation about your mission at an educators' conference or for colleagues (within one year of mission completion).

27 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Duties After Cruise (cont’d) If applicable, participate in functions acknowledging NOAA's Teacher at Sea program, including giving media interviews (TV, newspaper, or radio).

28 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program Teacher at Sea Application Process

29 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Application Process You first must be currently working full time as an educator (K-12 teachers and administrators; community college, college, and university teachers; museum and aquaria educators; and adult education teachers. ) You then must provide evidence of good health as determined by a completed medical history and have passed a TB within 12 months of the sailing date (complete medical form)

30 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Application Process (cont’d) On the application you will be asked to provide: What types of research cruise interests you most Dates you are available to sail How you plan to communicate what you learn to your students (this is the most important component) How you plan to give your students opportunities to learn more about the research Letters of recommendation (one from supervisor, one from colleague)

31 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program Teacher at Sea Alumni Association

32 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Teacher at Sea Alumni Association (TASA) After the cruise, you will be a member of TASA, which will bring you many other opportunities. Our alumni have flown on NOAA aircraft, participated in NOAA Science Camp, sailed on other research cruises, and attended education conferences paid for by TAS.

33 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: Summary Teacher at Sea Background & Statistics Teacher at Sea Activities Teacher at Sea Duties Teacher at Sea Application Process Teacher at Sea Alumni Association

34 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: For More Information Contacts: Jennifer Hammond NOAA Teacher at Sea Program Manager 301-713-7610 Elizabeth McMahon NOAA Teacher at Sea Deputy Program Manager 301-713-7611

35 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program: For More Information Application process starts October 1, 2008!

36 NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program “Teacher at Sea is clearly a powerful program that offers teachers a rare glimpse of real science as it happens. Nothing inspires an educator or a learner more than hands-on experience!” ~2007 TAS, Rebecca Himschoot, teacher from Alaska, aboard NOAA Ship OSCAR DYSON Thank You!

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