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9th Grade Transition: A Comprehensive Approach Presented by Janice Koslowski, Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "9th Grade Transition: A Comprehensive Approach Presented by Janice Koslowski, Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 9th Grade Transition: A Comprehensive Approach Presented by Janice Koslowski, Principal

2 Our Agenda The "Why" of 9th Grade Transition The "Who" of 9th Grade Transition The "What" of 9th Grade Transition Wrapping it up

3 The "Why" 9th Grade transition is essential to high school success Your drop out rate is directly impacted by a student's level of success in 9th grade Personalizing the school environment starts day one

4 The "Who" of 9th Grade Transition Your transition plan can include a variety of key people. YOU, the school principal, must lead the charge and model relationship building. Other key people will include your 9th grade counselor, AP, teachers, and student leaders.

5 The "What" of 9th Grade Transition January: Face-to-Face (students + parents) February-March: Blog April: Expo Summer Institute August Orientation (students & parents) 9th Grade Academy First quarter - Parent Info Night Third quarter - College Planning Session

6 January Face-to-Face: Students 1.Principal & AP (who oversees 9th grade) spend the day at the feeder middle school(s) 2.Strictly a Q & A 3.This is an opportunity for rising 9th graders to ask you anything - and they will!

7 January Face-to-Face: Parents 1.Principal & Director of Student Counseling meet with parents to overview the high school schedule 2.Lead teachers on hand to answer 1:1 questions about academic levels, etc. 3.This is an opportunity for rising 9th grade parents to meet key people - share your message!

8 February-March: The Rising 9th Grade Blog Students can access an online blog (monitored by the AP) to ask any ongoing questions they have about high school.

9 April: Expo Rising 9th Graders visit the high school Part I - Intros and performances Part II - Club Fair Part III - Athletic Info Part IV - Student Panel Part V - Reading Assessment

10 Summer Institute Objective: take away the mysteries of high school One day institute led by upperclassmen 20 minute sessions designed to address transition issues: Time Management, Organization, Pep rallies, Getting Involved, etc Student Group Leaders guide Rising 9th graders through the day Lunch provided

11 August Orientation STUDENTS: Zero Day - includes a walk through of the schedule, meeting teachers, school spirit activities PARENTS: Program Overview - includes a tour of the building with a variety of staff while reviewing school programs

12 9th Grade Academy Select small, core group of rising 9th graders who are most "at risk" academically Schedule in a small resource with support from the reading specialist and a math teacher Monitor closely for key indicators

13 Ongoing Parent Bridge First quarter Information Night: 3 topics, "round table" model, distribute report cards Third quarter College Admissions Seminar just for 9th graders

14 You have succeeded if... 1) Your 9th graders get to the first day of school and they are excited but not anxious; 2) Your 9th graders' academic progress is improved from their 8th grade year; 3) Your 9th grade parents feel connected to key school staff and know how to get help.

15 Follow up contact: Janice Koslowski 904-705-7438

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