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Differentiated Reading Instruction: Strategies for the Primary Grades Chapter 10: A Second-Grade Differentiation Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiated Reading Instruction: Strategies for the Primary Grades Chapter 10: A Second-Grade Differentiation Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiated Reading Instruction: Strategies for the Primary Grades Chapter 10: A Second-Grade Differentiation Plan

2 Ms. Scott’s Story It’s A New Day Benchmark Tests Results

3 Ms. Passerall Literacy Coach

4 Step 4: Plan for Reflection Evaluate your implementationEvaluate effectiveness Step 3: Plan for Instruction Plan a scope and sequence for instructionSelect appropriate instructional materials Step 2: Consider Needs Instructional Groups Based on Data Areas to Target for Each Group; Differentiation Strategies in Those Areas Step 1: Gather Resources Curriculum ResourcesAssessment Resources

5 Step 1: Gather Resources Curriculum Resources

6 Second-grade basal scope-and- sequence summary Decoding/spelling/alphabetMeaningComprehension skills/strategies Silent letters (chalk, thought, gnat, lamb, high, knot, write, sight, crumb, know, wrong, walk, sign) /er/ (mother, brother, other, smaller, supper) Short e (head, leather, bread) Long e (tiny, every, happy, penny, many, worry, key, money, donkey, valley, turkey, monkey) Fantasy/reality Cause and effect Context clues Main idea Make inferences Summarize Analyze characters Recognize setting Use a dictionary Read an encyclopedia Use a telephone directory Choose a reference source decided important planet float library proud climbed drifted message couple half notice arrive finish rush early record success earth lonely mountain forget memory wonderful collect join pocket honor order worth Figure 10.1

7 Step 1: Gather Resources Assessment Resources

8 Step 4: Plan for Reflection Evaluate your implementationEvaluate effectiveness Step 3: Plan for Instruction Plan a scope and sequence for instructionSelect appropriate instructional materials Step 2: Consider Needs Instructional Groups Based on Data Areas to Target for Each Group; Differentiation Strategies in Those Areas Step 1: Gather Resources Curriculum ResourcesAssessment Resources

9 Step 2: Consider Your Children’s Needs


11 Instructional Groups Based on the Data Word Recognition Fluency Group 1 & 2 Fluency Comprehension Group 3 & 4

12 Steps in FORI Chapter 5 - Pg 83 Day 1 – Read the selection aloud to the class and lead a comprehension- focused lesson. Day 2- Engage children in echo reading. Children take the selection home to read with a caregiver. Day 3- Read the selection chorally. Children again practice at home with a caregiver. Day 4- Students partner-read story. Children have a final chance to practice at home. Day 5 – Children do extension activities. As they work, assess the fluency of each child individually by having him or her read the story aloud.

13 A big picture plan for second-grade whole- group instruction Figure 10.3 GoalMaterialsDaily Activities Fluency development Basal anthology stories Leveled texts Fluency-oriented reading instruction: choral reading, echo reading, partner reading of grade-level text Partner reading of leveled text Vocabulary development Basal anthology stories Children’s literature Vocabulary discussions Comprehension strategies Basal anthology stories Children’s literature Before-, during-, and after-reading discussions Direct explanation

14 Areas to Target for Each Group Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Word recognition and fluency Teaching sounding and blending Teaching high- frequency Words Choral partner reading Word recognition and fluency Teaching letter patterns Teaching high- frequency Words Choral partner reading Fluency and comprehension Repeated reading Question-and- answer relationships (QAR) Fluency and comprehension Repeated reading Story mapping Independent extension Partner activities with vowel families and then with decodable texts Partner reading with decodable and then leveled texts Partner reading with leveled texts Partner reading and summary generation Figure 10.4

15 Differentiation Strategies in Target Areas Group 1 Word Recognition and Fluency Group 2 Word Recognition and Fluency Group 3 Fluency and Comprehension Group 4 Fluency and Comprehension Choral partner reading Partner activities with vowel families and then with decodable texts Choral partner reading Partner reading with decodable and then leveled texts Repeated reading Question-and- answer relationships Partner reading with leveled texts Repeated reading Story mapping Partner reading and summary generation

16 Step 4: Plan for Reflection Evaluate your implementationEvaluate effectiveness Step 3: Plan for Instruction Plan a scope and sequence for instructionSelect appropriate instructional materials Step 2: Consider Needs Instructional Groups Based on Data Areas to Target for Each Group; Differentiation Strategies in Those Areas Step 1: Gather Resources Curriculum ResourcesAssessment Resources

17 Step 3: Plan For 3 Weeks of Instruction Content

18 Three Week Plan: Group 1 Focus: Word Recognition and Fluency Instruction Reteach entire first-grade phonics curriculum at an accelerated rate Teach high-frequency words based on inventory data and second grade scope and sequence

19 A 3-week plan for struggling second graders, group 1 Week 1Week 2Week 3 Phonics sounding and blending M, P, T, R a-n, a-p, a-t F,C,R,L o-t, o-p, o-c-k B, H, C, S i-t, i-n, i-p D, G, N, V u-n, u-p, u-t SH, CH e-n, e-d, e-t TH Short a, short o High-frequency Words like, me, I, the, am, went, to, my are, we, is, mouse, she, man, once with, have, give, when, look, said Fluencyan, at, ock, and ot poems in, ip, up, and un poems Short-vowel poems Word HuntBasal decodable story

20 Three Week Plan: Group 2 Focus: Word Recognition and Fluency Instruction Reteach most frequent short-vowel families at an accelerated rate Provide practice in connected text through repeated readings of poems constructed to highlight vowel patterns

21 Three Week Plan: Group 3 Focus: Fluency and Comprehension Instruction Build fluency using mid-year first grade anthology selections Use timed repeated readings Build comprehension through story maps and summary sheets

22 Three Week Plan: Group 4 Focus: Fluency and Comprehension Instruction Use Tier 2 words from read-aloud with the goal of reading and spelling in addition to meaning Use story maps and summary sheet with anthology story and daily read-aloud Build fluency through FORI with anthology story Extend through writing tasks

23 Step 4: Plan for Reflection Evaluate your implementationEvaluate effectiveness Step 3: Plan for Instruction Plan a scope and sequence for instructionSelect appropriate instructional materials Step 2: Consider Needs Instructional Groups Based on Data Areas to Target for Each Group; Differentiation Strategies in Those Areas Step 1: Gather Resources Curriculum ResourcesAssessment Resources

24 Step 4: Plan For Reflection Set the Stage Gather Resources Consider Your Children’s Needs Plan for 3 Weeks of Instruction Plan for Reflection

25 Ain’t no stopping us now....

26 Questions/Answers

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