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Making a better world, two elephants at a time!. Elephants World - A Sanctuary  Elephants World is a sanctuary for rescued, old, abused and handicapped.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a better world, two elephants at a time!. Elephants World - A Sanctuary  Elephants World is a sanctuary for rescued, old, abused and handicapped."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a better world, two elephants at a time!

2 Elephants World - A Sanctuary  Elephants World is a sanctuary for rescued, old, abused and handicapped elephants in the beautiful natural and green surroundings of Kanchanaburi, Thailand.  Elephants from all over Thailand are brought to Elephants World to get a chance at a much deserved, better life.

3 A Baby Jumbo at Elephants World  A few months ago, Elephants World was fortunate enough to welcome a baby elephant to its undisturbed and leafy grounds.  Baby is 1,5 years old and was brought to EW from a nearby tourism/trekking elephant-camp

4 Living In a Box  Some of our visitors nicknamed her Shanti, which means ‘peace’ in Sanskrit, but she came from a camp where her peace of mind wasn’t given any importance.  She was kept on a chain of just 1 meter, inside a small cage, and fed only by tourists, which made her forget she was an elephant. She spent the first year of her life living like this.

5 Living In a Box  Moreover, Shanti is an orphan and the owners of the camp never explained what happened to her mother, or where she originally came from.  She therefore lived purely for the tourists’ entertainment and stood in the sun everyday, separate from the other elephants, in desperate need of love and attention, like every baby does.

6 The Chance At a New Life!  In the short few months that Baby has lived at Elephants World she has improved incredibly.  She now roams freely with the other elephants at EW and spends plenty of time swimming in the river, playing in the mud, and is loved very much by her new adopted family.  She now lives the way a baby elephant always should.

7 Changing ElephantsWorld  Not only Baby has improved, EW itself has seen great changes since her arrival.  She and her kind spirit act as a central pacifier for the elephants, who come from all over Thailand, and brings them all together.  She even helped form a whole new, loving family, who are now inseparable.

8 Happiness at last

9 But Sadness Awaits…  But all of this is about to change, since Baby’s owner told us he wants her back.  Once again she will become a ‘photo prop’ and will go back to living life in a sunny, small box.  Unless……… you make the decision to help us save her

10 A Difficult Life  KamKaew is a badly handicapped elephant, from the same tourism/trekking camp.  Her right rear leg is more than 20cm shorter than her other legs, making it difficult and painful for her to walk.  Nevertheless, KamKaew performs circus tricks everyday for hours at a time, despite them being difficult for her, purely to entertain tourists.

11 But that’s not all…  Living in a camp with a disability means no special care is given to KamKaew  Her disability means she is more prone to injury than ‘normal’ elephants  Now, due to her disability and inability to carry tourists, her owner wants to dispose of her.

12 We Can Make a Difference!  Only we have the power to save both of these beautiful elephants.  If we all work together and support Shanti and KamKaew, they can have a much better life.  Elephants World can provide them with professional medical care, treatments, love and attention and let them live as elephants should!

13 What do we need ? A total of : €51,000 Euro (2,170,325 Baht) is required to save both elephants and give them a new home.

14 Donate – Make a difference!  Donation Outside of Thailand : Stichting Help the Elephants World ABN AMRO Bank Account Nr : IBAN : NL58ABNA0437092283 BIC Code : ABNANL2A Valuta : EUR Donation from within Thailand : Bangkok Bank Elephants World Foundation Account Nr : 3274279540 BIC Code : BKKBTHBK Valuta : THB Click here to donate !Click here to donate ! (Paypal available)

15 Creating a better world, two elephants at a time!

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