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Part 5 What you need on your website to sell your products/services like hotcakes!

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Presentation on theme: "Part 5 What you need on your website to sell your products/services like hotcakes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 http://www.destinies.com1 Part 5 What you need on your website to sell your products/services like hotcakes!

2 Do you even need a website? Only if you want to sell your own products!!! OR…. (another opportunity) You could be a Broker and be the in between person You represent someone elses products and convince list owners to sell their products and you take a piece of the pie. http://www.destinies.com2

3 As a Broker You find a product that you believe in and believe will sell (do some research) Check to see if the product owner offers affiliate pymt Contact the product owner and ask if they will do a Broker Split Typically 40/40/20 (40 owner/40 affiliate/ 20 you) Get the affiliate signed up and schedule a mailing Get the copy from owner and send to the affiliate Collect your portion http://www.destinies.com3

4 Brokers email to Potential JV http://www.destinies.com4 Dear ______________, You may have already heard about the revolutionary new brain-sense program created by Cathy Lumsden, M.A. I am an Affiliate Broker working with Cathy Lumsden helping her to get her unique Brainsense program out to a large audience and felt this is a perfect fit for you and your audience. With this program, you will earn an affiliate commission of 40% of the $197.00 price. But before we get to that let me tell you what Cathy is offering. ……contd

5 Your Website KIS = Keep it Simple Get clear on what you want to accomplish with your website and find a web designer Get Quotes/Check references Do it yourself! http://www.destinies.com5

6 Websites for FREE! http://www.destinies.com6

7 Website Developers Julia Warkentin phone: 613-832-5635 cell: 613-852-5576 Colin Miller http://onegraphic.com 828-736-5890 Fernando Martinez (my web guy) http://3da.com 613-592-0304 http://www.destinies.com7

8 Julie Warkentin Standard Web : $750.00 Custom graphic design for buttons, images, logo creation, etc. Text (supplied by you) personal graphics/logos or licensed images will be required ( $2-10 per image ) Interactive elements such as rollovers, scripts, interactive navigational menus, document download links (pdfs, etc) Cascading style sheet creation and themed colour's up to 3 email contact forms Uploading and testing 1 hour of maintenance first month after launch 1 hour of training if client wishes to learn self maintenance Search engine ready (meta tags, keywords, descriptions, alt tags, etc.) Submission to main search engines through and Google Sitemaps to inform Google's crawler about all your pages and to help people discover more of your web pages. Your site/changes are posted to a preview link for your approval before uploading to live site. I work with you until you are completely satisfied with the look and functioning of your site within what was originally discussed, any new elements or significant design changes required beyond original quote will be billed hourly or a new quote will be given. Your SATISFACTION is GUARANTEED ! http://www.destinies.com8

9 A Website is Like a Bowl of Fruit http://www.destinies.com9

10 Web Sites First Impressions – you only get one chance http://www.destinies.com10

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12 http://www.destinies.com12

13 http://www.destinies.com13

14 http://www.destinies.com14

15 Beneficial Aspects Collect email addresses Have Giveaways (give people a reason to give you their email address) http://www.destinies.com15

16 Websites contd… Online presence - what are you trying to say? Or what do you want to portray? Educate yourself – do your research! Focus on your strengths Know your audience Organized information/Accessibility – be your customer…what is their experience? You have seconds to grab peoples attention! http://www.destinies.com16

17 Hosting Services http://www.destinies.com17

18 Shopping Carts/Payment Options http://www.destinies.com18

19 More on Shopping Carts PayPal Quick, easy Accept all major cards and bank transfers No affiliate tracking Clickbank e products only Must be approved first Tracks affiliates 1ShoppingCart Tracks affiliates More expensive Flexible http://www.destinies.com19

20 http://www.destinies.com20

21 http://www.destinies.com21

22 http://www.destinies.com22

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24 http://www.destinies.com24

25 One Page Website? http://www.destinies.com25 This is a long sales letter type of page – more copy below

26 or Full-blown Site? http://www.destinies.com26

27 Website Traffic Ranking Top Websites are the most visited (sites with most pages – footprint creates a huge opportunity – every web page on the internet is another opportunity for others to find you –syndication – indexed in search engines) http://www.destinies.com27

28 Connecting with Your Clients Newsletter with contact link Blog and encourage replies Online Forum on your website Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) Contact section on your site In person presentations Teleseminars – open the call for Qs Offer evaluations http://www.destinies.com28

29 Summary Invest the time to study other websites Check their ranking (for popularity) Contact site owners and ask for their web person Referrals are best Get quotes Be patient as you build Fernando says: A website is like a bowl of fruit on a table – you need to change it often; otherwise it is no longer fresh or attractive to others. http://www.destinies.com29

30 Social Media YouTube YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide! Facebook A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos Twitter Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface. LinkedIn LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. http://www.destinies.com30

31 Social Media http://www.destinies.com31

32 Dissolve the Myths Why Social Media may be hurting your business The best Social Media platforms to use, and why you need to take it slowly The number one myth of Social Media The 5 things you need to do before you jump in with any Social Media platform http://www.destinies.com32

33 Lisa Larter is President & Founder of Lisa Larter Consulting Self taught Sales Guru Entrepreneurial Spirit Brilliant Mind Logical & Common Sense Thinker Loves to Share Twitter: @lisalarter Facebook: http://www.destinies.com33

34 Questions Addressed Is Social Media the Quick Fix Do we need to invest hours on social media each day I heard we should do 50 tweets a day, is that true? How can I effectively use social media to help grow my business? Where do I start? Or what should I do? http://www.destinies.com34

35 How do you eat an elephant? http://www.destinies.com35

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