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Shaping a national template on Community Health Worker training for asthma home visits.

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Presentation on theme: "Shaping a national template on Community Health Worker training for asthma home visits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shaping a national template on Community Health Worker training for asthma home visits

2 The objectives of this session Introduce the National Healthy Homes Training Center and Network Collect input from you

3 Introductions Tell us your: Name Agency or organization City and state Your job position

4 Effective asthma home visits address: The home environment Trigger assessment Changes to reduce exposure Self-management Education Social services and support Coordinated care

5 Large Group Discussion QUESTIONS Who does home visiting? Other groups who could be doing home visiting but aren’t currently doing so? Your experiences with training for asthma home visiting? Take five minutes to write out your answers. We’ll write answers on flip charts. For 3 rd question, we’ll summarize responses.

6 Take 5 minutes to think about a home visit scenario you’re familiar with (or create one) 1 (think) Write up the details of the visit using the form we gave you 2 (pair) With your partner, take five minutes to share the story about the home visit you’ve described 3 (share)

7 Identify relevant tasks Tell us the relevant tasks, you or someone else did in the scenario. We’ll note the tasks on the flip chart.

8 Discuss Scenarios What stands out for you? What do you find interesting or surprising? Are there tasks that still need to be identified? What is a key insight you had while discussing your scenario with your partner?

9 What methods are best for training asthma home visitors? – instructor-led classroom – eLearning self-study – eLearning instructor-led – Other? What continuing performance support would be helpful?

10 Next Steps

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