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Using MathML in Blackboard/WebCT Bob Mathews Director of Training Design Science, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Using MathML in Blackboard/WebCT Bob Mathews Director of Training Design Science, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using MathML in Blackboard/WebCT Bob Mathews Director of Training Design Science, Inc.

2 Why MathML? Accessibility Ease of re-use Re-size math with browser text re- size (but not via the Equation Editor) Better resolution than images Can copy from other sources existing documents web pages

3 Entering MathML directly Blackboard offers the MathML Editor. IE-Win: Others: WebCT requires a work-around.

4 Quirks: Blackboard Doesnt allow whitespace in the code. x = 1 2

5 Quirks: Blackboard Doesnt allow whitespace in the code. Doesnt allow spaces at all – hence no attributes: x = 1 2

6 Quirks: Blackboard Doesnt allow whitespace in the code. Doesnt allow spaces at all – hence no attributes. Be careful copying & pasting from other apps (MathType, WebEQ, etc.) x = 1 2 x = 1 2

7 Quirks: Blackboard Doesnt allow whitespace in the code. Doesnt allow spaces at all – hence no attributes. Be careful copying & pasting from other apps (MathType, WebEQ, etc.) Choice of MathType translator options Only these are okay

8 Quirks: WebCT Biggest quirk is that WebCT requires a work-around. No easy way to insert a formula into an answer slot. It is possible to insert images, but its not easy. Its also possible to insert MathML, and thats a little easier, but still quirky. Activates Equation Editor

9 MathML in WebCT Must be entered via an applet tag: <applet name="0" code="webeq.Main" codebase="" archive="/webct/jar/WebEQ2Applet.jar" height=XX width=XX align=middle > <param name=eq value="[MathML goes here]" > Different rules than Blackboard

10 MathML in WebCT Must be entered via an applet tag. Its a good idea to save this code to a file on your hard drive.

11 Another way… MathPage Word + MathType Only works for course documents, assignments, etc. IOW, not for assessments, e-mail, etc.

12 Another way… MathPage Click the Export to MathPage icon: Fill in the dialog: Title File name Math target: XHTML + MathML MathPlayer (IE Behavior) Multi-browser (UMSS) Click OK

13 Another way… MathPage Click the Export to MathPage icon: Fill in the dialog. Zip & upload the files. Full instructions in our tutorials: Using MathType with Blackboard: /tutorial.htm Using MathType with WebCT: /tutorial.htm

14 ing it up… Easier for you to use IE (student browser doesnt matter, as long as its Java-capable). Know the quirks. Blackboard includes a MathML editor. WebCT requires using an applet tag. Both allow uploading a MathPage. See the tutorials on our web site.

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