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By: Justin Cruz The topic I will be speaking about today will be The Ocean. I will speak about the importance of the ocean and why we need to keep it.

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2 By: Justin Cruz

3 The topic I will be speaking about today will be The Ocean. I will speak about the importance of the ocean and why we need to keep it safe from pollution. Also, I will talk about life in the ocean and science and geography related to the ocean. I Hope you Enjoy!

4 The ocean does not only consist of fish, but many other wondrous species such as plankton, invertebrates, crustaceans, mammals and even plant life. Each of these miraculous species each play a part in the ocean and the environment. There are 3 types of ocean life in which all species belong to. The 3 types are the Plankton, the Nekton, and the Benthos. Each type of life is categorized by physical abilities and locations they are found. Although ocean life is abundant it is drastically depleting. Plankton levels especially is reducing substantially. The ecosystem revolves around every type of life and land. The ocean life is a large part of the ecosystem.

5 There are 6 major chief oceans world-wide. They are the North and South-Pacific, North and South- Atlantic, Arctic Ocean, and Indian Ocean. The entire ocean is also divided into 3 parts. The Sunlight zone, the Twilight Zone, and Midnight Zone. 75% of the earth is covered in Ocean. Oceans and seas are different. Seas are generally smaller then an ocean and partially enclosed by land.

6 Ocean water is compromised of many scientific elements. Ocean water is not actually blue but appears so because of the reflection of the sky and carbon bonding in the water. Every mineral in the earth’s crust can be found in Ocean water. Ocean currents are formed by and affected by wind, salinity, heat, topography, and earth rotation.

7 We rely on the ocean so much every day from the things it contributes. The ocean contributes energy, food, a source of fresh water, oxygen, a scientific resource, allows trade, and is a home to millions of different species. Without the ocean our economy, industries and ecosystem would drastically change. Overfishing is quickly taking over  life in our oceans due to ocean pollution. Here is a graph of overfishing statistics.

8 Ocean Pollution is a huge problem that can drastically affect the environment. Major sources are, toxic waste, plastic debris, lawn chemicals, and oil spills. Ocean pollution can affect human health as well by entering our seafood. If we continue to pollute the Ocean, we will destroy all of it’s life, and would be taking away all it’s benefits.

9 Can you name that fish? I will give a brief description of each creature. You must answer each as fast as you can. There will be 9 questions, 3 questions will be fairly easy, another 3 will be a bit more challenging and the last 3 will consist of only pictures and no hints. To make this interesting, for every question you answer correctly you will get……..

10 So let’s begin!

11 I am the most common aquatic household pet. I have a fairly long life-span but I don’t tend to live very long in most households. I have multiple colors but my most common is orange Who am I?

12 I am a Goldfish

13 I am a small orange white-striped fish. You can find me in most common coral reefs. There are 27 types of my species. I was the star character in Finding Nemo. Who am I?

14 I am a Clownfish

15 I am a very popular type of seafood. I am born in freshwater but I somehow manage to make it to saltwater areas. You can easily find me in Puget Sound. I am most commonly an orange or gray color. Who am I?

16 I am a Salmon

17 I live deep near the bottom of the ocean. I lure my prey by using my “light” connected to my head from an antennae. I have an extremely large mouth and fang-like teeth. Who am I?

18 I am an Angler Fish

19 I am a deep ocean dwelling creature. I can grow to a tremendous size. I am the biggest invertebrate on Earth. I can grow up to 33ft long. I have a numerous amount of tentacles. Who am I?

20 I am a Giant Squid

21 I tend to dwell in shallow areas or holes and crevices. Some people think me as an electric animal but only some species of me are like that. I am flat and sometimes transparent but I am a actually just a fish. Who am I?

22 I am the Common Eel.

23 Krill

24 Flying Fish

25 Sea Otter

26 Super awesome insane bonus question!!! Humuhumunukunukuapua'a

27 I hoped you have enjoyed this PowerPoint presentation and have learned about the many important points of the Ocean and more about ocean pollution.

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