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Developing Strategies To Improve Retention, Attendance And Achievement Lynne Andrews FETN Associate FETN 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Strategies To Improve Retention, Attendance And Achievement Lynne Andrews FETN Associate FETN 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Strategies To Improve Retention, Attendance And Achievement Lynne Andrews FETN Associate FETN 2013

2 This workshop will explore how data can be used to improve retention, attendance and achievement including:  How to develop and utilise tools (including data) to improve monitoring and early intervention.  Collecting case studies  Managing early intervention  Identifying key staff to support and manage improvement

3 Exploring Data: FE Choices & Data Service

4 Exploring Data Data Service

5 Keeping up to date with your data  Internal – Performance Analyst (MIS, Registers etc)  Request reports – if not already generated  Ensure reports help you to manage students and systems more effectively Exploring Data

6 Understanding Data How is it calculated? Retention x Achievement = Success To get retention figure: Retention = number of learners (group or cohort) completing a programme divided by number of starters e.g. : 50 starts minus 10 who left = 40 (40 ÷ 50) x 100 = 80% retention

7 Achievement is calculated by dividing the number of achievers by completers. Group of 40, six students fail the course this would be: (34 ÷ 40) x100 = 85% Success is therefore: (0.8 x 0.85) x 100 = 68% Understanding Data

8 Prevention and Intervention  Key dates – Start of term and mid term breaks  Case studies  Regular monitoring e.g. weekly attendance reports  Deployment of staff  Review data trends Improving Data

9 People you need to know in your College:  College Performance Analyst  Management/College Information Systems  Quality Manager  Teaching and Learning Manager  Registry/Timetables  Area responsible for recruitment and interviews

10 Remember Look after the student and the data will look after itself… Thank you for listening

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