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Actions speak louder than words: Awareness is never enough.

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Presentation on theme: "Actions speak louder than words: Awareness is never enough."— Presentation transcript:

1 Actions speak louder than words: Awareness is never enough

2 Welcome Overview of market failure Prove that awareness doesn't lead to action Practical reality of this Creating action

3 Types of market failure Common property Public goods Externalities (positive and negative) Imperfect and asymmetric information Increasing returns Market power …Complex issues often require complex solutions.

4 Tragedy of the Commons Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit - in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all. Hardin

5 Tragedy of the Commons 2.0 Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit - in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all. Hardin 1968 Each country is locked into a system that compels them to increase their GDP without limit - in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which countries rush, each pursuing their own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all. Holden 2010

6 Types of market failure Common property Public goods Externalities (positive and negative) Imperfect and asymmetric information Increasing returns Market power …Complex issues often require complex solutions.

7 Have you ever..?

8 The reality of market failure Perception is reality – what do businesses think? How market failure impacts on the different stages of the business relationship How the ENWORKS model overcomes some of these Question and answer discussion

9 General population (100%) No action taken (67%) Action taken (33%) Plan to take action (20%) 26% heard of term Resource Efficiency 82% think its a good idea 54% havent changed how they use resources in the recession 71% havent sought advice 6% couldnt find what they wanted 51% believe no barriers to RE Cost perception 33% couldnt see any benefit from improving their resource efficiency 14% plan to take action Lack focus 85% saw a business benefit 64 - 75% investment hasnt resulted in cost reductions 37% have increased recycling 33% plan to continue with resource efficiency Lack focus 23% / 46% say resource efficiency is part of their business plan Lack focus Low investment Perception of low return

10 General population (100%) No action taken (67%) Action taken (33%) Plan to take action (20%) 26% heard of term Resource Efficiency 82% think its a good idea 54% havent changed how they use resources in the recession 71% havent sought advice 6% couldnt find what they wanted 51% believe no barriers to RE Cost perception 33% couldnt see any benefit from improving their resource efficiency 14% plan to take action Lack focus 85% saw a business benefit 64 - 75% investment hasnt resulted in cost reductions 37% have increased recycling 33% plan to continue with resource efficiency Lack focus 23% / 46% say resource efficiency is part of their business plan Lack focus Low investment Perception of low return


12 General population (100%) No action taken (67%) Action taken (33%) Plan to take action (20%) 26% heard of term Resource Efficiency 82% think its a good idea 54% havent changed how they use resources in the recession 71% havent sought advice 6% couldnt find what they wanted 51% believe no barriers to RE Cost perception 33% couldnt see any benefit from improving their resource efficiency 14% plan to take action Lack focus 85% saw a business benefit 64 - 75% investment hasnt resulted in cost reductions 37% have increased recycling 33% plan to continue with resource efficiency Lack focus 23% / 46% say resource efficiency is part of their business plan Lack focus Low investment Perception of low return


14 General population (100%) No action taken (67%) Action taken (33%) Plan to take action (20%) 26% heard of term Resource Efficiency 82% think its a good idea 54% havent changed how they use resources in the recession 71% havent sought advice 6% couldnt find what they wanted 51% believe no barriers to RE Cost perception 33% couldnt see any benefit from improving their resource efficiency 14% plan to take action Lack focus 85% saw a business benefit 64 - 75% investment hasnt resulted in cost reductions 37% have increased recycling 33% plan to continue with resource efficiency Lack focus 23% / 46% say resource efficiency is part of their business plan Lack focus Low investment Perception of low return

15 Perceptions Not relevant Threat not opportunity Resource efficiency = utility management Need to invest in equipment to save energy Investment will not reduce costs Time consuming

16 Achieved savings

17 General population (100%) No action taken (67%) Action taken (33%) Plan to take action (20%) 26% heard of term Resource Efficiency 82% think its a good idea 54% havent changed how they use resources in the recession 71% havent sought advice 6% couldnt find what they wanted 51% believe no barriers to RE Cost perception 33% couldnt see any benefit from improving their resource efficiency 14% plan to take action Lack focus 85% saw a business benefit 64 - 75% investment hasnt resulted in cost reductions 37% have increased recycling 33% plan to continue with resource efficiency Lack focus 23% / 46% say resource efficiency is part of their business plan Lack focus Low investment Perception of low return

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