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Individual Behavior and process

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1 Individual Behavior and process

2 MARS model of Individual behavior and results
Role perception Motivation Behavior and results Ability situational Factors Values Personality Perceptions Attitude Stress

3 Motivation Motivation Ability Role Perception Situational factors
The forces within a person that affects his or her direction , intensity and persistence of of voluntary behavior Motivation Ability Role Perception Situational factors

4 Ability Motivation Ability Role Perception Situational factors
Abilities refers to the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to complete a task successfully Where Aptitudes are the natural talents that help employee learn specefic task quickly and perform them better Learned capabilities refers to the skills and knowledge that you have acquired.

5 Role Perception Motivation Ability Role Perception Situational factors
A person belief about what behavior are appropriate or necessary in a particular situation including the specific task that make up the job, their relative importance and the potential behavior to accomplish those tasks.

6 Situational Factors Motivation Ability Role Perception
Situational factors include those that are not in the immediate control of employee but that constrain and faccilitate his or her behavior and performence

7 Individual Characterstics
Values Personality Perceptions Attitude Learning

8 Values Values Personality Perception Attitudes Learning
Values are stable long lasting beliefs that guide our preferences for outcome or course s of action in various situations.Hence they just don’t represent what we want but what we ought to do. They are the socially desirable ways to achieve our needs.

9 Personality Values Personality Perception Attitudes Learning
Personality refers to the relatively stable pattern behavior and consistent internal states that explains a persons behavioral tendencies. It consists of bothe external and internal traits of an individual

10 Perception Values Personality Perception Attitudes Learning
The process of selecting, organising and interpreting informations in order to make a sense about the world around us.

11 Attitude Values Personality Perception Attitudes Learning
Attitude represents cluster of beleifs, feelings and behavioral intentions. Towards a person, object or event.

12 Learning Values Personality Perception Attitudes Learning
Learning is a permanent change in the behavior that occurs due to persons intercation with his environment. When individual starts behaving differently, learning has occurred.

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