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ARL Membership Meeting Infrastructure, Services, and Collections Sayeed Choudhury Johns Hopkins University.

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Presentation on theme: "ARL Membership Meeting Infrastructure, Services, and Collections Sayeed Choudhury Johns Hopkins University."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARL Membership Meeting Infrastructure, Services, and Collections Sayeed Choudhury Johns Hopkins University

2 ARL Membership Meeting Collaboration: it’s all about… Trust

3 ARL Membership Meeting Infrastructure “Understanding Infrastructure: Dynamics, Tensions, and Design” report Highly reliable, widely accessible basic capabilities and services supporting the full range of scientific work Migration from systems to infrastructure

4 ARL Membership Meeting Infrastructure Questions Where do Library systems fit in this picture? Do we have the expertise to build eScience infrastructure? What about our budgets? Do we have sufficient funds in our budgets? In our University budgets?

5 ARL Membership Meeting Services Libraries provides many services (e.g., ILS, GIS, electronic reservers, courseware) Scientists are building their own services - no COTS options (at least not yet) Humanists are beginning to build their own services as well

6 ARL Membership Meeting Services Questions Should libraries build eScience services? If not, what’s our role in service provision? Are there “common” services across disciplines? If so, who should develop them? What about discipline-specific services?

7 ARL Membership Meeting Collections Datasets are the new special collections (putting aside the obvious aesthetic differences) We are losing our collections--everyday Infrastructure is necessary for services and collections

8 ARL Membership Meeting Collections Questions Should eScience be considered a collection development activity? As data becomes more prevalent, and the nature of publications changes, how do we spend our collections funds? Does it make sense to think of an infrastructure development budget?

9 ARL Membership Meeting Infrastructure It’s the foundation that transforms scholarship Don’t worry about whether they’ll come if we build it Scholars are already here…worry about that if we don’t build it, someone else will

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