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National Cancer Institute Orientation. Orientation Agenda Welcome Welcome Introduction to NCI Introduction to NCI Information Technology Information Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "National Cancer Institute Orientation. Orientation Agenda Welcome Welcome Introduction to NCI Introduction to NCI Information Technology Information Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Cancer Institute Orientation

2 Orientation Agenda Welcome Welcome Introduction to NCI Introduction to NCI Information Technology Information Technology Break Break NIH On-line Orientation NIH On-line Orientation

3 Administration on Aging (AoA) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Indian Health Service (IHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Secretary Michael O. Leavitt Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Heath Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health & Human Services Program Support Services (PSC)


5 National Cancer Institute Office of The Director Office of Communications Office of International Affairs Office of Science, Planning & Assessment Office of Management Office of Centers, Training, and Resources Office of Budget and Financial Management Center for Bioinformatics Center for Reduce Cancer Health Disparities Division of Cancer Prevention Division of Extramural Activities Center for Cancer Research Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis Division of Cancer Biology Office of The Deputy Director

6 NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 4,000 Plus Staff Diversified Disciplines $5 Billion Budget Primarily located in Bethesda, Rockville and Frederick

7 NCI Challenge Goal: ”To eliminate the suffering and death due to cancer by 2015” NCI Challenge Goal: ”To eliminate the suffering and death due to cancer by 2015” Strategic Initiatives: Molecular Epidemiology: Understanding the Causes of Cancer Molecular Epidemiology: Understanding the Causes of Cancer Integrative Cancer Biology Integrative Cancer Biology Strategic Development of Cancer Interventions Strategic Development of Cancer Interventions Early Detection, Prevention, Prediction Early Detection, Prevention, Prediction Integrated Clinical Trials System Integrated Clinical Trials System Overcoming Health Disparities Overcoming Health Disparities Bioinformatics Bioinformatics

8 Organizational Structure Extramural Research Program (ERP) Intramural Research Program (IRP) Office of the Director (OD)

9 Extramural Research Program Provides funding opportunities for outside entities to partner in the NCI’s research portfolio through the provision of grants and contracts.

10 Intramural Research Program Conducts on-site research projects Conducts on-site research projects Maintains Labs primarily in Bethesda and Frederick Maintains Labs primarily in Bethesda and Frederick Research directed by Principal Investigators who are Federal employees Research directed by Principal Investigators who are Federal employees

11 Office of the Director Provides direction & support for research infrastructure and specific areas of emphasis including clinical research and over 60 cancer centers.

12 Administrative Resource Center (ARC) Budget Budget Procurement Procurement Travel Travel Human Resources Human Resources Space Space

13 Federal Employee Processing DHHS Office of Human Resources Life Insurance Life Insurance Health Benefits Health Benefits Retirement System(s) Retirement System(s) Leave/Holidays Leave/Holidays Pay Information Pay Information

14 Training Fellowships and other Non-Paid Appointments Administrative Resource Center (ARC) Health Insurance Health Insurance Excused Absences/Holidays Excused Absences/Holidays Stipend Information Stipend Information


16 Parking and Other Logistics On-campus (Bethesda) On-campus (Bethesda) Covered in NIH on-line orientation Off-campus Off-campus Contact ARC for specific information

17 NCI Office of Workforce Development (OWD) (301) 435-8524 OWD Services Training Training Workforce Development Services Workforce Development Services Managers’ Toolkit Managers’ Toolkit Mentoring Programs Mentoring Programs Recruitment Recruitment Quality of Work Life Programs Quality of Work Life Programs

18 Workforce Development Services Develop new and creative solutions to increase the Develop new and creative solutions to increase the organization’s capacity for self-renewal. Work collaboratively with managers to build a customized Work collaboratively with managers to build a customized plan to implement and manage changes to optimize workgroup performance Team building and coaching Team building and coaching Process facilitation Process facilitation Work re-design Work re-design Organizational communication Organizational communication Goal setting and planning Goal setting and planning Services empower managers and positively impact workgroup effectiveness by developing the workforce to meet its mission Services empower managers and positively impact workgroup effectiveness by developing the workforce to meet its mission

19 Managers’ Toolkit Reasonable Accommodation Guidelines, which is an on-line posting of step-by-step instructions for supervisors on how to respond to request for reasonable accommodations and other related matters. These NCI reasonable accommodation procedures cover all NCI staff, training awardees, and applicants for both FTE and non-FTE positions, which is understood to include training applicants. Reasonable Accommodation Guidelines, which is an on-line posting of step-by-step instructions for supervisors on how to respond to request for reasonable accommodations and other related matters. These NCI reasonable accommodation procedures cover all NCI staff, training awardees, and applicants for both FTE and non-FTE positions, which is understood to include training applicants. Monthly Management Article Monthly Management Article Guidelines for Designation of Emergency and Non-Emergency Employees For Periods of Inclement Weather or Other Temporary Closings Guidelines for Designation of Emergency and Non-Emergency Employees For Periods of Inclement Weather or Other Temporary Closings

20 Training Resources for Supervisors Provide resources and tools tailored for new and existing supervisors to assist them in managing and developing their workforce Provide resources and tools tailored for new and existing supervisors to assist them in managing and developing their workforce Establish guidelines for training Establish guidelines for training Identify training curriculum/courses Identify training curriculum/courses

21 NCI Training Warehouse Desktop resource to identify training options and identify Institute-specific training as needed Desktop resource to identify training options and identify Institute-specific training as needed HHS University HHS University NIH Training Center NIH Training Center NCI-specific programs NCI-specific programs Outside vendors Outside vendors

22 Knowledge Management: A Mentoring Program  Formal mentoring program for employees with administrative duties or interests  Facilitate institutional knowledge sharing  Promote employee retention  Develop talent 81% of respondents in 2002 NCI Needs Assessment Survey indicated a Mentoring program would be “extremely beneficial” 81% of respondents in 2002 NCI Needs Assessment Survey indicated a Mentoring program would be “extremely beneficial” Formal Mentoring programs increase Mentees’ productivity and Mentors’ motivation leading to superior performance and higher level of productivity Formal Mentoring programs increase Mentees’ productivity and Mentors’ motivation leading to superior performance and higher level of productivity

23 Recruitment StarCatcher/StarGazer StarCatcher - Public website advertising NCI training StarCatcher - Public website advertising NCI training opportunities to worldwide science community Candidates post resumes, apply for current openings, and communicate directly with NCI principal investigators Candidates post resumes, apply for current openings, and communicate directly with NCI principal investigators StarGazer - Automated process, electronically transfers resumes from StarCatcher, inputs resumes from job fairs, professional science organization meetings, university consortiums, and science journal advertisements StarGazer - Automated process, electronically transfers resumes from StarCatcher, inputs resumes from job fairs, professional science organization meetings, university consortiums, and science journal advertisements Combined with community outreach, StarCatcher and StarGazer systems have significantly raised quantity and quality of science candidate pool Combined with community outreach, StarCatcher and StarGazer systems have significantly raised quantity and quality of science candidate pool

24 Quality of Work Life Programs Initiatives to create a more flexible, supportive work environment, enabling and identifying ways to assist employees in fulfilling NCI’s mission. Initiatives to create a more flexible, supportive work environment, enabling and identifying ways to assist employees in fulfilling NCI’s mission. Oversee Telework and Voluntary Leave Transfer Program Oversee Telework and Voluntary Leave Transfer Program Liaison with NIH Worklife Center, NIH Child Care Board, Employee Assistance Program, Div. of Employee Services, and the R& W Association Liaison with NIH Worklife Center, NIH Child Care Board, Employee Assistance Program, Div. of Employee Services, and the R& W Association “When work is effective, life benefits; and when life works, work benefits.” Karol Rose, LifeCare Inc.

25 Conflict of Interest in Research NCI Ethics and You

26 Conflict of Interest in Research Conflicting Financial Interests Conflicting Financial Interests Impartiality in Performing Official Duties Impartiality in Performing Official Duties Misuse of Position Misuse of Position Representation Representation Gifts Gifts Activities with Outside Organizations Activities with Outside Organizations Seeking Other Employment Seeking Other Employment

27 Activities with Outside Organizations BEFORE YOU ACCEPT….. Talk to your SUPERVISOR Talk to your SUPERVISOR Contact the Ethics Office Contact the Ethics Office

28 Activities with Outside Organizations Before You Begin…. Clear through your ARC Clear through your ARC Obtain Approval by submitting paperwork to the NCI ETHICS OFFICE Obtain Approval by submitting paperwork to the NCI ETHICS OFFICE

29 Media/Congressional/Legal Inquiries Media - Contact the Press Office when:  Your study is accepted for publication  A journalist calls you for an interview  You need background material for reporters  A development in your field is likely to generate media attention General Contact Information: (301) 496-6641. email: Congressional – any, Office of Policy Analysis and Response, 301-496-5217 Legal – any, Office of General Counsel, 301-496-4108

30 Contacting NCI Ethics Officials NCI Ethics Office NCI Ethics Office Bethesda Office (301) 496-1148 Bethesda Office (301) 496-1148 Maureen Wilson, Ph.D., DEC, Cheryl Lynn Nelson Shari Wahlert Frederick Office (301) 846-5286 Frederick Office (301) 846-5286 Mary Gregg

31 Common Errors To be Aware of as a Newcomer to the Federal Environment Purchasing something expecting reimbursement Purchasing something expecting reimbursement Incurring travel/training costs without prior approval Incurring travel/training costs without prior approval Accepting funds on behalf of the Government Accepting funds on behalf of the Government Accepting outside employment or honoraria w/o prior approval Accepting outside employment or honoraria w/o prior approval Taking leave prior to approval Taking leave prior to approval Not communicating with your supervisor or sponsor regarding responsibilities and expectations. Not communicating with your supervisor or sponsor regarding responsibilities and expectations.

32 Training and Employment Expectations Training Plans Training Plans Sponsor provides for each training assignment Sponsor provides for each training assignment Shows the direction/composition/goals of the training assignment Shows the direction/composition/goals of the training assignment Practical training Practical training Group participation Group participation Training courses Training courses Training objective Training objective Review, questions, signature at the time of in processing or change in training assignments Review, questions, signature at the time of in processing or change in training assignments Performance Plans/Contracts Performance Plans/Contracts Supervisor details the expectations of the position A tool to understanding performance standards and goals of the position Review, questions, signature within 30 days of employment start, renewed annually


34 In Closing the Intro to NCI : The NCI strives to offer you one of the most valuable experiences of your career while being a part of the team challenge to eliminate the suffering and death due to cancer……..Take advantage of this opportunity. It could prove to be the chance of a lifetime!


36 NIH ONLINE ORIENATION NIH ID # (NED #) NIH ID # (NED #) NIH Online Orientation Website NIH Online Orientation Website http://orientation.nih.gov

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