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Transportation Demand Management at UBC ACT Webinar, March 31, 2009 Carole Jolly, Director TREK Program Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Demand Management at UBC ACT Webinar, March 31, 2009 Carole Jolly, Director TREK Program Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Demand Management at UBC ACT Webinar, March 31, 2009 Carole Jolly, Director TREK Program Centre

2 Setting the Context The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus

3 The TREK Program Centre Integrated Transportation Demand Management Strategy

4 The TREK Program Centre Integrated Transportation Demand Management Strategy

5 The U-Pass Program TREKs Most Effective TDM Initiative

6 The Results Are In! Measuring Success Targets met and exceeded 18% reduction in auto trips since 97, despite 36% popn growth Other Benefits ($$ Savings, GHG Emission Savings)

7 Lessons Learned 1.Universities are in a unique position to influence travel choices and land use 2.Comprehensive TDM approach (no silver bullet) 3.Supporting Policies 4.Partnerships on and off campus (especially with students!) 5.Establish targets and monitor success 6.Sustainable Funding Model (balance between parking revenue and TDM success)

8 Carole Jolly Director TREK Program Centre 604.822.6674

9 ACT Canada ACT Canada Post-Secondary TDM Alliance Why a Post-Secondary Alliance? Goals and Objectives Information Share TDM Advancement Improving TDM choices Advocacy Best Practice Academic Networks Other? Forming an Alliance

10 ACT Canada ACT Canada What Can An Alliance Do? Networking Best Practices Funding Opportunities Strategic Plan Development TDM Implementation Assistance TDM Marketing Support Program Development Assistance Research Opportunities Evaluation Methodologies Surveys U-Pass Implementation Ridematching Software Parking Management Tools Shuttle Bus Information Other

11 ACT Canada ACT Canada Next Steps How can this Alliance help you? What would be valuable communication tools? Webinars ListServe Website Blogs Member Lists Other?

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