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Jane Arezina.  The module aims to enable the practitioner to examine and develop their practice in relation to local and profession specific standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Jane Arezina.  The module aims to enable the practitioner to examine and develop their practice in relation to local and profession specific standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane Arezina

2  The module aims to enable the practitioner to examine and develop their practice in relation to local and profession specific standards of diagnostic imaging  Main theme are:- ◦ Image interpretation and reporting ◦ Communication ◦ Ethics and Law

3  Programme is not specific to Medical Ultrasound  Formed by the merger of the Medical Ultrasound and Breast Imaging programmes  All students take Professional Issues in Diagnostic Imaging as a compulsory module, no matter which programme (PGC; PGD or MSc) and regardless of speciality (e.g. Breast Imaging or Medical Ultrasound)

4  From a variety of professional backgrounds. Cohorts have included:- ◦ Radiographers ◦ Sonographers ◦ Medics  Obstetricians  Vascular surgeons  A&E consultants ◦ Nurses ◦ Midwives ◦ Physiotherapists

5  The principal aim of the module is to provide a structure to enable students to bring together self-knowledge, expertise at work and formal knowledge in order to foster and develop the highest standards in imaging practice

6  The students critically reflect on their own practice- related knowledge and enhance skills for advancing/extending professional practice  Students need to consider the issues in relation to their specific clinical situation and profession specific content required by professional bodies (CASE or CoR).  The students examine and evaluate different theoretical and analytic perspectives using critical reflection on their own practice-related knowledge.  Student are encouraged and expected to contribute their own perspectives and examples from practice.

7  Seminars and workshops are the main teaching methods used in this module with some content based lectures.  The seminars and workshops are structured to facilitate discussion around the topic.  Pre-reading is provided so that students come prepared for discussion and debate (some topics also require students to undertake tasks and bring these to the session).  The focus is practice related and students will be asked to contribute examples from their practice to illustrate their arguments

8  Module commences in semester 1 and is assessed in semester 2b to enable students’ theoretical knowledge and understanding to ‘grow’ in line with practice-based professional development  Students are required to submit a 3,000 word portfolio relating to their own professional practice and issues in:- ◦ Image interpretation and reporting ◦ Communication ◦ Ethics and Law  The portfolio enables the student to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of theories and principles of professional issues in professional practice along with critical evaluation of its implementation in the work place.

9  All imaging students are taught together to enable interprofessional interaction and collaboration  Students have a set of ‘task’ to prepare and bring to sessions for discussion  Portfolio includes 3 reflective academic pieces of work related to the main themes  In addition, they must include the tasks and any supporting material as appendices

10  Have to do a lot of work themselves and often find the module ‘difficult’, ‘not related to my own practice’  Don’t like interprofesional nature of teaching and learning-want more profession/modality specific content  Portfolio is seen as a major task-even though have 9 months to complete it  Don’t like all the tasks and sometimes can’t see relevance to learning ‘how to do a scan’

11  Many students produced fabulous portfolios that clearly demonstrate their professional development  Encourages students to explore why they are doing things a certain way-evidence based practice, self-development and critical appraisal are key features  Use of reflection enables some students to have ‘light-bulb’ moments that alter the way they practice  Some students have used the knowledge gained to make changes in clinical practice  Many positive comments in the portfolio re: how they felt about the module at the beginning and how they now realise how fundamental these topics are to practice

12  The module is utilised to introduce generic content e.g. Reporting or communication that is developed further in specific modules  Encourages students to self-develop through reflection and critical appraisal-students often find this challenging  Encourages IPW and consideration the views of other professionals-also challenging  Most students showed progression in their professional development and a clear understanding of the role the module will have in their future practice

13 ALDERSON, C.J. and P., HOGG, 2003. Advanced Radiography Practice-the Legal Aspects. Radiography, (9) pp. 305-314 BEAUCHAMP, T., L., and J.F., CHILDRESS, 2001. Principles of Biomedical Ethics. 5 th ed Oxford: OUP CHAMBERS, R., and G., WAKELY, 2000. Making Clinical Governance work for you. Radcliffe Medical Press DAWES, M., and P., DAVIES. 1999. Evidence Based Practice- A primer for Health Care Professionals. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone DIMOND, B., 2002. Legal Aspects of Radiography and Radiology. Oxford: Blackwell Science ELLIOT, V., et al, 2008. Research Utilisation in Sonography Practice: Attitudes and Barriers. Radiography,, pp. 1-9 HARDY, M., and B., SNAITH, 2006. Role Extension and Role Advancement-is there a difference? –A discussion paper. Radiography, 12, pp. 327-331 HARDY, M., and B., SNAITH, 2007. How to Achieve Advanced Practitioner Status–A discussion paper. Radiography, 13, pp. 142-146 KENNEDY, I., and A. GRUBB, 2000. Medical Law, Text and Materials. 3 rd ed. London: Butterworth. MASON, J., K., and R., A., MCCALL-SMITH, 1999. Law and Medical Ethics. 5 th ed. MC SHERRY, R., 2002. Clinical Governance: A guide to implementation for healthcare professionals. Oxford : Blackwell Science MORELL, C., and G., HARVEY, 1999. The Clinical Audit Handbook. London: Balliere Tindall MUIR-GRAY, J., A. 2001. Evidence Based Health Care. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone NIGHTINGALE, J. and P., HOGG, 2003. Clinical Practice at Advanced Level. An Introduction. Radiography 9 pp 77-83 NIGHTINGALE, J., 2008. Developing Protocols for Advanced and Consultant Practice. Radiography pp. 1-6 REIGELMAN, R., K. 1996. Studying a Study and Testing a Test: How to read the Health Sciences Literature. Lippincott - Raven SIMPSON, R. and R., BOR, 2001. ‘I’m not picking up a heart-beat’: Experiences of Sonographers giving bad news to women during ultrasound scans. British Journal of Medical Psychology 74 pp 255-272 SWAGE, T. 2000. Clinical Governance in Healthcare Practice. Butterworth: Heinemann THE COLLEGE OF RADIOGRAPHERS 2005. Research and the radiography Profession. A Strategy and Five Year Plan. The College of Radiographers; London THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGISTS AND THE SOCIETY AND COLLEGE OF RADIOGRAPHERS, (2007). Team Working within Clinical Imaging. A contemporary View of Skill Mix. The Royal College of radiologists and the Society and College of Radiographers: London THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGISTS, 2006. Standards for the Reporting and Interpretation of Imaging Investigations. The Royal College of Radiologists; London THE SOCIETY AND COLLEGE OF RADIOGRAPHERS 2005. Medical Image Interpretations and Clinical Reporting by Non-radiologists: The Role of the Radiographer. The College of Radiographers; London THE SOCIETY OF RADIOGRAPHERS, 2006. Statement on Ultrasound Referrals and Professional Indemnity Arrangements. The Society of Radiographers; London UKAS. 2001. Guidelines for professional working practice. UKAS. VINCENT, C., 2001. Clinical Risk Management – Enhancing Patient Safety. BMJ

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