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Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme 5th EU Framework Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme 5th EU Framework Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme 5th EU Framework Programme

2 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 2 International Cooperation 0.4 BECU Innovation & SMEs 0.3 BECU Human Potential 1.3 BECU Information Society Technologies 3.6 BECU Preserving the Ecosystem 2.1 BECU Competitive & Sustainable Growth 2.7 BECU Quality of Life & Living Resources 2.4 BECU Fifth Framework Programme - thematic programmes - (Global figures subject to final Decision)

3 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 3 Single Digital Space Media High bandwidth anywhere Communications 1 billion transistor chip Computing Networked Society Global Economy Towards the information society New applications + Services + NEW CONTENT Added Value IP everywhere Commodity

4 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 4 Affordability Usability Interoperability Dependability In Processes Stock In Products Research Drivers Production Distribution Retail Supply

5 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 5 Research networking Future & emerging technologies Essential technologies & infrastructure IST - Programme Systems & Services for the citizen Multimedia content & tools New methods of working & Electronic Commerce Essential technologies & infrastructure

6 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 6 Health Health Elderly and disabled Elderly and disabled Administrations Administrations Environment Environment Transport & tourism Transport & tourism Key Action I : Systems & services for the citizen

7 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 7 Key Action II : New methods of work & electronic commerce Working methods & tools Working methods & tools Market management systems Market management systems Information & network security Information & network security

8 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 8 Electronic publishing Cultural heritage Cultural heritage Education and training Education and training Language technologies Language technologies Information access & handling Information access & handling Key Action III : Multimedia content & tools

9 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 9 Information processing, communications & networking Information processing, communications & networking Software, systems and services Software, systems and services Simulation and visualisation Simulation and visualisation Mobile & personal communications Mobile & personal communications Interfaces Interfaces Peripherals, subsystems and microsystems Peripherals, subsystems and microsystems Microelectronics Microelectronics Key Action IV : Essential technologies & infrastructures

10 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 10 New issues affecting content  content is going 100% digital  TV and broadcast are going interactive  traditional publishing / culture systems outdated?  personalized media and entertainment  education & training systems need to be more responsive  language as an opportunity, not a barrier  not enough content-related standards  new business models are needed  not enough design skills available  etc

11 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 11 Electronic publishing RTD Research focus: -creative content - content management - personalizing content Application areas: - knowledge publishing - lifestyle - entertainment 1999 priorities: - Authoring & design systems - Content management & personalization

12 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 12 Digital heritage & cultural content Research priorities: - integrated access - large repositories - preservation & access Application areas: - libraries - museums - scientific / cultural - archives 1999 focus: -Access to scientific & cultural heritage. -Digital preservation

13 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 13 Education & Training Research priorities: - autonomous / customized education - better material - better access Application areas: - education - corporate & individual training 1999 focus: - Open platforms for flexible learning - The flexible university - Advanced Training Systems

14 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 14 Human language technologies Research priorities: - full multilinguality - natural interactivity - active content 1999 focus: - Multilinguality in digital content & services - Natural interactivity Application areas: - electronic commerce - publishing - public services

15 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 15 Information Access & filtering Research priorities: - mastering information - info. management - info. categorising Application areas: - all subject areas 1999 focus: - Multi-sensory forms of content - Media representation & access

16 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 16 Information on programme IST helpdesk Fax: +32 2 296 83 88 E-Mail: Official Journal Workprogramme Introduction for Proposers Specific Guides for Proposers

17 Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) 17 Preparing for the first Calls  14-18 Dec EP Plenary  22 Dec Research Council  Jan ‘99 decision on Workprogramme  15 Feb ‘99 Information Day CNIT, Paris  16 Feb ‘99 First Call - deadline 18/5  16 Mar ‘99 Second Call - deadline 15/6

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