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Pastor Ambrose Nyangao The Story The first time I took a trip out of the country on a flight was amazing. I had seen everything in life from the ground.

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2 Pastor Ambrose Nyangao

3 The Story

4 The first time I took a trip out of the country on a flight was amazing. I had seen everything in life from the ground level. Whatever I saw from the air was through the movies. This trip in the air was awesome. Of course it was a fearful thing getting off from the ground and I prayed the whole time that we would land safely. That is what happens when you move away from your comfort zone.

5 I learnt a lot from that trip just being in the air and seeing things from a different perspective. I know that you have heard the story of the eagle that had been brought up among chickens. It viewed things from the ground for a long time and it ate everything that was on the ground, until it spread out its wings and realized that it had never been a chicken. All along it had been an eagle.

6 I want you to know that you were not created to focus on the ground level like chickens. You are an eagle. You were destined to fly. Up there the vision is extraordinary. Arise and shine. Be in the dimensions of seeing what God is seeing. Your strategy will change dramatically. [Please read Deut 32:11-13]

7 Lk 5:1-11 is our theme passage. We are being challenged to LAUNCH INTO THE DEEP AND CAST OUR NETS FOR A CATCH. Yes it does not matter how much you have toiled and caught nothing in the process. Now is the time to LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP. Cast your net of faith. The vision God gives you will take you places

8 The Word

9 Lk 5:1-11 is the theme passage for the year. Read it often. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. Acts 19:11,12,20 is the theme verse. God did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul. You can imagine what God is waiting to do through you in this year of the Lord’s extraordinary dimensions.

10 I Cor 2:9-10 declares that what your eyes have not seen, you will see; and what your ears have not heard, you will hear; and what your heart has not conceived, you shall conceive the things that God has revealed through His Spirit. Gen 13:14-17. Put on your seat belts. You are taking off to great places. Lift up your eyes and see as far as you can. God has given you the land of your inheritance.

11 The Declaration

12 We decree and declare that we shall see visions and dream dreams We decree and declare that our eyes shall see the unseen and bring it into reality in the seen world We decree and declare that the nets of faith we cast will catch that which the Lord has destined for us We decree and declare that we are the chosen of the Lord and we shall indeed launch out into the deep for a catch We decree and declare that God’s kingdom is loosed into our midst in the name of Jesus, Amen.

13 The Reflection

14 Take time to purchase and read the Theme vision 2013 if you haven’t done so Expect the extraordinary to happen in your life This is your season and this is your time to catch that which has eluded you Do your part as you obey God’s instructions. Cast your net

15 Do not be caught up into discussing how bad things are. Dwell on the possibilities that are coming your way through the name of Jesus. Let the word of God be your guide. This is the season that the LORD will astonish you. Heaven will connect to your situation, as it did in the lives of the disciples

16 The Prayer

17 Lord God, I want to take time to speak a blessing upon these dear ones. You know where they are in life. I pray that extraordinary vision is being given to them. They are going to see you and see things from your perspective. I release kingdom vision upon them. As they SEE-K first your kingdom and your righteousness, all that they need will be added and multiplied to them. This is their season and time in the name of Jesus Christ.


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