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Job Shadow Dress Rehearsal
Path Ways to College and Career Readiness- Workshop 4 This workshop is designed around the students modeling the behaviors that they will need to display when they are on their Job Shadow. Start by modeling the behaviors. Greet them at the door with a smile, a firm handshake and introduce yourself (even if they know you). This will help to set the tone for your “dress rehearsal”.
Our Dress Rehearsal Objectives
To prepare you for your Job Shadow experience. To answer any questions that you have about Job Shadowing. To set you up for success in what could be a VERY important step toward your future career. State: This is a really important step for the you. Explain that students will not get priority consideration for Internships unless they have a successful Job Shadow experience.
Top Five Reasons to Job Shadow
5. It is fun! 4. You will get experience, and tips on how to pursue your perspective career path. 3. A Job Shadow experience looks great on your college application or resume. 2. You could make a strong business contact that could help you as you pursue internships and a future job. 1. Your future Employment could come from this day! Go through the 5 reasons (they reveal as you click the mouse)
Why Would a Company Offer CPS a Job Shadowing Opportunity?
What are they looking for in you? What should you look for in a company? What is Job Shadowing? Discuss the questions on this slide. The definition of a Job Shadow: A job shadow is a structured career activity where a student follows an employee at a company location to learn about a particular occupation or industry. The purpose of job shadowing is to help students explore a range of career options. The employee who is guiding the student is called a host. The high school student's job shadowing experience usually lasts one school day. The student experiences a one-on-one relationship with their host, observing activities and gaining valuable information about their chosen career. Job shadowing helps students accomplish the following: •Gain information about possible future career interests. •Observe the daily routine of their adult host. •Observe the system of the host company or business. •Gain an insight of the academic, technical, and personal skills required by particular occupation. •Gain an understanding of the connection between school and work. •Gain information to assist student's in goal setting and educational planning.
Your Checklist Items Why did we have you bring the items on the check list? Did anybody have problems completing the assignments? What do you do with those items? Have you been checking your CPS daily? You must check frequently between the Dress Rehearsal and your Job Shadow Day. Activity: Check that they have the items on the check list. The students keep the transportation plan, resume copies, company research, and job shadow question sheets. Collect the sign out forms, school and parental permission forms, the student contract and the extra copy of their offer sheet . Discuss their transportation plan. Remind them to check their CPS daily in the two weeks leading to the Job Shadow. Schedule changes and updates will be sent to this account, so you need to monitor it.
The day of your Job Shadow
Dress for success. Have a plan for how to get to your assigned company. ARRIVE EARLY! State: You need to be prepared for this day. Emphasize that arriving minutes early would be ideal. Do not get there an hour before your assignment- that is TOO early. If your job shadow host is not there when you arrive, wait patiently. DO NOT call your friends from your cell phone while waiting in the lobby or seating area – this disturbs the course of business.
Introduction Introduce yourself. Shake hands. Make eye contact.
Ask questions, show interest. This entire class is about modeling the behaviors that you want to see from the students when they get to their employers. You started the class by shaking hands with them as they walked in the door and introducing yourself, and hopefully the students responded to the introduction. Now you debrief how the class began. Have all the students stand up, and form two parallel lines, then turn and face a partner. Begin by asking the students to give each other a weak, limp handshake. Then have them discuss what signal that sends. Then have them discuss if they have ever experienced a “crushing” handshake and what message that sends.
How to Shake Hands Stand and approach the person with whom you are shaking hands. If you are seated, stand up. Make eye contact. Eye contact is very important. If you have difficulty making eye contact, focus your gaze on the point between the eyebrows and the protrusion of the nose. Reach out your right hand with your palm perpendicular to the floor, and your thumb turned towards the sky. Activity: The handshake is a basic form of greeting in North America and is used to communicate agreeableness. It is used to say hello, good bye, congratulations, and thank you. It is also used to conclude agreements and is done at sporting events to indicate good sportsmanship. The gesture has an old history, and appears on Greek tombstones, often between the deceased and the surviving family members. Now, a good handshake conveys warmth and sincerity and in these tough economic times, it may be the difference between getting and not getting a job. Have the students practice shaking hands.
How to Shake Hands continued
Nestle your hand in the crook of the other person's hand. Do this by bringing your fingers across the palm and then wrapping the fingers around the bottom of the palm (so don't grab their fingers, and don't grab their wrist), and allow your thumb to wrap over the top of the hand. Grasp the palm and lift your hand and lower it a few times (3-5) for the shake. Do not pump the other person's hand by squeezing and letting go of their palm several times. Do not vigorously shake or limply shake. Remember to maintain eye contact and this is a very appropriate time to introduce yourself or repeat your name. Let go of the other person's hand and allow your hand to drop to your side. Even if your hand is slimy or damp, do not wipe your hand on your pants or shirt. Note to instructors have alcohol jell on hand and have students use it after shaking hands. Remind them that this is one reason why we ask you to cough or sneeze into your elbow rather than your hand. It stems the spread of germs.
First Impression How long does it take to make a first impression?
How long to change that impression? Ask the students what they look at when drawing conclusions about a person to arrive at a first impression? Let them know that research shows persons who hire entry level employees focus on two things. References and VIBE. VIBE is largely dictated by a first impression. Is their first impression usually right? Have they ever changed their mind about a person after making that first impression? What did it take? Discuss the fact that a first impression is usually solidified within the first 3-26 seconds of meeting a person. Ask the students what they plan to do to make a GREAT first impression? Their answers should be along the lines of shake hands correctly, maintain eye contact, ask questions, make small talk, smile, and wear appropriate attire.
Have Your Elevator Speech Ready
When introducing yourself: Give your name, State what program you are in (“I am a Chicago Public Schools, Career and Technical Education Student”), State your chosen career path (for example Culinary Arts). Tell them what school you attend, What year you are (Junior), An elevator speech is what you would say about yourself to make a good impression in a very short period of time (imagine yourself riding in an elevator and you only had so many seconds between floors. What would you say so the person that you were meeting on the elevator would remember you? Be clear and concise, avoid the” uhms” and ”ahs”.
What Not to Wear The short skirt/the tight suit
Unusual piercings, and, if you're a man, earrings High heels (over 2”) , evening, casual wear, or snow boots Tattoos that are visible Fancy nails, unusual hairstyles, or excessive makeup Earphones PDAs and cell phones Cigarettes and coffee The five o'clock shadow and heavy cologne/perfume Advise students to think about what impression that they want to make when they get dressed in the morning. Here are some easy Don’t Do tips: Don't look as though you're dressed for a party versus a job shadow, don’t wear clothes that are too short, too tight, or too revealing. A skirt is too short when it rises higher than just above the knee cap. Wear appropriate clothing as described on your offer sheet. Piercings can be tricky. Everyone wants to highlight their personality, but too often, people don't realize that some of these physical trinkets turn off managers. Some managers see a person with a piercing and they don't know how to handle it. Nose rings can distract a host from a student's abilities, and anything that distracts your host from a work relationship based on skills, is a key that you shouldn't go there. Women should make sure your jewelry is small, not sparkly and not noisy. Keep it simple and don't wear rings on every finger, for men, wear a watch, and that's it. No earrings for men. - Leather blazers and pants are not conservative enough for the job shadow. They are considered evening wear, not daytime office attire. Backless and open-toed shoes are too casual and are also considered evening wear. They could force an host's eyes to focus on toes and feet rather than on the your face and the conversation. Ladies, if wearing heels, should also make sure they are not too high- leave the 4-inch stiletto heels at home. Men should always wear shirts with collars. Turtlenecks and collarless shirts are too casual. For men, it is preferred that they wear a collared shirt with a tie if that is what is the office attire at your job shadow employer. Tattoos should be covered, if at all possible. Visible tattoos are not an automatic deal breaker but they do distract a managers focus and they might focus on body art rather than the student's ability to perform a job. Women's nails should not be so long that that they prevent their fingers from hitting the keyboard when they work on a computer. Also patterned nail polish can be distracting. Transit pieces are iPods, sunglasses, headphones, etc.- leave your transit pieces powered off, in your bag or backpack before entering the building- if you are wearing transit pieces, employers will not have a professional first impression. Don’t have your iPod on while you're waiting in the lobby. People don't realize that your first impression starts the moment the person lays eyes on you. When the student enters the company, he or she is being looked at--how they walk or dress and carry themselves in the office A Job Shadower should want to impress their hosts with their focus on the Job Shadow and the job, and wearing an ear phone, iPod headphones or a cell phone doesn't send that message. Cell phone ringing in the candidate's bag, or they put the cell phone on vibrate and the chair starts to vibrate also can be really distracting. Answering your cell in the middle of the Job Shadow is not a good thing to do. It sends a clear message about whether you would have sound judgment when working. That goes for water and soda as well. You don't bring drinks with you. Most interviewers will bring it to you. If you're a smoker, don't smoke prior to walking in the door of the job shadow company. Don't bring the Starbucks cup into the interview with you. You have a humongous cup and you can see if the person is a caffeine addict or not. It's OK to have your coffee, but don't bring it in. Men who are clean shaven can't go wrong, because it demonstrates a professional attitude. - Job Shadowers should also keep in mind that they don't know the olfactory peculiarities of their manager for the day, so it is best to go without the colognes, aftershaves and perfumes on the day of the job shadow. You don’t want an overpowering fragrance to distract from your professionalism. - One backpack, handbag, or briefcase is fine- but when you Tell students that they SHOULD NOT spend a ton of money on job shadow attire. Find something appropriate and professional in your closet or borrow clothes if needed to help you make a good impression. Remember to cover their skin. Suits have evolved throughout fashion eras from the suit of amour. Vests and Ties mimic the breast plate in the suit of amour. When you attend important events in your life, and you dress up, layers usually build confident (=protection). Remember, power colors have also been solidified since the middle ages. People associate Black, grey and blue with power, this has also evolved over time through sources of power: Black= Clergy Blue= Police Grey= Military
Lunch? If your host takes you out to lunch- do you order Steak and Lobster? What do you do if your host company doesn’t give you a lunch break because you are there from 9:00 to 1:00? What do you do if there is a lunch break provided but they do not give you food? Have students check their offer letter. Some host companies will offer lunch, some specifically state “no lunch” and some will state for the student to bring lunch. - Discuss that the student should know what is on their offer sheet. - Discuss basic restaurant and ordering etiquette for students (choose a reasonable menu item, elbows off the table, chew with your mouth closed, don’t talk with your mouth full). If your host company is not offering lunch, be sure to have a good full breakfast. Also take a snack to eat on the way home. If they provide a lunch break but no food, pack a lunch. It is safer than taking lunch money, because there might not be a place to buy lunch.
What NOT to do with Down Time
Students are bound to have some down time while at their employers. If they find themselves with down time, as the host for more work, if there is not any more work to do, sit quietly.
Employer Evaluation Questions (rated on a scale of 1-10)
I enjoyed the job shadow experience and would be willing to do it again, My student had good verbal communication skills, My student showed ambition and initiative, I felt that my CTE student had a strong sense of their goals, I was at ease with my student, If I had an opening for an entry level job I would consider placing this student in that job, I would recommend job shadowing to my co-workers. State: Here are the questions that the employer answers after the job shadow- so in essence we expect you to elicit a positive responses to these questions as a result of the job shadow.
Student Evaluation I learned how much education is needed for this profession, I learned what skills are required to do this job, I enjoyed my Job Shadow experience, I would consider future internship or employment opportunities with this company if they arose, I would recommend job shadowing to other students. State: And here are some of the questions that we ask you after job shadowing- we hope that you have a positive experience and learn a lot.
Your Future begins with this assignment
Employer CPS relationship The power of the network State: The truth is that some day you might end up working for the company that you Job Shadow at, or one like it. The people that you meet today might be so impressed with you that they will tell someone about you and your next job could come from that. The well-known phrase "six degrees of separation" refers to the idea that it takes, on average, six steps or fewer to bridge the gap between any two people on earth. But can each of us really be connected by only six other people to our first-grade crush, a World Leader, or our favorite celebrity? It is possible. So, the people that you meet in your job shadow could eventually connect you to your future success. Keep that in mind not only in job shadowing, but in everyday life. If the day goes well, be sure to ask for a letter of recommendation from your job shadow host.
What Happens When… You don’t show up for your Job Shadow?
You look bored or uninterested at your Job Shadow? You tell them that you didn’t want to be at their company? You tell them that you aren’t interested in the career path that you are there to represent? When you arrive late? Discuss what these items can do to damage CPS’s relationship with employers as well as your future career aspirations. Ask the students what the Host company would think when each of these things happen. Emphasize that they can make or break the CPS employer relationship by choosing to engage in the job shadow experience. Not only could this be an important day for them, it can also impact future job shadow opportunities for others if it goes poorly.
In Conclusion- You have the Power:
To be prepared: know who your Job Shadow Company is and where they are located, To arrive early, To make a great first impression, To Listen, watch, observe, ask good questions and learn, To get your job shadow contact’s business card. Your job shadow day can lead to great things, so set yourself up for success! State: We have some great stories about Job Shadows that went so well that the students were invited back to work in paid positions. One Job Shadow Company was a Doggie Day Care business. They liked their Job Shadow students so much that they have them back to work for them during their busy season. Who knows what great things will happen for you??!!
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