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Presentation on theme: "GOSPEL OF JOHN A BIBLE STUDY Quarter 1 Session 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOSPEL OF JOHN A BIBLE STUDY Quarter 1 Session 2

2 Session 2 Outline  Introductions  The Why and How of Outlining  John - Chapter 1

3 Outlining the Passage  Why Outline?  This is how we discover the context of each verse  Also, it is the how we interpret the passage  How to Outline  Read the passage  Break into major pieces  Give each piece a title  Now go back to each piece and do it again  This time, use a different criteria to break

4 Chapter 1 Outline  I. John 1:1-18  Introducing Jesus Christ  II. John 1:19-51  At the Jordon River  A. John 1:19-34  What John (the Baptist) said about Jesus  B. John 1:35-51  Some people meet (and start following) Jesus

5 John 1:1-18 Introducing Jesus Christ  1-5: The Word of God  6-9: John (the Baptist) testified of the Light  10-14: The author explains the incarnation  15: John testified of His person (identification)  16-18: The author explains the purpose  Verse 17 finally introduces us by name; this Word, this Light, is Jesus Christ.

6 John 1:19-34 Testimony of John  19-28: Who John said he was, and wasn’t  29-34: John testifies of Jesus Himself “There he is: Look!”

7 John 1:35-51 Following Jesus  35-39: Call of two of John’s disciples  Andrew and John (the author)  40-42: Call of Simon (Peter), Andrew’s brother  43-44: Call of Philip  45-51: Call of Nathanael

8 Assignment for Next Week  Read John Chapter 2  Outline it

9 Any Questions?

10 Course Outline Class/WeekStudy TopicStudy PassageAssignment 1Basic HermeneuticsRead Chapter 1 2OutliningChapter 1Outline Chapter 2 3DiscussionChapter 2Outline Chapter 3 4What’s the Point?Chapter 3Chap. 4: Outline and Themes 5DiscussionChapter 4Chap. 5: Outline and Themes 6Language and GrammarChapter 5Chapter 6: Prepare 7Difficult Passages & ContextJohn 6:1-59Chapter 7: Prepare 8DiscussionJohn 6:60 – 7:30Chapter 8: Prepare 9DiscussionJohn 7:30 – 8:11Review 10DiscussionJohn 8:12 – 8:59Review: Class Choice 11 (12)Deeper DiscussionJohn 1-8 Class Choice

11 Contact  My email address:   Use subject: Gospel of John

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