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Exploring water leadership development Leadership for Water Security Wouter Lincklaen Arriëns 29 May 2013.

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1 Exploring water leadership development Leadership for Water Security Wouter Lincklaen Arriëns 29 May 2013




5 Asian Water Development Outlook 2013 Provides the first quantitative and comprehensive analysis of water security on a country by country basis in the region Examines all dimensions of water security from the household level to water-related disasters Uses indicators and a scaling system to rank the progress of each of the 49 countries under assessment.

6 AWDO 2013 Contributors 10 Knowledge centers working together

7 Description of National Water Security Stages

8 Source: Asian Water Development Outlook 2013 National Water Security in Asia and the Pacific

9 Source: Asian Water Development Outlook 2013 National Water Security and Governance


11 Individuals Organizations Partnerships Enabling Environment Communities Capacity Development

12 From Rio to Reality Who’s taking the lead?

13 How to increase Water Security? Outcome of the IWRM process Linked to food security and energy security No organization can achieve it alone  Leadership and collective action are needed among government, private sector, and civil society

14 What is IWRM? IWRM is a process that brings stakeholders together to increase water security in river basins and cities through win-win solutions that are locally appropriate and generate a triple bottom line of economic, social and environmental outcomes.

15 IWRM crosses boundaries Functions Organizations Expertise Disciplines Stakeholders Cultures Geographical locations  Leaders need to go beyond their traditional focus on managing and protecting boundaries, and exercise boundary-spanning leadership

16 What is Leadership? The true measure of leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. - John Maxwell

17 What is Leadership? What it takes to CHANGE or make a journey to a desired outcome: A process of influence Creating direction, alignment, and commitment

18 Who can be a leader? Last century: People in positions of authority This century: Individuals at all levels Groups of people (teams, organizations, networks)

19 Leadership Shifts 1.Leaders reach across boundaries 2.Non-executive younger leaders will influence collectively 3.Personal mastery empowers every leader’s transformation and results

20 Imagine… You are a glass

21 Adding skills Fill the glass with more water Training

22 Developing leadership Become a bigger glass Transformation

23 How is leadership developed? The 70-20-10 rule: 10% course work and training 20% coaching and mentoring 70% challenging assignments ‘on the job’  with individual leadership development plan

24 Competencies: 20 Years ago Most important competencies for leaders: 1.Technical mastery 2.Self-motivation / discipline 3.Confidence 4.Effective communication 5.Resourcefulness Source: Center for Creative Leadership

25 Competencies: Today Most important competencies for leaders: 1.Self-motivation / discipline 2.Effective communication 3.Learning agility 4.Multi-cultural awareness 5.Adaptability / versatility Source: Center for Creative Leadership

26 Competencies: 10 Years from now Most important competencies for leaders: 1.Adaptability / versatility 2.Effective communication 3.Learning agility 4.Multi-cultural awareness 5.Self-motivation / discipline 6.Collaboration Source: Center for Creative Leadership

27 Competencies: Timeless Essential competencies for leaders: Effective communication Self-motivation / discipline Source: Center for Creative Leadership

28 Mindset matters Leadership is not a science or art, it is a state of consciousness. Chatterjee (1998)

29 Leadership and awareness We see the world, not as it is, but as we are, or as we are conditioned to see it. - Stephen Covey

30 World view and leadership style World Leadership ViewStyleIntegral PostmodernCollaborative ModernStrategic TraditionalAuthoritarian ImperialAutocratic

31 Expanding our view Cultural Fit +Functional Fit

32 Taking an integral view

33 Recommendations Water security needs leaders and leadership Modern approach to water leadership development combines transformational development with knowledge and skills We can enable individual and collective leadership at all levels…  Example: Water Leadership Program created by the International WaterCentre in Brisbane:

34 Purpose of 5th Symposium Thank you for your attention. Wouter Lincklaen Arriëns Asian Development Bank

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