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Response to Intervention: School-Wide Multi-Level Prevention Carriage Crest Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Response to Intervention: School-Wide Multi-Level Prevention Carriage Crest Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Response to Intervention: School-Wide Multi-Level Prevention Carriage Crest Elementary

2 Core Components of RtI ~ National Center on Response to Intervention

3 What is RtI? Response to Intervention (RtI) integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems. ~ National Center on Response to Intervention

4 Core Characteristics of RtI Universal screening: All students are screened to determine academic and behavior status against grade-level benchmarks Standards-aligned instruction: All students receive high quality, research-based instruction in the general education standards-aligned system All staff (general education teachers, special education teachers, Title I, ESL) assume an active role in students’ assessment and instruction in the standards-aligned system Multi-Leveled Intervention: Students receive increasing intense levels of targeted scientifically, research-based interventions dependent upon student need

5 Core Characteristics of RtI (contin.) Research-based Interventions: Implementation of research-validated interventions based on level of need Progress Monitoring: Continuous progress monitoring of student performance and use of progress monitoring data to determine intervention effectiveness and drive instructional adjustments, and to identify/measure student progress toward instructional and grade-level goals Benchmark and Outcome Assessment: Student progress is benchmarked throughout the year to determine level of progress toward monitoring and assessing the fidelity of intervention implementation

6 Core Characteristics of RtI Universal Screening Progress Monitoring School-Wide Multi-Leveled Prevention System Data-Based Decision-Making

7 RtI Is... A general education led effort implemented within the general education system, coordinated with all other services including special education, Title I, ESL, Migrant Education, etc. A system to provide instructional intervention immediately upon student need An alternative approach to the diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disability. Instead of using the well-known discrepancy model, local education agencies may now use this diagnostic alternative A process that determines if the child responds to scientific, research-based intervention as a part of the evaluation procedures

8 RtI Is Not... RTI A pre-referral system An individual teacher A classroom A special education program An added period of reading instruction A separate, stand-alone initiative

9 RtI RtI requires the re-engineering of general, remedial, and special education resources to create a seamless service delivery system to better meet the needs of all students RtI does not prevent referral for special education evaluation

10 School-Wide Multi-Level Prevention System Levels of Intervention Tertiary Level Primary Level Secondary Level A School-Wide Multi-Level Prevention System is one of the components of Response to Intervention (RtI)

11 A School-Wide M-LPS Is... 3 Levels Primary (Formerly, Tier 1) Secondary (Formerly, Tier 2) Tertiary (Formerly, Tier 3) A focus is on ALL students Instruction includes the district curriculum and instructional practices that are research-based; aligned with state or district standards; incorporate differentiated instruction; planned/implemented w/ fidelity, capacity, intention, and rigor Takes place in the General Ed. Classroom Assessments include screening, continuous progress monitoring, and outcome measures

12 A School-Wide M-LPS Is Not... “Take my low kids” Student pull out Done on the fly Taking place in a special education classroom The responsibility of the Special Education teacher Part of a Special Education Initiative Just for some students M-LPS

13 Intervention vs. Accommodation Intervention Multi-Level Prevention System Instruction Duration Frequency Progress-Monitoring Fluid, not finite groups Small group instruction Evidence-based resources Screening Data-Driven Decision- Making Accommodation Seating preference Extra time for tests Scribe Chunking assignments Peer helper Repeated directions Redirection to task Frequent breaks during testing Teacher proximity to student during instruction

14 M-LPS at Carriage Crest GE Teachers PLC Intervention Susan/Cindy/Susanne ELL Danielle/Wendy/Julie IP Rebecca Psychologist Laura Volunteer Cadre Parents Intervention Team PLC

15 M-LPS at Carriage Crest: GE Teacher As a Grade Level PLC: Provide Core Instruction Provide Differentiated Instruction/Core Plan/Implement/Intervention Progress Monitor all instruction and all interventions Provide Accommodations Administer/Record/Evaluate Common Assessments Establish SMART Goals Collaborate/Communicate w/Intervention Team weekly

16 M-LPS at Carriage Crest: Intervention Team As an Intervention PLC: Collaborate with Grade Level PLCs weekly Co-Plan Intervention/Instruction with GL PLCs Administer assessments/evaluations, as requested Maintain a CC Data Notebook Conduct data-driven collaboration Support students in small groups and/or one- on-one (IP, ELL, GE, and combined groups) Monitor and meet IEP minutes for IP students Facilitate CARE Meetings/SST Meetings Meet weekly as a PLC (Tuesday mornings)

17 M-LPS Collaboration Schedule Grade Level PLCs meet every Monday, 2:55-3:35 PM (Not during conference week or other designated non-meeting times mandated by KSD) for data-driven collaboration with Intervention PLC: Pre-arranged collaborative agenda Record meeting notes Share notes with Intervention Team Planning/Evaluating/Reflecting Meetings Review student work Review progress monitoring data Decide options for CARE Team referral

18 Questions and Lingering Thoughts

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